

Sazil_Maduka · Fantasy
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2 Chs


John sees things in another perspective from other people views ,his mood of dressing is totally different from others , most times people regards him as the most dumbest person on earth and he don't care about what people talks about him.

His parents sent him to school to study but he never pays attention in the school.

One day his mathematics teacher was teaching in the class while john was busy playing with an object, the mathematics teacher wrote something on the board and asked the class what's the answer when the mathematics teacher turn around to face the class to know who can answer his question he discovered that john was the only person playing with an object while the rest of the students was silent looking at the board , that caught the teacher's attention and pointed at John to answer the question.

John stood up and was looking at the teacher and the board lustfully .


Yes John can you find the square root of XY ?

John kept quiet for some seconds and replied.

John replied find the square root of XY !!! the teacher replied yes what's the answer, john replied sir I don't have the clue where you kept it tell me let me go and find it for you, the whole students burst out laughing at him while the teacher was so infuriated on John's answer .

Teacher:-you this dumb a**ss will you sit down!!

John wasn't good in mathematics and he is not happy about that he has a friend called peter , peter is one of the best student in the class.

Most times John's parents compare john to peter .

Oh God why don't you give me a son like peter instead of giving me a useless son called john .

John's mother:-

John you are so dumb and that's not our family hereditary probably it's from your father linage.

John's father:-

Oh hell no woman!! watch your tongue at least am not dumb as he is, if am dumb I wouldn't have gotten married to you, you remember?

John's mother:-

Mmm!!! Then who did he resemble?

The both parents answered unanimously not me ...

John's mother went in and brought her grade results and asked his father to bring his own for a better clarification then John's father answered oh gosh!! Please woman let the sleeping lion lay low and shouted at his son john Will you get inside your room!!!

Sometimes john felt bad about it but that doesn't affect their friendship, john and Peter are best of friend

The next day the biology teacher was teaching them in the class, the lesson was going on in the class while john was sleeping .

The teacher asked a question the whole students raise their hands up to answer while John was sleeping, the teacher looked around and discovered someone sleeping while he is teaching he ordered a student sitting close to john to wake him up.

Peter taped john on his shoulder to wake up and he woke up the teacher asked john to answer the question john stood up and was gazing at the teacher


What are found in blood cells?

John answered it's criminals are found in cells , the whole students started laughing at him the teacher became confuse and asked john how does criminal relate to what he is teaching and John kept mute and was moping at the teacher the ordered him to sit down and not to sleep again while lecture is going on.

The other day the teacher asked him to name six wild animals he know john answered three lions and three tigers the whole students started laughing at him again now the teacher couldn't hold it he joined laughing at John .

The next day John's father was discussing with a friend of his, he was complaining bitterly about John's dumb attitude his friend ask him if it's that bad to be bemoan then he said yes and his friend doubted it .

John's father:-

Alright let me show you how dumb he is...

He called john his son to go and check if he's inside the house john alright father and went straight to the house and came back and told his father that he couldn't see him then his father friend became bewildered and shouted this is serious!!!

John's father scornfully laughed and said:-

I told you!!

Johns father's friend said my dear friend no matter what it's your son teach him the way you want him to be he will pick up.

John's father:-

That's if he is ready to learn because am totally fade up of my son dumb attitude.

John father's friend:-

Yes he will definitely learn it's a gradual process moreover there must be a hidden potential in him that you my friend hasn't discovered yet in him.

John's father:-

If there must be a hidden potential then it must be a crazy and useless potential because nothing good can come from him if not eat play and sleep nothing else he is good at.

John father's friend:-

Sometimes take a closer look at him even when he is playing their must be something that he is good at, then help him to develop the skill more .

John's father:-

Are you telling me to join him to be leaving a dumb and crazy life style is it what you are advising me to do ?

oh hell no!! I can't do that

John father's friend:-

I don't said that you should join him but watch him closely.

John's father:-

Alright if you said so then I will try my best because am really fade up about his character.

John's grade in school is bad but he's good at sports activity.

John told his father that he would like to spend holidays at his uncle place in the city, John's father said alright he may..

John travelled to the city to spend holidays at his uncle place while he was there he joined a junior football club to participate in playing ball John's skill in football is unique each ball he participate he usually score goals it really caught the coach attention John's football coach called his his colleague in the senior team to come and supervise a new player he had , when the senior team coach arrived he discovered that john is so skillful when the ball was over he asked john if he will like to join a senior team then john gladly replied yes .

John came back and told his uncle about it his uncle was so happy they all celebrated it John's uncle calls john father to inform him about the the news but John's father doubted it and said my dear brother look for another thing to prank me with not with that useless son of mine, after some minutes of discussion John's father now accepted and gave him the consent to go ahead.

John signed a contract with the senior team and was doing well from there he became very popular he as well represented his country during the world cup tournament and won several cups and medal.

One day when John's father was with his friend while they where discussing John's father start crying his friend asked him why is he crying he said my friend I remember what you told me about my son john I never believe that something good can come out of my son john I sees him as a total useless child oh I failed as a father to my son john I'm glad that his potential is fetching a lot of money for him at least am proud to be called his father, his wife heard it from the room and ran out from the room to the sitting room where he is sitting with his friend to ask.

John's mother:-

Who do you said that is your son ?

John's father:-

John of course!!

Is he not my child?

John's mother:-

You must be kidding back then you said that he is not your child now you are claiming that he's your offspring you must be joking because he is mine .

John's father:-

Back in the days when I was young like him I represented my school in sports activity.

John's mother:-oh wow you are now saying the truth all of sudden.

They all started laughing