
The Witches Brew Part 1

when you live in a world of magic, you should often keep their eyes open.

those words were taught to young Johny d by his mother before passing. Johnathan d age 18, favorite types of music jazz and pop. current status as a junior in high school. he has messy hair and a black jacket. he lives in a port town in a world of magic. however, his only close relative passed in middle school. he's been pretty fortunate so far. he has a cheap apartment, a girlfriend who likes him, and a job that pays well.

our story begins at the end of the day. school had just let out and Jonny was hanging out at the park. he had been riffling through his pockets. at the same time, glaring at a vending machine. he sighed from his lack of cash. then he heard the sounds of footsteps. he looks over to the park entrance. his girlfriend Qwen Morgen is spotted coming his way.

"Qwen: there you are what's wrong?"

she swipes her blonde hair backward.

"Johnny: I'm broke and thirsty got a buck fifty."

she looks at him with worry

"Qwen: no usually it's the girl asking the guy"

"Johnny: that's not very PC of you."

they both laughed hard. then johnny looked again at the entrance there he was a tall guy with a blocky figure. also a crewcut. Chester Hanshaw 17 also a junior well known for fearing witches. johnny takes off after him.

"Johnny: hey Chester hold it."

the tall dark haired guy comes to a stop. he then turns to face Johnny who's running after him.

"Chester: what's up Johnny?"

"Johnny: I'm broke and thirsty can you spot me."

"Chester: I can do you one better. Somebody gave me this drink with a note. but in don't do canned drinks."

Chester reaches behind him. he pulls a can from the hoster of his backpack. the can was green with black writing. the words read Witches Brew.

"Johnny: should I be drinking this it looks and feels like an expensive gift."

"Chester: I was going to give it away anyway. so why not?"

Johnny shrugs and breaks the seal gulping it down. an intense chill travels down his spine. Qwen finally catches up with them. but Johnny was in a daze and didn't notice.

"qwen: what happens"

"Chester: not sure he was fine a minute ago."

"qwen: Johnny you okay"

Johnny looks at the trash by Chester. tosses the empty can. with a tired expression.

"Johnny: I'm going to call it a night."

he parts ways with the two. the both of them watched until they couldn't

"Chester that was weird write"

"qwen: totally"

........ Later on, that night

Johhny is suddenly awoken from his sleep by a strong erg. he dashes the bathroom, flips up the toilet then pukes. after an hour of vomit, he lifts his head. he turns his head to the mirror. his hair had gotten longer, his teeth had gotten sharper and he had lost a lot of weight finally his eyes had turned red. his mouth filled with puke again so he went back down.

....next day

this is mody sproose age 16 a softmore also a witch. shes a short African American green hair. she doesn't fit in with people because she was a witch. then Chester always makes her feel bad for being a witch. but today Chester won't be able to do that. why you yesterday mody left Chester a magic drink called witches brew? once he drinks it he'll become the thing he hates the most. mody the corner to the school entrance with an evil grin. then she stops doing both when she spots Chester as his plain self. She runs towards him while he's talking to Qwen.

"Mody what happens to the witch's brew!"

Chester looks over and jumps back startled at the little witch.

"Chester: Aah it's didn't I say stay away"

"Mody: I don't have time for your bullying the witches brew"

Mody doesn't know he's afraid of witches.

"Qwen: you mean the drink you gave Johnny"

"mody: you regifted a gift."

"Chester: I don't drink canned drinks"

"Mody: I fucked up. you. either of you knows where Johny is "

"Qwen: why do you need to know this."

"Mody because it's magic"

"Qwen: oh shit"

........to be continued