

A horn blared from a goblin signaling the attack to begin. Stor thought that odd it was if these goblins were part of a group that used coordinated attacks instead of the goblins usual pandemonium. "Be careful there's something odd with these goblins!"

He raised his flaming hammer while reciting "O heavenly king of dragons, judge of emperors, witness and bless our fight". The Stor smote the ground sending purple along the ground to envelope his group the aura glowed on their legs.

Stormshadu didn't wait as he charged through fire stance, stone stance and wind stance. Meeting three groups of goblins in the blink of an eye.

Torjen looked surprised "I feel twenty years younger. You should bottle that and make a fortune." Then threw his axe side handed shearing off the heads of a group of goblins to the side.

John launched skyward to hover ten yards above before vomiting a torrent of mucus laden fog, that clung to freind and foe alike.

The goblins looked disgusted at the dragon snot then ignored it as nothing happened. The mucus clung to everyone began to hiss and smoke clouds of a weakening poisonous gas.

Torjen looked to his armor. It was melting.

John opened both mouths wide as a torrent of blue black flames cascaded out.

The flames ignited the mucus sending forth clouds of poison gas. Goblins closer to the flames died shrieking in agony that was soon cut out.

While goblins further away were weakened by the poison gas. The conch blower unable to issue the retreat died where he stood.

Due to their blood bound pact with John his breathe weapons did not affect their breathing nor bodies. With the exception of Stormshadu's katana and Stor's hammer, both made by Qu the divine shipsmith, other armor and weapons were not as lucky.

The second wave of goblins, hobgoblins, ogres and orcs soon followed the first wave as Stor with his flaming hammer struck left and right. Torjen screamed his goddess's name as a warcry hoping for her battle blessings. "In the name of Tarragon smite the heathens!"

"John don't use more mucus! Just use your other weapons!" Stormshadu instructed. His own greaves had fallen off as the bindings melted. His shakuhachi blackened and hardening the bamboo exterior.

John acknowledged by flying higher stopping his breathe weapon. "Father two more delicious looking ogres come with a small giant." John called telepathically.

"Guys. We got giants and more ogres coming!" Stormshadu called out.

"Good we'll take their cores as well" responded his brother. Of the first wave of goblins burned by John's flames only their cores remained.

[Status Open] John's hidden mind, Kong, opened up the status window to check the opponents levels. Both the ogres and hill giant were level A(9)Stormshadu level F(6),the most powerful of their group, was almost level E(5). Stor, Torjen and John were G(3). Their total levels together were 14-15 while the next wave was 27 and more. They would be wiped out. Kong sent the information to John.

John plummeted from the sky talons extended. He landed heavily on a ogres shoulders. His sharp claws raked through the back all the way to the ground killing the ogre.

"Father powerful enemies come that we must flee from." John said.

Stor started to grab monster cores to stuff in his pockets while Stormshadu and Torjen used their rings to store anything that looked valuable. It took but moments and they fled south away from oncoming trouble.

As they exited the jungle they came to the red gneiss city walls. An imposing structure twice the height of a storm giant.

The crenellations evident on either side of the barbican. Mounted between the merlons were armed with repeating ballistae.

Guards were posted by the drawbridge as well as above near the ballistae. The guards on the left side looked like bipedal alligators carrying pikes while the guards on the right looked like bipedal frogs wearing chainmail with tower shields. This pattern repeated above the wall as well.

A line was formed as the guards checked visitors, merchants and citizens alike.

"There's plenty of iron in that wall. I wonder how it floats" Observed Torjen.

As they neared the front of the line they saw that instead of a moat was a deep open space hundreds of feet deep. The drawbridge was held in place by heavy iron links on all corners making a stable place to cross into this floating fortress.

"Tags" Said the guard on the left to John. John looked at him not understanding. The guard looked irritated. " I need the ownership tags for your pets." Looking at the others. Torjen brought out his guild inspector cards. Stormshadu and Stor showed their Adventurer's Guild cards.

The guard squinting at the cards humphed before saying. "Their off world Adventurers." The guard called out. Immediately the other guards shifted positions with the shield men covering the pikers. Pikes aimed at them.

Kong whispered to John before John asked " Can I register as their owner? I'll take full responsibility. "

Torjen and Stor exchanged glances as this suggestion was considerably more complex than what they considered John capable of.

Stormshadu looked pleased. "That's my boy." He thought.

"Of course you can register them here at the gatehouse as well as paying the entrance fees. One spirit core each and two for yourself as your so big."

After registering ownership they were about to pass the door from the registration office to the city proper. They found the door too small for John to pass through.

The Kong personality still in charge transformed from double headed dragon to a single headed humanoid. He was naked but used his wings and tail to cover his modesty.

"Hold on I think I still have the clothes from that angel we killed." Stormshadu said. He searched his ring and recovered the set of angelic armor. "Wear these son."

John responded"Thank you father" and put on the armor. It shone faintly with holy light. The chest plate was snug while the leather kilt and sandals were loose. The helm was much too small and was returned Stormshadu.

Probably garbed and registration tags around his neck they began to look for information on the whereabouts of Doctor Nomore.

Just outside the registration area an old elf was begging while holding up several books. "Kore wa hon desu. Kore wa hon desu." He said in Elvish.