
Chapter 8

John slept overnight and the next morning he shed a few scales where a lump formed on his neck. He had tripled in size again weighing almost ten stones. He ate again while traveling to the new home with Stor, Stormshadu, Torjen, Mr. Me and two more unknowns. One was a gnomish rogue named Kitten and her companion a dwarf brawler named Oboe. The new place had many gang members. The clan leader, a wizened old patriarch, brought out a friendship cup to share between John's group and the old clan patriarch. As he delightedly said the words of bonding. Each person drank from the cup as well as John. A faint glowing yellow thread sprang from the cup to wrap around everyone who drank from the cup. With the faintest thread wrapped around the wrist of the old clan leader.

"With this we are all joined. Welcome to the Red Unicorn Clan." Then he handed a ring of three entwined rings colored red, white and blue. The patriarch explained "The blue ring allows you to breathe in shallow water which is useful in collecting information in places such as the hot springs we manage. The white ring records events you see and hear."

"What's these red ring do?" Kitten asked.

"In case of life threatening emergency the red ring will teleport you back here. But let me stress only in a emergency. Just envision some place in our temple and you will arrive there. However, the cost to replace a red ring is astronomical."

The rings could only fit on the very tip of John's tail. Everyone else put it on their favorite finger.

Then the party started. John has eaten more meat and some juice called wine than he had ever done before. He crawled into an alcove to sleep. His skin felt numb and puffy.

Stormshadu had not seen John in several hours. He had been sparring with one of the senior clansman. The warrior just laughed after staying still long enough to be pummeled. That was one tough old man thought Stormshadu.

Stor found his brother after trying a dish of clear noodles called sotanghon. "Brother follow me something strange is happening to John." The two went to an alcove where a large leathery cocoon sat. "After he puffed up. Threads came out of his neck and wrapped around him forming this cocoon" Stor said. "I'll wait here then until he comes out" Stormshadu pledged. Then he entered the fire stance and froze. Stor left his brother to frolic with the others.

Stor and Kitten danced together until they fell asleep. After hearing a loud and deep gonging they woke. Stormshadu roused by the gongs looked over at the cacoon. A black fist exited out.