
When Dark Halls Cry: Daniel, Andrew, and El Side

Everyone was lost in the darkness. No one could see that the group was slowly getting smaller and smaller. "Where is everyone" Andrew said. Dan looked around, and to his surprise only Andrew and El were following him. "Nick and Gianni must be looking for Charles....right?" Daniel said nervously. "I hope that is why they separated from us, hopefully they'll find him and get back to us before we find the meteor." Andrew replied as they more carefully traveled through the halls. El quickly ran past the rest of the group. "What's the matter, El?" Andrew said as he turned around. That's when he noticed that someone....no something was following them. Andrews slow and careful walk through the hall turned into a full on dash. Daniel finally looked back, and saw a shadowy hand reach out towards him, and he decided to follow in Andrews footsteps and dashed to the others. They both followed El as she seemingly ran through the halls randomly. They all ended up feeling as if they were running in circles for hours.


Eventually El lead them to a well lit room at the end of one of the halls. "Is it just me or do all of the halls and rooms we have been through look the same?" Andrew said to the others while trying to catch his breath. El sighed deeply and told them, "I had a feeling that getting to the meteor would not be easy, I had heard rumors that the scientists had disappeared from this building and all of the military that had been sent to this place had either died or went missing..." Daniel and Andrew where completely baffled, this was the first time they had heard of this. They both only had came here to get a souvenir that would impress the ladies at school, but now their lives were on the line. "Don't panic Dan, it's probably fine..." Andrew said trying to calm everyone, which didn't work since he had turned so pale and looked like he was seconds away from crying. "I've been keeping track of how many times we had turned, and the blueprints of the place that I had grabbed.....they don't match in the slightest...it's almost like this whole building is alive. Moving and changing as we run through it." Daniel had told the increasingly nervous group "I have the feeling as if this whole building was somehow altered and now it's attacking anything that is trying to get to the meteor." El added on to Daniels statement. That's when an idea came to the group. If there building had some sort of defense protocols installed, than they would have to find some sort of way to get past its sensors. "Charles!!!" Andrew had seemingly shouted out of nowhere. "Even though he yells a lot, he knows quite a bit about sneaking around and finding weaknesses in defenses, I mean you know how many times he has sneaked up on me at school and scared me?" The trio had one goal in mind. To get to Charles, who assumingly, had found the others by now and get to the meteor and leave.


Andrew dashed out the door. And then Daniel. Finally El ran out the door into the splitting hallway. All three of them had ran in different directions, to be chased by what they had assumed to be some sort of security measure the building had been set up with. Before they had split up they had a plan. To find Charles to help them sneak to the meteor. But El had thought of a plan at the last second. She gave them each a container to keep pieces of the meteor in if they found it so that only one person had to find the meteor. If all three of them split up, not only would at least one of them find the meteor and collect some for the rest of the group, one of them would find the other group and tell them to get out and wait outside, and one of them would be able to distract the security. All three ran into the halls, confident as heck. This all changed when all three had noticed they were being followed by the shadowy hands. "What type of security has shadowy hands installed!" Andrew thought. They all came to the sudden realization as they ran. These halls were haunted. No one knew that the meteor had given life to the halls they ran through.


Daniel ran until he noticed the shadowy hands stop following him he more carefully looked through the halls looking for the meteor or his friends. That was when he noticed a barely visible door as the darkness of the halls slowly faded away. He opened the door that unveiled to him the meteor they had been looking for. "Jesus, that took way too long...It's already been like two whole hours since we got here." he said as he walked up to the meteor. He examined the meteor. He noticed its rigid shape and strange color. Unlike his expectations the meteor was a green color, and the sides were sharp rather than rounded. It almost seemed as if huge chunks were carved out of the meteor already. He tried picking it up."hEcK" Daniel had said as he cut his hand on these sharper corners. He tried picking it once again, still to no avail. Finally he tried one last time, channeling all of his strength to pick it up. He ended up actually lifting it. "It's not that heavy, it would be easy to bring this back once were done.." Daniel said. An alarm suddenly rang through out the whole building. Red flashing lights took over and loud ringing sirens blasted his ears. "BREACH IN THE METEOR'S CONTAINMENT AREA!" the sirens rang. Daniel grabbed the whole meteor in a panic and sprinted towards where the exit was. He passed hundreds of locking doors, that had been closing behind him. He ran as best as he could with the meteor. He ran down a bunch of confusing halls for what seemed like hour. Eventually he finally had gotten back to the entrance. The rest of the group, was there waiting.

also check out this https://www.webnovel.com/book/14735699506523105/JoJo%27s-Bizarre-Adventure%3A-Part-666

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