
VØⱠɄ₥Ɇ 4 - Respite: Prologue

My name is Rudeus Greyrat. 

And I died. A second time. 

Quite pathetically if I must say so. 

In the solemn aftermath of my untimely demise, I found myself ensnared in an ethereal realm, a black void that stretched out infinitely in all directions. The eerie silence was broken only by the faint echoes of my own thoughts, ricocheting off the shadowy expanse. 

I was suspended here, a mere wisp of consciousness, my corporeal form cruelly extinguished by the thrust of a blade. The memory of that fatal encounter played on a loop in my mind, a chilling reminder of the abruptness with which life can unravel.

I was utterly outclassed. I couldn't even put up a decent fight before I was stabbed. It was pathetic. I couldn't even protect my Eris. In my last moments, I had seen her crawling in my direction, her eyes bleeding with a tormenting despair as she tried to reach out for me. Her hand was warm against my cold palm. 

Damn it. It is wrong of me to be wishing for this, but I hope I get another chance. I miss her. I want to do it all over again. I don't want her to die. Not like this. Not for someone like me. 

Suffocated beneath the rubble of these muddled thoughts, suddenly, the onyx abyss was invaded by a crackling burst of static white. It was a cascade of brilliance, a luminous chaos that seemed to tear through the darkness with an otherworldly energy. 

This eruption of light was accompanied by a dense white fog that billowed out, caressing the very fabric of the void itself. My senses strained against the transformation, and in the disorienting tumult, a peculiar sensation overtook me.

Recognition dawned upon me, like a whisper from a forgotten passage of time. This was a place of dreams, a place where the boundary between reality and imagination dissolved into a nebulous haze. 

It was the meeting ground where my mind had encountered the obnoxious wanker---Hotogami---The Man-God. How vividly those encounters had lingered in my memory, each visit was dance between lucidity and mystique.

As the white fog unfurled its tendrils, my perception began to shift. The once-familiar void now bore the unmistakable semblance of that dream space, like an artist's rendition that had come to life. 

The static white hummed with a pulse, and the fog flowed with the grace of a river meandering through an arcane forest. My consciousness swirled in this unfolding tapestry, drawing me inexorably towards an understanding that surpassed the grasp of ordinary thought.

Looking down, my gaze met the mirror of my past—the vessel that once encapsulated my essence. But there was a stark incongruity that arrested my gaze—a vessel that was far from the image I once recognized as myself. 

It was a corporeal form, grotesquely overweight and marred due to the red lines formed by the excessive folds of layers of extra fat. 

I hate it. Fuck. 

And then, as the dream space stretched out before me, I perceived a figure materializing in the distance. It was a form bathed in the same static white that had torn through the darkness. A palpable energy emanated from this entity, and as I drew nearer, I recognized the unmistakable presence of Hotogami.

"Well, well, well. Aren't you dead as hell!" Hotogami's voice reverberated through the luminous expanse, punctuated by a restrained ripple of amusement. Per usual, that exasperating grin adorned his countenance, a permanent fixture that danced like a mirage across his features. 

Oddly, I found myself oddly immune to the usual tendrils of irritation that his presence incited within me.

In all honesty, it did not matter now. This altered disposition settled upon me like the wisps of the enigmatic fog that swirled around us—impenetrable in origin, yet strangely soothing in effect.

"Well, I guess, it was unfortunate wasn't it." Hitogami spoke. 

"Yeah, really, how unfortunate." I replied with a snort. 

"...Today you're in a different mood than usual. Are you alright? Are you feeling bad?"

"It's just as you can see, there's a hole opened up in my chest."

"...Hey, there's one thing I'd like to hear from you, but is it okay?"

"What is it?"

"That guy, it's about that Orsted guy. The instant he heard your name he started to attack me. What's up with that?"

"That guy is an Evil Dragon God after all, in regard to how I'm Virtuous, he recognizes me as an enemy."

"Virtue, I see. Well, you certainly are easy to consider as an enemy after all. However, in that case wouldn't it have been fine for you to tell me about it in advance? You, can see a variety of things, right? I'm sure you knew I would meet with Orsted there, right? If you had at least said one word about it, 'even if Orsted asks, don't let my name out', then even I would have..."

"No, sorry, actually I can't see things in regard to the [Dragon God]. I can't see his future or his present. I didn't know that you would meet him. For the same reason I can't see your brother. It is not impossible in his case, but he seems to have some resistance." 

Hm..... what? Julian? 

This revelation left me utterly confounded, prompting me to seek further clarification. "Did you just say my brother?" I queried, struggling to comprehend the unexpected revelation. 

"Indeed," came the reply, accompanied by a quizzical tilt of his head.

A mixture of disbelief and shock compelled me to retort, "My brother? But he's deceased, you moron."

"Contrary to that assumption, he is very much alive, you absolute buffoon," was the retort, accentuated by a hint of exasperation. 

"But Paul confirmed it....."

"Did he, indeed?" A hint of skepticism underscored the response. "Or could it be that your brother has found himself ensnared in the clutches of the Dragon God, resurrected and transformed into his subordinate?"

The concept of Julian's revival ignited my curiosity, leading me to question the basis of such certitude. "Revived? On what grounds can you make such a claim?"

"I went into his dream. He has the same resistance around him as Orsted. And he is working with him, killing innocents." Hitogami reported in a sullen voice. 

"Nah. Julian isn't killing anyone." Counteracting this assertion, I hastily rebutted.

"That is what you think. But that is the truth. Didn't he kill you moments ago?" Hitogami asked, bending over. 

"That was Julian?" I asked, flabbergasted. 

"Didn't his movements look familiar to you?" 

Well, now that he puts it like that, it was the same pattern of fighting I had fallen victim to so many times. 

This was unsettling. My brother was alive? Not only that but he just killed me because of some Dragon God who he met. 

Were all those moments where he looked after me and helped me move forward nothing but a farce? Or did Orsted manage to revive him? Revive him and turn him into an order obeying zombie. If that is the truth, I am going to kill him. 

"At any rate, he is one of the [Seven Great World Powers] after all." Hitogami interjected, reading my thoughts. 

"How can you win against him?"

"You can't win."

"Can't win, huh. As I thought is there just too big of a difference in real ability?"

"He is, you know, the strongest in this world. With his body being restricted by a number of curses that is."

"Oh? However, isn't the Dragon God number two on the seven great world powers? What about number one?"

"The Technique God is strong as well. However, if they were to fight seriously, the one to win would be Orsted. Orsted can use the techniques and arts of all living things in this world. Adding to that, he has the Dragon God's peculiar characteristic magic, and he can even use his own original magic."

"All of the techniques and arts, huh. That would make him like a certain Last Savior of the Century then."

"Oh~, is there something like that in your world as well?"

"He can copy all of the techniques that his opponents have used against him up until then. Although even if he doesn't use the techniques of his opponents he's still strong. With just a single fingertip to his opponents and they go poof."

"With just a single fingertip huh. That's amazing. However, Orsted is amazing as well. If he gets serious, he can destroy this world."

"Is he that strong? The expression of strength seems to feel overshadowed. Abnormal? Natural disaster?"

"Though, thanks to a curse he can't get serious."

"Is that the case? Curses sure do seem troublesome. By the way, is it fine if I ask something?"

"What is it?'

"You know. You said just now that you didn't know about the curses. The curse that makes him hated and the curse that makes it so you can't see him. Even though you said you didn't know the others, how do you know he can't get serious?"


"Ah, actually it's fine. Since it's the last time, let's keep it friendly." 

"Last time? You're alive." 


"I said you're alive. But be wary next time. The brother you once know is really dead now. What you see now is just an exterior of the person you once knew, inhibited by someone else." Hitogami advised as his visage started to blurr away. 

"Wait.....is that possible?" 

"It is." 

"Then what should I do?" 

"Get strong and....." His voice trailed off. 


"Kill Julian Greyrat.... or at least the vile demon possessing his body. Let his soul rest in peace, knowing that his body isn't being used to kill his own family members." 

With those words, I felt a tug on my consciousness and the dream as well as the meeting with the Man-God came to an end. 

3rd Person Perspective

In the shadow-drenched recesses of the [Lower Jaw] of [Red Wyrm Mountains], an ancient cave loomed, its jagged entrance veiled in an air of mystery. Here, the world held its breath, as two figures stood beside an intricate teleportation circle etched into the cold stone floor while another figure stood beside them.

The air inside the cave was cool and musty, carrying with it a hint of earth and ages past. The walls, adorned with minerals that shimmered in the dim light, seemed to whisper forgotten epochs. 

Their silhouettes were bathed in the faint, ethereal glow emitted by the runes that composed the teleportation circle, casting elongated shadows that danced like specters across the uneven floor.

"Julian," The Dragon God, Orsted's voice resonated with a gravitas that matched the imposing surroundings, "now that you've cut down one of the Man-God's apostles, what path shall you tread?" His voice reverberated through the very stones of the cave.

Julian's gaze remained fixed on the circle, its symbols a complex tapestry of power and potential. He was looking at its design in particular, learning it. "Exploring some labyrinths, I guess," he replied with a monotone curiosity in his voice. 

"But first, how did you identify the apostle?" 

"Intuition, I guess." He replied but Orsted glared at him. "Word arrived that the "Notos" house soldiers were marching towards Fittoa. What does that mean?" Julian posed a question of his own. 

"I do not know." Orsted replied while Nanahoshi stayed utterly silent. 

"Well, the Notos support Princess Ariel, Boreas support the first prince, while Euros and Zephyrus support Helfaust. Then why is Notos marching towards Roa?" He asked again. 

"Either invading their rivals or......" Nanahoshi's voice trailed off, "........they've betrayed the princess." 

"Something along those lines." Julian confirmed, "I met Philip Boreas Greyrat in the strife zone. Hearing him talk I was made aware of the blame being transferred to them. However, to execute it, a high level of authority is needed. The first prince won't be fool enough to kill off a powerhouse like Sauros and put someone less competent in his seat. That speculation leads to one outcome." 

"A right-hand man of the prince or someone with an influence only next to the king." Orsted completed his sentence for him. 

"Hm, yeah. After that it was mere speculation on my part." Julian lied with a shrug of his shoulders. Nanahoshi hummed, impressed by his instincts and ability to draw conclusions. 

Orsted's lips curled into a wry smile; his eyes gleaming with vivid, flashy amusement. "I have something to satiate your wanderlust. It will also let you achieve something you wish for..." he paused for a fleeting moment, "...go to Begaritt's Continent's Teleportation Labyrinth." 

Orsted suddenly felt like rewarding Julian. 

"Hm. Got it." Julian agreed, skeptical but decided to go there anyways. Something he desired. What could it be? "I'll depart right now." 

"Right now? Are you sure? Aren't you tired?" Nanahoshi suddenly interjected. 

"Hm? Don't worry. I am alright." He replied, tucking his hands into his pant pockets.

"Didn't that fight take a lot out of you?" She persisted regardless. 

"Like I said, don't worry." He countered, his voice hardening. 

"Like I said, you need rest!" 

"No, I do not." He replied with a shrug and looked the other way. 

Nanahoshi sighed. "Fine." 

"I will get some rest once I am back in Begaritt Continent though." Julian added, looking at her from the corner of his eye. Slowly, he reached out for his mask and removed it. 

Nanahoshi did the same, delicately removing her mask. A fleeting smile graced Nanahoshi's lips, "Good enough." 

With a shared nod between the two, Orsted and Nanahoshi stepped onto the teleportation circle. The air crackled with energy as the runes ignited, their incandescent glow painting the cave in hues of azure and gold. 

Just as the circle's magic was about to surge forth, Nanahoshi's figure blurred, her motion a hasty blur. In a heartbeat, she rushed toward Julian, her arms enveloping him in a tender embrace. Her whispered words brushed against his ear like a gentle zephyr. "Take care, ok?" The words were laden with a plea to remain safe in a world fraught with uncertainties.

He felt the softness of her breath against his neck. His hand instinctively tried to reach out for her, to envelope her in his hands, but paused midway as he looked at his outstretched hands. Balling them into fists, he receded them, letting them dangle to the side. 

As she pulled away, she smiled gently at him and put her mask back on. 

Running back towards Orsted, Nanahoshi stepped back onto the teleportation circle. The air pulsed with magic energy, the world shifting and warping around them. And as the teleportation circle activated with a radiant burst of light, she tip-toed, waving her hand in a gentle manner before getting teleported.

"Well. I guess I have my answer." Julian mumbled to himself. 

He turned around and his robe flapped with an ominous sound in the chilly air as he placed his mask back on his face. A mask that was an indication that the individual Kiyotaka was now at work. 


Well, we've caught up with drafts. Since you've been so worried about me, I'll take a break. Hehe. Anyways, join discord here and feel free to drop a hi along with praises for me. If you don't, I'll shove smth up your arse. That's it. See ya all next time. 
