
ɪɴᴛᴇʀʟᴜᴅᴇ - ʀᴏxʏ'ꜱ ᴅᴇᴍɪꜱᴇ?

As I stirred from my slumber, a faint, almost imperceptible noise broke the silence around me. 

My eyes slowly fluttered open, struggling to adjust to the dim and unfamiliar surroundings. 

Grogginess clung to me like a heavy shroud, and it took a moment for my senses to fully awaken. 

What greeted me was a confining space, shrouded in a disorienting darkness.

The room I found myself in felt gravely cramped and narrow, an enclosure that seemed designed to suffocate. 

Its size was barely sufficient to accommodate one, or at most, two individuals. 

The oppressive atmosphere was further exacerbated by the ceiling, which hung perilously low, almost brushing the top of my head.

The space I occupied was exceedingly confined, with no room for movement. 

It felt like a cradle, albeit one that offered no comfort or solace. 

The ceiling's oppressive closeness seemed to bear down on me, intensifying the sensation of entrapment.

I shifted my position slightly within the constricted space, cautiously navigating the limited room to situate myself against the cold, unyielding wall at my back. 

My attention was inexorably drawn to the sight before me, a mesmerizing and ethereal spectacle that held my gaze captive—a Metastasis Magic Formation.

In the dimness, the Magic Formation emitted a faint, otherworldly glow, casting eerie, pale light in its immediate vicinity. 

It was an intricate and complex pattern, a testament to the arcane artistry that laid within its design. 

The formation, I knew, held the power to transport me to an entirely different location with a single step.

The likelihood was that this magical conduit would propel me into the heart of danger, to a grim and treacherous demon-infested den—a room of death where malevolent creatures lurked in numbers too great to count. 

It was an abyss of torment and peril, a place where survival seemed an impossible feat.

The circumstances leading to my predicament had unfolded just a month ago—a series of ill-fated events that had ensnared me within this labyrinthine nightmare. 

A trap, cunningly concealed and expertly executed, had become my unwitting snare. 

I could only offer the flimsy excuse that "It couldn't be helped" to justify my misstep.

The incident had occurred during a heated battle, when I had taken a desperate leap to evade an incoming attack. 

In that split second, I stumbled upon an unassuming stone, sending me careening forward with my next step landing squarely on the Magic Formation—a single moment that had irrevocably sealed my fate.

Upon my arrival, I had been met with a harrowing sight—a swarm of relentless and nightmarish demons. Their numbers appeared limitless, a ceaseless and implacable tide that threatened to engulf me entirely. 

Despite my prowess as a magician, I felt a sense of panic engulf me like never before.

I knew that death loomed ever closer, an inexorable fate I could not evade. No matter how many of the vile creatures I vanquished, more would emerge to replace them. The relentless onslaught of demons left me teetering on the precipice of despair.

My magical powers, though one of the best---rightfully, were finite, and I watched helplessly as they dwindled with each spell cast. Amidst the relentless assault of demons, I could feel my powers wane, leaving me teetering on the edge of exhaustion.

The fight was not easy, nor were there any easy fights in this dire situation. I received countless attacks, with blood loss often causing my consciousness to dim and blur around the edges. 

The demons, it seemed, had become aware of the potential threat I posed and adopted cunning tactics to thwart me.

As the horde of demons continually grew in number, I found myself expending my magical reserves to break through their ceaseless advances. 

My once-imposing powers began to dwindle, and I felt myself inexorably pushed to the brink.

My joints ached, and I had consumed all the food I had brought with me. The demons in this labyrinth, in addition to being formidable foes, were distasteful to the palate. 

Consuming their meat required the careful use of detoxification magic, which further drained my already depleted resources.

With each passing day, my physical strength waned, and the demons grew more cunning in their tactics. The fear of an inevitable end gnawed at my resolve, and the uncertainty of what lay ahead paralyzed me with dread.

My back teeth began to chatter uncontrollably, and while I yearned to unleash a desperate cry, I clung to my staff—a small comfort in the face of impending doom. Witnessing death was nothing new to me, as my life as an adventurer had exposed me to the inevitable cycle of life and death.

I had watched as people perished before my very eyes; their lives extinguished in the face of grisly foes. I had seen demons cleave powerful warriors like withered branches and squash intelligent magicians like ripe tomatoes. 

I had witnessed accomplished thieves and nimble swordsmen meet their demise.

I knew that, sooner or later, my turn would come, and I had mentally prepared myself for that eventuality. However, now that the specter of death loomed ever closer, I grappled with an overwhelming fear that gripped me to my core.

I contemplated the meaning and purpose of my journey up until this point. 

What had I accomplished? 

What remained unfulfilled? 

What were the dreams and aspirations I clung to in this dire moment?

There were still things I longed to achieve and experiences I yearned to live through. 

I possessed a dream---a goal that had driven me to this point. It seemed tragically ironic that my journey might be cut short just as I was on the precipice of realizing my aspirations.

I wanted to become a teacher, to impart my knowledge and wisdom to others, and to leave a lasting legacy. It was a dream that had sustained me through countless trials and tribulations, and the thought of it being extinguished filled me with profound sadness.

Yet, here I was, trapped in a nightmarish labyrinth, my fate uncertain and my dreams hanging in the balance. The world beyond this oppressive darkness seemed impossibly distant, and hope felt like a distant memory.

As the days blurred into weeks, I became mentally and physically drained, the relentless cycle of despair taking its toll. My senses grew unreliable, making it increasingly challenging to discern progress from regression within the labyrinthine passages.

The demons appeared to have learned of my presence within the confined room, biding their time and patiently waiting for the moment I would make a fatal mistake. They lurked in the shadows, fully aware that I would inevitably return to this cramped space.

My previously steadfast confidence waned, and I was plagued by a relentless fear of the unknown. 

Would more demons lie in ambush? 

Would they coordinate their attacks with deadly precision, overwhelming me with sheer numbers and cunning tactics? 

The uncertainty gnawed at my resolve, paralyzing me with fear.

It was a cruel and unending cycle of despair, a relentless prison that showed no mercy. The specter of death loomed ever closer, and the realization that there might not be a next time cast a shadow over my weary heart.

I thought back at my aspirations once more.

What had I achieved until now? 


...no. I had. 

I had 2 extremely powerful students. Although, one met with an untimely demise, the other one is famous now. A Royal Mage. A mage who has the power to raze whole nations to the ground. 

I shouldn't feel this way...

...but I felt jealous. 

The two brothers----Rudeus and Julian---their talents, despite me being happy for them, it always flamed a burning envy inside me. They weren't 100% serious about magic, yet they achieved Saint Rank at the youngest possible ages. Meanwhile, I had to wander continents, risk my lives only to get that rank at thrice their age...or even more. 

I shouldn't feel like this. 

I should feel proud. 

I am a teacher. 

I love teaching. 

The love for teaching had always burned brightly within me, a passion that transcended any perceived talent or skill. 

Even if I lacked the innate ability for it, the joy of imparting knowledge to others was an undeniable calling. 

As I lay trapped in that narrow, suffocating space, my mind wandered to a future I had once dreamt of—an aspiration that had fueled my determination.

A schoolteacher—a role that resonated with my deepest desires. It was a dream I had held dear, one that had been stymied by past conflicts with my teacher, my former mentor. The memory of our heated arguments still lingered, but I believed that this time, things might turn out differently.

I couldn't help but wonder if my Shisho---my teacher, driven by an insatiable hunger for recognition, had ascended to the position of vice-principal at the Magic Academy. It was a thought that brought a wistful smile to my face, a glimmer of hope for ordinary happiness.

Becoming a teacher, I mused, might open the door to a future where I could fall in love, get married, and share passionate nights with a partner I cherished. 

Despite my petite and youthful appearance as a member of the Migurd Race, I held onto the belief that such ordinary happiness was within reach.

Yet, even as I entertained these dreams, a bitter realization hung heavy in the air. In the midst of this dire situation, it seemed almost absurd to hold onto such aspirations. 

The very thought of dreaming amidst this nightmare drew a self-deprecating sigh from my lips.

In the face of imminent death, such dreams could feel painfully futile. The odds were stacked against me, and the chances of being saved from a situation like this seemed almost non-existent. 

Despair clawed at my heart, and I grappled with the crushing weight of my impending fate.

"I don't want to die," I whispered, the words escaping in a weary exhale. The fear of death loomed ever closer, a relentless specter.

Yet, despite the overwhelming despair, I couldn't allow myself to give in completely. With trembling determination, I took a step forward, placing my foot onto the Metastasis Magic Formation. 

Because I refused to accept the inevitability of my demise.


My instincts had proven correct, as I found myself in yet another unknown passageway after stepping onto the Metastasis Magic Formation. Some of the magic formations I had previously marked had shifted, herding me inexorably toward another demon-infested lair. 

It seemed that escaping this nightmarish cycle was a near-impossible task.

The moment my eyes met the scene before me, despair began to claw at my heart. Demons were systematically piling the corpses of their fallen brethren onto the magic formation. 

It struck me that the demons might be intentionally blocking the formation, preventing me from returning to my refuge in the narrow room.

Desperation coursed through me. I couldn't afford to stand idly by while the demons continued their grisly barricade. The demons' formation was nothing short of chilling—a grotesque masterpiece. A macabre wall of corpses guarded the Metastasis Magic Formation, demons arrayed in a radial pattern around it.

At the forefront were the Iron Crawlers, acting as the vanguard, with Death Road Tarantulas perched atop their backs, periodically releasing sticky threads. At the rear, a massive clay doll, the Mad Skull, unleashed deadly rock projectiles. It was an army, a relentless force.

Despite my dread, I had to focus on survival. 

"Oh, armor of the majestic land, gather around me and become my trappings.

『Earth Fortress』!" 

I chanted, and the surrounding earth responded, forming a protective dome around me. However, I had to limit its height, ensuring it wouldn't reach the ceiling.

I cast my gaze upon the demons, understanding the grim necessity of my next spell. 

"Oh, falling rain, I call upon you to scatter, and flood the whole world!

『Water Splash』!" 

Countless water droplets materialized, hovering around me before transforming into bullets that tore through the demon horde. Though the spell was effective at repelling them, its offensive power was limited.

Recognizing the need for something more potent, I began to chant again. 

"Blue Goddess, fly down from heaven and wave the scepter which would frost the world! 『Icicle Field』!" 

The sticky water droplets coating the demons froze rapidly, encasing them in ice. My enemies came to a complete halt, immobilized by the combined effects of [Water Splash], [Icicle Field], and the fused magic, [Frost Nova].

With the vanguard subdued, I couldn't afford to rest. I needed to press the advantage. 

"King of Frost. Supreme ruler of the great snowfields. Clad in white, oh King of Naught, who reaps all passion. Cold-hearted king, which rules the frozen death! 

『Blizzard Storm』!" 

I chanted the advanced magic spell, unleashing a deadly spear of ice that pierced through the demons, targeting the backlines.

However, my triumph was short-lived. As the demons in the rear fell, new foes emerged from the Metastasis Magic Formation. They stepped over the corpses of their fallen comrades, flooding the room with alarming speed. It was as if there was no respite, no escape from their relentless onslaught.

Desperation began to gnaw at my resolve. I fought on, defeating demons absentmindedly while wracking my brain for a way out of this predicament. Yet, no matter how hard I thought, I couldn't envision a path to survival. 

Had I finally met my match? 

Was this the end of my journey?

My steps faltered, my head grew heavy, and my magical power dwindled rapidly. I was acutely aware that I would soon lose consciousness, and the grim specter of death loomed ever closer. My heart ached with the crushing weight of despair.

I didn't want to die. I clung to life with every fiber of my being, even as the room filled with demons. But the more I struggled, the more hopeless my situation seemed.

I was drowning in my thoughts, unable to see a way out, when a flood of memories rushed in. Memories of my birth, of my parents' disappointment, of my lonely childhood, and my journey as an adventurer. Each recollection flashed before me, a poignant reminder of the life I had lived.

My emotions surged, and I recalled the people I had met along the way—the friends, the mentors, and the companions who had shaped my journey. It was a bittersweet montage of moments that filled my mind.

And then, there were the twins—again, the talented young men I had taught saint class magic. 

As the demons closed in, my thoughts turned inward. I was afraid, angry, and overwhelmed by the unfairness of it all. 

"Somebody, please save me," I cried out in desperation, my voice a feeble plea for help.

But the demons drew nearer, and there was nowhere to run. Trapped against a wall, my staff became ensnared in sticky threads, slipping from my grasp. 

Panic surged within me, and I stumbled backward, only to find myself cornered by an Iron Crawler.

The room was closing in on me, and I could feel the walls pressing against my back. My magical energy was depleted, and I couldn't muster another spell. It seemed inevitable—I would be torn apart, devoured by the demons.

"I hate it," I whispered, tears welling up in my eyes. "Why does it have to end like this?!" The anguish of knowing I was on the brink of death overwhelmed me.

In my final moments, memories of my journey and the people I had met played like a vivid tapestry before my eyes. It was a surreal and painful reflection on the life I had lived, a life that was about to be extinguished.

And as the Iron Crawler closed in, I closed my eyes tightly, bracing for the inevitable.

A stabbing sensation went through my gut as I saw a sharp projectile pierce my sternum. 


A pained gasp left my mouth as blood splattered everywhere. The lack of food and the sensation of dying made bile rise up, burning the back of my throat. 

It was all hopeless. 

I am going to die. 

My vision turned dark. I am dying... but I don't want to. 

Is there no one who will save me? 

Was I a fool for thinking that I can be saved like this one day? 

Should I have stayed home and let the fated one come to me instead of me searching for him in a place like this? 

Guess, I will never know. 


I heard a foreign voice. 

My vision grew dark, and my eyelids felt heavy. However, the projectile stabbing me receded. 


Is this how the hallucinations before death feel? 

『Twelve Constellations. Eyes of Wisdom. Polarity. Lapse』

I might be hearing things. 

『Gravity Magic --- Convergence』 

A blue light filled the cave before I felt everything except me getting pulled inside a tear in space. Everything was getting pulled at a specific point in space and was being brutally mushed together in a mess. 

Haaah. Must be me hallucinating. 

Even if this is a dream and I am near my end, this is a good dream. The demons deserve this for all they made me go through. 

I have no regrets. 

I can finally pass on. 

With that final thought, I closed my eyes and finally surrendered my consciousness to the murky darkness. A shame I died, but I hope whatever I did in this world in my life, will have some kind of good effect. 

I hope. 


Author's Note

 I didn't actually want to make you all wait 1-2 days for mere 2800 words, so I am publishing this before time.