


001-Where the beauty resides.

King Li palace,the hall of beauty where the beauty Chu Hua Resides.

"Be strong do not embarrass your Father and yourself"Said Chu Hua repeatedly to her self

Inside the palace,Zang Wei has been sweating hard and working hard to please his superior

In front of his eyes is the beautiful Chu Hua she has a very beautiful face and white skin.

However,Chu Hua was born by a middle class mother and a noble Father.

Chu Hua who wore a long beautiful dress passed by Zang wei and smiled making Zang wei lust over her

"She is very Indeed beautiful"Said Zang wei

Zang wei looked over to her and saw her talking to the rich nobles who were you pleased by her appearance.

"She must have plenty of suitors"Said Zang wei. Looking at her with Lust full eyes.

Sitting beside Zang wei is Zi Xin he had a handsome face and wore a traditional Chinese suit.

"Do not fall for her charms"Said Zi Xin.He then went over to Zang wei ears to whisper something "She is a Slut"

Zang wei had a confused look on his face

"Slut,In what way?"Asked Zang Wei

"Someone told me in my way in"Said Zi Xin

Zang Wei laughs then says "I see"

Zang wei remembered about all the things he has done for Chu Hua father whom he serves

How he has served him for over 8 years before He finally gets Freedom away from her father.And also remembers the time he spent with Chu Hua so he did not believer he words of Zi Xin

Zang wei laughs softly as he remembered all those memories.

Ding ding ding...."let us all give a toast to our host Mr Chu and his daughter Chu Hua"

Everyone in the room lifts us their glasses filled with wine and gives a toast to the father and daughter.

"Father and daughter"Said Zang wei softly Zang wei looked over to Chu Hua who was smiling and laughing happily.

"Thank you Mr Bao Zi,thank you all for having time for us"Said Chu Hua

Zang wei looked over to Chu Hua exchanging glances with her.

"Zang wei!,Come over here"Shouted Li Shang

Zang wei was frightened since Li Shang was known for his strictness among people like him and even after 8 years Zang wei has not gone over the fright against Li Shang"

"Do you know why I called you here?"Asked Li Shang

Zang wei swallows some of his saliva in fright "I'm afraid not sir"

Li Shang scratched his head in frustration "do you really not know"

Zang wei nod his head from left to right

Li Shang looked frustrated "Do you have your speech?"

Zang wei looked confused "speech?"

Li Shang clenched his fists in anger "You don not have your speech ?"

"Do I need a speech ?"Said Zang wei q

"You have been released after 8 years of working under Mr Chu why the **** would you think that you wouldn't need a ******* speech?"

Zang wei quickly ripped a piece of paper from his notebook "how long till i speak?"

Li Shang looked at his watch "30 minutes"

"30"Said Zang wei

"You are the first to speak"Said Li Shang

"Do you have a pen"Asked Zang wei

Li Shang handed him a pen from his pocket

Zang wei always being a intelligent and handsome man was always top in his class but ever since he was chosen by Mr Chu to work under him his future was not guaranteed but luckily with the gifts he was born with he was able to guarantee himself a future and put and please Mr Chu.

After 20 minutes Zang wei was able to right a back to back speech that he thinks might give him a good impression in the nobles minds

"I'm finished"Said Zang wei

Li Shang then patted Zang wei back "sure go back to your seat practice your English to"pushing towards the direction of his seat

Zang wei was trying to avoid talking to anyone on his way back to his seat abounding all those who looks like someone who loved to chit chat.

Zang wei then bumbed to Chu Hua

Chu Hua was the daughter of the richest noble in the nation,Mr Chu,her mother in the other hand was just a middle class woman who had a normal life until she had a one night stand during that time,the son of the richest man.

"Zang wei there you are I have been looking for you"Said Chu Hua

Chu Hua smiles at Zang wei then pulls him towards her father

Zang wei realizing the situation fights back refusing to go near her father in fear that he will ask him to work under him again

"Why are you refusing Zang wei"Said Chu Hua trying to pull him to her father but having a hard time because of the dress she is wearing.

After talking to the nobles Mr Chu notices this and asks his guards to bring Zang wei to him.

"Mr Zang please come with us"Said the Guard

Zang wei was frightened by the muscular guard who can end his life in seconds and agreed to go to Mr Chu.

"There you are Zang wei "Said Mr Chu welcoming him in his arms and hugging him tightly

"Please sit"Said Mr Chu

"Thank you Mr Chu " Said Zang wei as he sat down in front of Mr Chu

"Why do you call for me?"asked Zang wei

"I just wanted to read your speech"Said Mr Chu

Zang wei blushed and gave it to him thinking if somehow Mr Chu has doubts

"This is very good,can you practice your English here"

Zang wei then starts talking in English "Mr Chu has been very good to me he treats me as a son"

"For eight years he has treated me good"

"Remove the good and change it to nicely"Said Mr Chu

"Ok"Said Zang Wu crossing our good and replacing it to Nicely

"I think everything is well I expect your best performance in the stage,don't embarrass me ok"Said Mr Chu

Zang wei nodded and left the table moving towards his seat

"We're did you go?"asked Zi Xin

"I talked with my superior"Said Zang wei

"I wish to know who your superior is"Asked Zi Xin

"Do you reallywish to know?"Said Zang wei

Zi Xin nodded with excitement

Zang wei face sadden if he were tell his friend that he had a powerful superior he would envy him and think of him as a liar,after all Xang wei made the decision to keep his superior a secret for many years now.

As Zang wei was about to open his mouth Mr Chu interrupted "What do you wish to say?"

Mr Chu in the other hand knew about the lie Zang wei tells him, so that's why he made a fake scenario many years ago that Zang Wei was a sin of a close friend of his whom died just so that Zang wei wouldn't be taken away from him.

Later on Me Chu adopts Zang wei

"It is almost time Zang wei for your speech"said Mr Chu

Zi Xin remained silent as he was doing an act of respect towards Mr Chu by not interrupting his conversation

"Thank you"Said Zang wei

Zang wei expected that Mr Chu would leave them and he would have to tell the secret.

"Are you not coming with me? Said Mr Chu

Zang wei looked confused but agreed to come with him then Chu Hua comes and pulls Zang wei "lets go"said Chu Hua with a smile in her face.

"Wait"Said Zi Xin

Mr Chu looks back and looked at him with an intense glare,Zi Xin Bowes his head in guilt.

"Do not EVER! Interrupt me"Said Mr Chu

Zi Xin has just lowered his chance in getting a job with Mr Chu

"Chu Hua make sure Zang wei is ready before he gets on stage"

"Yes Father"

Mr Chu and Chu Hua brings him backstage

"You have to not embarrass me out there"

"Yes Sir I will not embarrass you"


Mr Chu notices his tie

"You,look at your tie it is not in the proper way"

Mr Chu starts fixing Zang wei

Mr Chu pats Zang wei back"you can do this"

Zang wei nods and steps in the stage

"You can do this"Says Zang wei

Zang wei starts with an introduction of himself and starts reading his speech.

After the speech Zang wei heard the applause of the people "you did it" Zang wei started waving his hands and looked at the direction of the audience

"Thank you very much for listening to me"Then bows