
Job transfer for all: I can add unlimited mana

Global changes have occurred, the world has turned into a game, and strange monsters are raging all over the world. To become stronger and to resist disasters. Everyone is changing classes and moving up their ranks like crazy. Some people become wizards in their first transformation, while others become professional thunder warriors in their second transformation. But Ling Zhan did the opposite. First, he chose a non-professional class and added the blue bar to all attribute points. “It's crazy. I don't have a class. All I have are low-level skills before I change classes. How can I fight in the later stages? What's the use of the blue bars? It can't increase combat effectiveness. It's really funny...” However, when the battle occurs, Level 3 Thunder Warrior: “I'm shocked, non-professionals are so strong?” A certain third-level Elf Queen: “Infinite blue bars, invincible in one-on-one combat, No. 1 in team battles, how can we fight like this?”

FALCON_N · Games
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138 Chs

Chapter 103: Someone Died! Too Much Killing Intent.

Chapter 103: Someone Died! Too Much Killing Intent.

The "Thief" class is similar to the "Assassin" in terms of characteristics.

Both are professions that benefit from agility and critical strike attributes.

However, thieves are much weaker in terms of attack power compared to assassins.

Of course, as compensation, thieves have an additional ability: support.

That's right, thieves are actually considered a profession that leans towards support.

"Attribute Theft" and "Attribute Bestowal".

These are two iconic growth-type support skills of the Thief class.

[Attribute Theft (B)]: Single-target skill, consumes mana, summons an intangible hand. When the intangible hand touches the target, it can steal 15% of the target's total attributes.]


1. This skill is ineffective against targets that are 10 levels higher.

2. This skill can be upgraded using skill points.

3. This skill lasts for 60 seconds.

[Attribute Bestowal (B)]: Single-target skill, consumes mana, bestows the attributes stolen from the target to a friendly target.]


1. This skill can only be used if 'Attribute Theft' successfully steals the target's attributes.

2. All friendly targets can receive your bestowal.

3. The bestowed attributes last for 60 seconds.

4. This skill cannot stack with multiple thefts.

In addition to these two iconic skills, there are also "Group Stealth", "Group Theft", "Laim Ownership", and others, which are also very powerful support skills.

It is worth mentioning that, as a unique profession in the Goryeo Kingdom, all the universities in the Dragon Kingdom have no intention of buying skill book collections for the Thief class.

Not only in the Dragon Kingdom but also in other major countries, there is no desire to purchase.

This has also led to a few people in other countries changing their classes to 'Thief.'

Goryeo is eager for the unique classes of other countries.

For example, the Dragon Kingdom's Taoist, diviner, and Jeet Kune Do martial artist; Fusang's Yin-Yang Master and ninja; and the Free Federation's demon-like professions, etc.

In any case, Goryeo Kingdom is very eager to get the skill books and profession change books for these classes.

However, no country will provide it for them, fearing that the unique professions of their own country will become unique to Goryeo in the next moment.


At this moment, the exchange students from Goryeo were the first to approach Ling Zhan.

They were extremely agile and fast, and several of them had already successfully used the "Attribute Theft" skill, summoning intangible hands to touch Ling Zhan.

Following closely behind them were several ninjas and samurais from Fusang.

Perhaps fearing that the shameful Goryeo would steal the credit, when the ninjas and samurais found themselves unable to match the speed, they stopped instantly.

Without saying a word, they directly threw out their shurikens.

"Ninjutsu: Gale Shuriken!"

Several shurikens were shot out with extremely exaggerated speed, carrying wind blades.

The samurais slightly bent their bodies, their left hands resting on the scabbard of their katana, their right hands tightly gripping the sword handles, and their eyes instantly sharp!

"Iai Slash!"


The invisible blade spread out towards Ling Zhan with an indiscernible trajectory!

These despicable and shameless exchange students from Fusang, in order to gain the right to defeat Ling Zhan, have actually begun to launch attacks regardless of friend or foe!

"Ah shiba!"

The Goryeo exchange students, who were originally charging towards Ling Zhan, felt the fierce attacks that did not differentiate between friend and foe behind them, and their expressions changed drastically.

Should they withstand the attacks of the Fusang exchange students and defeat the new student of the Tianyan Academy...

or retreat?

Needless to say!

Of course, they retreated!

Damn ! Shameless Fusang people!

The fifteen Goryeo exchange students did not hesitate at all. They directly interrupted their own skills and actions and were about to use displacement skills to dodge!


"Oh no!!"

The expressions of the Goryeo exchange students changed drastically once again!


At some unknown time, extremely tough vines had already bound their legs, making them completely unable to move.

It was the Dragon Kingdom's No. 1 new student causing trouble!

At this moment, the Goryeo exchange students wanted to curse!

Didn't they agree to deal with this new student from the Dragon Kingdom together?

How did they end up getting ambushed instead?

The attacks of "Iai Slash" and "Gale Shuriken" were already coming towards them.

The Goryeo exchange students, who had missed the best chance to dodge, could only grit their teeth and defend themselves!


Standing at the back, Ling Zhan revealed an extremely cold smile!

at this moment.

The fifteen Goryeo exchange students, who were about to use defensive skills, suddenly rolled their eyes white.

Their bodies went limp!

And so.

Amidst everyone's horrified gaze.





The flying "Iai Slash" and the "Gale Shuriken" flew towards them without any obstruction, cutting through the Goryeo exchange students effortlessly!


The Goryeo exchange student representative on the main stage was horrified, crying out in despair.

Because he clearly saw that the necks of two Goryeo exchange students had been cut open by the blades!

And at this moment, all the spectators...

Whether it was the dean and teachers of the Tianyan Academy, representatives from various countries and ethnic groups, or all the new students in the audience, they all showed extremely shocked expressions!!

There were casualties!

There were actually casualties!!

How could this happen!!

"Li Manchun!! Luo Yang!!"

Zhou Hongfu suddenly roared.

As his roar fell...

The dean of the Prayer Academy, Luo Yang, and the dean of the Magic Academy, Li Manchun, seemed to shuttle through time and space, instantly appearing on the stage!

In the sky, a huge exquisite clock had appeared!

A sacred tree that pierced the sky and was giant and green also appeared!

"Time magic, eternity of all things!"

Li Manchun raised his hands high, and a vast and sacred voice resounded.


The huge clock in the sky emitted the sound of its pendulum.

In an instant.

A profound and incomparable fluctuation spread out.

At this moment, all the scenes seemed to lose their color, falling into a black-and-white realm.

All objects, life, dust...

All entered a state of stagnation, as if frozen in eternity!

Everyone's expression remained horrified.

Including the two heads on the stage that had been severed by the Iai Slash and the Shuriken...

Vaguely, one could see that the faces of these two unlucky fellows still maintained expressions of despair and fear.

"Is there any hope?" Li Manchun turned to look at Luo Yang.

"As long as death does not exceed five seconds, there is hope."

Luo Yang looked at him indifferently. "Can't you just rewind time directly?"

Li Manchun, the smiling Buddha, rubbed his bald head and smiled: "The cost is too high. Isn't Dean Luo here..."

Luo Yang rolled his eyes and then raised his hand.

At that moment, two shimmering leaves fell from the sacred green tree.

Luo Yang gently waved these two leaves, and then they merged into the bodies of the two unlucky fellows.

The next moment.

A shocking scene unfolded.

Countless green threads stitched the two heads back to their bodies.

The lost vitality surged once again.

Turning to look at the injuries of the other Goryeo exchange students, Luo Yang also waved his sleeve, and a light green light covered them, instantly healing their injuries.

These two deans...

did not use their staffs from start to finish!

Casting without a staff!

"This kid... is too murderous!"

After healing the injuries of these exchange students, Luo Yang looked at Ling Zhan, who still had a cruel smirk on his face, with a solemn expression.