
JJK: Twist of Fate

Morgan Tokusei is a regular guy except for 1 thing, he can see ethereal monsters since the age of 9 and one day decides to wander through a forest where he discovered a temple with a mummified finger inside it. he runs and fights the monsters that attack him for the 1st time and is soon saved by satoru gojo, the strongest sorcerer of the modern Era and is revealed to have been set up to become a jujutsu sorcerer since he was a child

Null_n_Void · Anime & Comics
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Vol.0: Beginning

The ground cracked and the wind urged around me as the tall, white haired man flashed me a smile and turned to the monster behind him and suddenly appearing behind it

"The son of my friends and my future student is watching, so I'll make sure to show of a bit" he said in a carefree tone before charging what appeared to be a blue sphere that pulled the monster into the air where the man kicked it and send it flying to another building and breaking through it. After seeing that it was still alive, he shot it with a red sphere that spread out into a massive shockwave that destroyed the whole building and the park behind it. All that was left of the monster were tiny pieces that soon withered away. He suddenly disappeared before reappearing a couple meters away from me, now he can also teleport?

"Okay…that was cool as hell but what the fuck was that? And who are you?" I asked in confusion and a small bit of fear, I always thought they were just images made by my mind but I guess they are actually real

"Don't remember me? It's uncle satoru! That was my cursed technique. It's pretty cool right?" Satoru asked with an almost childish excitement

"...excuse me what? I don't remember ever meeting you" I say in confusion

"Makes sense, you were only 7 when I last saw you. And i'm not your real uncle, but close friends with your parents"

"...damm, you're kind of a deadbeat uncle. Didn't even send anything on holidays, no wonder i forgot you" I say in a deadpan tone as gojo winced. I swear I could see a metaphysical arrow with the word 'roasted' on it pierce his chest.

"Ouch! I thought riko and dan would tell you about me!" he said I'm an overly dramatic fashion

"How did I even get into this situation…" I mumbled out loud as I began to look back at the start of the day


It was a fairly normal morning and by nearly all standards, average. I ate breakfast and said bye to my parents and left for school. "I haven't seen Yuji in a while, might call him later and ask if we can hang out, also gonna bring a gift for his grandpa" I thought to myself on my way.

School was admittedly a blur, everything was going as normal and it's become so repetitive that I'm mostly on 'autopilot' so to say. Thankfully I sit in the back so the teachers rarely call on me to answer questions.

However, they are still here, they always are. These weird creatures that only I seem to notice, in all honesty I've become used to them and they don't freak me out as much anymore. Everytime i tell someone about them, they think I'm insane. Even my parents who say they believe in the supernatural went pale when I told them that, it's been this way since 6 years ago now.

I saw the weird creatures everywhere and I began to conclude a few things.

They are always found in highly populated areas

They all seem to dislike humans

They are always monstrous in shape and size

They can phase through walls and are much stronger than an average person And finally, some of them have supernatural powers

Most of them are stupid and behave like animals but there are some that are more sentient

All and all, I concluded one thing. Pretend you don't know about their existence or pretend you don't notice them. By sticking to that I atleast managed to remain pretty much unnoticed by them. Besides those things, everything else in my life is pretty normal.

Now that I think about it, I may be schizophrenic…that is probably why in seeing those things, hopefully I can get some meds and they'll finally go away.

The only thing I really look forward to are my after school activities with friends, Louis and Paul, they are foreigners as one might guess by their names, but I don't have a problem with that.

"Hey Morgan,you got your shit ready to go to the pool? Our coach said today we'll be doing a race to see who's the fastest swimmer out of our team. The winner gets a free card incase they forget their stuff so you won't have to sit down and write an essay" I hear Paul say behind me as I turned around and began to walk to them

"Bet, you already know I'm winning this" I said with confidence

"Last time you said that, you were last place in the game tournament" louis said in a smug tone

"Don't make me remind you of the endurance test, I pity your future girlfriend if you ever get one because she'll be severely disappointed, she would average the most anti-climactic 3 minutes of her life" I said as Paul burst out laughing and Louis slumped down like a wet rag at my comment

"Jeez…you didn't have to shatter his pride like that man, he ain't recovering from that one for a while" he wheezed out

"We should get to the pool before we get late and the coach scolds us" Louis said in a futile attempt to change the topic

"I guess you're right, time to go" Paul said as I nodded and the three of us got going.

[20 minutes later at the swimming pool]

"LINE UP" the coach yelled as we all lined up while he started doing attendance

"Alright, today we will be doing the race to see which one of you is the fastest swimmer. The winner will get a card that let's get away with forgetting their stuff without writing a small essay. Next time we will do an endurance test to see how much you can swim and see if you are all prepared for the competition this summer" he explained while one of our teammates raised their hand

"Sir, isn't the summer still 2 months away?" He asked

"It is, but knowing most of you, your lazy asses won't bother training unless it was to impress the girls" our coach said as majority of our teammates started sweating, seems they were all called out on their true intentions

"That's what I thought, now, you will all be doing some light exercises to warm up beside we begin-" our coach said, but I honestly zoned out until we were all told to begin.

After what seemed like the longest 2 hours of my life, we are finally done…not that I dislike swimming, but our coach sometimes makes me question why I joined this club.

"Well, you all did better than last time" the coach began as most of us gained a grin

"By a couple seconds, only 5 of you right now are fit to compete." He finished as everyone who had smiled a moment ago sulked. A few of us looked nervous. I hope I won this one…

"Now, to announce the top 3 of you. In third place, Ren matsumane. You're definitely a good one, keep the work ethic uo and you'll catch up to the next ones" I looked to my left to see Ren who now had a surprised face that quickly turned into a happy one. Ren was a talented one, I'll give him that but he lacked some self discipline to keep training consistently.

"At second place, Paul Hermann, you've improved a decent bit since last time" this time, the coach himself looked surprised, Paul wasn't the best last time so this is a nice surprise

"At first place, Morgan Tokusei. He was just half a second faster than Paul, you too have improved a decent amount" after he said that, I began to cheer mentally. I honestly had no idea If I won because I had my eyes closed at the end

"Man…this is some bullshit…" louis muttered as he began to change

"Nah, I don't think so. You had even more time to train then us but you spent it on video games and the arcade" Paul said condescendingly

"Sorry for not being a fitness nut like you or as disciplined as morgan" louis shit back sarcastically

"Damm, since when did cats fight in locker rooms?" I say as both of them turn to look at me and give me the middle finger while I snort in amusement

We all got changed afterwards and went our separate ways. I decided to take a walk through the park which was located in an abandoned part of the city. It's a surprise that there are areas like this Ren in cities like Tokyo but I guess there are always surprises.

The more I walked, the more I felt like something was wrong…it was extremely quiet and I decided to be quiet as well. Who knows what is hiding here? Besides that, there is an unusual amount of these monsters here…I thought they only stayed in populated areas?

Besides the monsters I also felt something drawing me in closer. It was like a subconscious feeling that was crawling on my back. I could feel…no, I could sense something in the air. It was negative and made my spine shiver…and yet it feels somewhat familiar? I can't place my finger on it but I feel a sense of deja vu. I looked around and decided to sit on a bench after seeing that it was clean

"Dammit…what should I do? I can always head back but there are too many of these monsters crawling the place, even if they are just all in my mind, I feel like it's best to not engage with them…maybe I should find the source of this feeling or energy, I'll have to use my sense as a compass" I thought to myself as I closed my eyes and tried to focus on this feeling.

[5 minutes later]

I wandered through the forest until I finally found the source of this energy that's giving me the feeling…and it's a shrine? A shrine deep into a forest leading to a mountain. I noticed that the monsters were behaving…weirder than normal to say the least. Some looked ecstatic at the discovery while others cowered in fear.

I entered the temple behind the shrine in the hopes of finding whatever was causing all of this.

"Weird…the temple is in a shockingly good state, there is little to no dust here, the wood seems old but in much better shape then you'd think…someone has been here. Someone has either built this recently or they take care of it…could it also be because they can feel the weird vibe and feeling it gives off?" I shook my head lightly, pondering about that right now won't lead me anywhere. I need to search this temple thoroughly…

After what seemed like an eternity, I stumbled upon something…unexpected to say the least. It's a box that is completely covered and encased in long strips. Judging by the yellow color of the paper, it seems very old. Not to mention it's covered in symbols and Kanji that I don't understand. The straps of paper also seemed to give off a weird feeling.

I took a deep breath and slowly exhaled as I decided to slowly unwrap the box, the more I unwrapped it the more the monsters reacted. I finally peeled off the last strip and was left with a small wooden box about the size of my hand. I opened the box and saw a red, mummified finger with a sharp black nail. It looked disgusting and made me wanna puke but above all else, I understood something.

"This is it…this finger is what gave off all this weird energy or vibe that reached out all the way to the park…the monsters seem scared of it. Even the ones who were previously happy are now all on edge…maybe it would benefit me and the others if I took this with me" I thought to myself, while it does seem risky and I feel bad about it since someone really seems to want to hide this thing, but then again this place seems like it's been left behind to be lost to time so it won't really do much….at least I hope so that is

I decided to take the box and paper strips as well, I wrapped the finger up in them again and placed it inside the box, I then packed the box in my backpack and went on my way back

Now that I have the box with the finger with me, the monsters seem both scared and aggressive…I guess it was a bad thing that I took it after all. But before I could turn back and give it back, I was attacked by one of them. I barely dodged it as it jumped at me but crashed into a couple trees and smashing them. Then I immediately began to run as fast I can

I'm not really ordinary so to say, besides the monsters I also have a way higher physical prowess than others and well beyond what people should be capable of but I keep that part secret. Right now though there is no time for worrying about a secret being spilled if I die. I ran and jumped through the massive trees as the monster and many others chased me down. I decided to jump from tree to tree but some of the bird-like ones are also targeting me. I needed something to help me here or else I am dead

I continued to evade the monsters as much as I could, fighting them would be useless since normal weapons would phase through…maybe something that has the same energy as the finger imbued in it can help? I need to find the place where I felt a similar energy to the one in the finger. Once I got out of the deep woods i began to head to jump across the rooftops with the monsters hot on my tail

"I pray this works or I really am a goner… I can't treat them like illusions anymore because they are clearly real!" I thought to myself as I was heading to another abandoned part of down, this seems stupid on all levels but right now everything is on the table if it means surviving.

I broke down the door to what seemed like an abandoned shop where I again felt a negative vibe. I frantically searched for something until I found a short sword that was hidden in the thin wall of all places but desperate times call for desperate measures. I quickly took off the cover of the blade and was a bit surprised by its black and emerald color scheme.

I took the sword as the monsters found me, they charged at me but this time I charged back, I jumped over them and slashed at them with the sword. Instead of passing right through like everything else, this sword actually hit them and sliced them, I slashed at them again as some died while others were healing but still wounded.

This was…fun, this was strongly fun and relieving. It was relieving to know that I can finally get rid of them somehow. I relentlessly stabbed, sliced, slashed and cut at the monsters until every last one of them died. However, one managed to escape and ran away

Or at least that was what I thought, I exited the shop but was then grabbed several massive blue hands as I was pulled upwards but struggled to get free

"Dammit! This will not be how I die nor when I die! I'll be damned if I die too one of these things!" I thought as I spun the sword in my hand and gripped it in reverse. I then used it like that to cut of a couple of the creature's hands as I began to fall down, thinking fast I used the sword and stabbed the concrete with it to slow down my fall

"Shit…I'm injured and tired, I can't deal with this… I think I'll need to run" I mumbled to myself as I looker on in frustration at the monster

But it was no longer there, all I saw left of it was a twisted pile of guts which were withering away…

'What the hell…" I mumbled to myself

"Oh don't worry, it's gone now" I jumped back as I heard someone behind me, I turned around and saw a tall, white haired man with all black clothing and a blindfold smiling at me

"Must've given you quite the scare, eh? It's pretty impressive that you managed to fight this well with a grade 3 curse without knowing the 1st thing about cursed energy" he said as he clapped his hands, but at that moment I felt the ground beneath my feet rumble. My eyes widened as I saw the earth behind him crack

"BEHIND YOU!" I yelled at him as the ground behind him erupted and a massive creature that looked like a mix of an ant and a mole, the man looked unphased as it spat a Boulder at him that the stopped, it was almost like time grinded to a halt for it since it kept floating in mid air

"...what the hell…" I muttered to myself as the guy casually threw the Boulder away

Holy shit this guy Is a monster…


"Well anyways, mind handing that cursed object over?" satoru said

"What cursed object?" i asked

"The finger you have in your backpack" shit…is he the one who's been taking care of that temple?

"If it makes these monsters go away then sure" I said as I heard gojo chuckle

"Monster huh..pretty fitting, but their called curses or cursed spirits"

"Curses huh…yeah, that seems pretty fitting" I chuckled to myself, those things really were like a curse to me

"I know right? But anyways, you did pretty good fighting a second grade curse without knowing jujutsu"

"....What even is jujutsu?" Is that what he used to teleport around and do crazy shit?

"That's gonna be something your gonna learn soon, after all, you are gonna be a jujutsu sorcerer like me soon" He Exclaimed with that same grin he did earlier

"Excuse me what-"

[End of chapter 1]

I am very busy with stuff so expect some pretty slow releases for the chapters

Null_n_Voidcreators' thoughts