
JJK: Master of Cursed Energy

A teenage boy gets transported to the world of Jujutsu Kaisen with his personally created innate cursed technique with hopes of becoming the strongest. Follow his journey through the world of Jujutsu Kaisen and his path to potentially becoming the strongest.

KeikakuIntensifies · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

Chapter 6

"argh, why is it so bright," just as I opened my eyes I was hit with an intense light shining on my face, making me cover my eyes with my hand until I got used to it. In my state of disorientation, I didn't notice where I was or that there was another person in the room, something I found out just after.

"So you're finally awake, huh? Nice hair by the way, I've been told white is the best colour," a man standing at the end of the bed where I was lying said. His voice was filled with playfulness and had a cheery vibe.

With my eyes now being adjusted to the light I could see that I was in a hospital bed, and the man standing at the end of the bed was none other than Saturo Gojo, the honoured one.

"What happened? Is that monster dead?" I asked Gojo after a bit of silence, trying to get information on the situation without leaking my knowledge and being seen as suspicious.

"Hahaha, a monster you say, well I suppose you could call it that but they have a name. What you fought was a cursed spirit, a 2nd-grade one at that, and I find it odd that you don't know that. From what I've heard you're pretty proficient with cursed energy, Hugo King." Gojo kept his playful demeanour, that was until he said my name, he lost his smile and looked me in the eyes, I think, but I'm not 100% sure seeing as he's wearing his classic blindfold.

Silence filled the room for a couple of seconds and the atmosphere got tense. I was starting to sweat. That was until the silence was broken by a laugh, one of cheekiness, like when a kid plays a prank on someone.

"Hihihihi, I got you there, you should have seen the look on your face. I'm Saturo Gojo, but you can just call me Gojo Sensei. Now why don't you tell me how long you've had cursed energy and been able to see cursed spirits, and remember, honesty is the best policy." Gojo said the last part as if he were an elementary school teacher talking to one of his students.

'I think I get why Utahime hates him,' I thought but that didn't affect my expression, still keeping one of confusion and scepticism, trying not to gain any suspicion, especially as Gojo could kill me almost instantly.

"Cursed energy? Do you mean the power inside of me? It's only been a couple of days, ever since I joined my new school. And that was the first monster or cursed spirit you called it I have ever seen." I answered back, trying to be as clueless as possible.

"Only a couple of days? And you were able to survive against a 2nd-grade cursed spirit, impressive. You have some serious potential. Now the question is, what makes you think I'll believe you?" Gojo said in an ominous tone, it felt out of character but this is the real world now, they could have different personalities than shown in the manga/anime so it's best not to place my trust in the fact I know their personalities from fiction.

"Did you seriously fall for it again, come on you've got to be smarter than that. I was just messing with you, I believe you don't worry." Gojo said and then did an akanbe, showing his childish playful side yet again.

'*sigh* I guess he is the Gojo I know.'

"I think your friends want to see you now, I'll be back later," Gojo said before waving at me and then just disappearing into thin air.

"Huh?" I said in confusion, not because he had just left unexpectedly but the fact that I couldn't feel any fluctuations when he disappeared. Either he didn't use any cursed energy, which is impossible, or his control is so great he uses practically no cursed energy. I already knew that he has basically infinite cursed energy because he uses barely any in his techniques but I thought that was exaggerated and not an under-exaggeration.

Just as he left, the door opened and Sasaki and Iguchi came in through it, but Itadori wasn't there. Sasaki had a guilty look on her face and her eyes looked a little red while Iguchi had a concerned look on his face.

They all walked over to the side of my bed and Sasaki was the first one to say anything, she bowed at a 90-degree angle and said "I'm sorry!" As if she was the one who put me in the hospital.

"I made my own decision, it's not your fault I decided to stay back."

"Yeah, but... But I was the reason we were even there opening that thing in the first place. And... and... and we left you behind with that 'thing'." Sasaki said with a shaky voice, her eyes tearing up a bit.

"I'm fine anyway so there's no need to feel guilty, just a little bruised up."

I continued to talk to them for a while longer, Sasaki seemed to feel better after a while seeing as I didn't hold a grudge against her or anything. We all talked for a while, mainly about what just happened to us. After a while though they had to leave as I had another visitor, or more like visitors. It was my aunt, uncle and cousin.

"Hugo, are you alright? We came here yesterday but you were unconscious," my aunt asked me in a concerned tone.

"I'm fine, Aunt Mel you don't need to worry," I said to her in a tone of familiarity, even if I don't see her as family I still have to keep up the act, something I'll be glad I don't have to do once I join jujutsu high.

"Is that so, then what is this I'm hearing that you were in a fight. Are you being bullied? You can tell me if you are, I'm your aunt after all and we're family." She said with a sad expression on her face and care in her tone.

"You don't have to worry, it's nothing like that."

Family huh? Even if I wanted one I don't have the luxury. I just lost to a 2nd-grade cursed spirit, I'm so weak, and even if I have potential that means nothing. Many people with potential die young, but the ones who survive are either crazy, lucky or both. If I want to not only survive in this world but thrive I've got to think outside of the box, and I've got an idea. If I do this then I'll either die or level up.

A binding vow. Not just any binding vow, but one that doesn't allow me to use cursed energy for a month. just my Innate technique as that doesn't use cursed energy. It would be longer but in a month is the fight with the special grade cursed spirit Finger Bearer. This means for a month I'll be a lot more vulnerable, but the benefits of doing it are what I need to survive in this world, whilst not being a coward.

"Either way, you are transferring schools," my aunt said.

"Huh," both me and my cousin said at the same time, and I was genuinely confused. Has Gojo talked to her, or is she just deciding to transfer me to another school? If Gojo did talk to her does that mean he always planned to recruit me to be his student even before talking to me?

"Well yesterday me and Jin met a young man when we came to see you, and he told us that he was here to recruit you to the school he teaches at. We were sceptical at first but when he told us what school it was we decided it would be best if you went. It's Tokyo Jujutsu High, a private school that only lets in certain people, you can't pay to go there or anything. It's very prestigious. And seeing as you just started a new school we didn't think you'd mind, but you don't have to go if you don't want to."

"What did he look like?" I asked but in my head, I already knew.

"He was tall, had white hair and was wearing a blindfold, I think he was blind but he didn't have a guide dog or walking stick so I'm not sure," she answered back after thinking for a second.

"I want to go to this school."

"Really? I know I was encouraging you to go but you should put more thought into it," my aunt said in surprise and when she finished speaking her face turned from surprise to realisation to worry.

"Well you said it's a prestigious school so I'm just thinking about what's best for my future," I said, as it's not like I can tell her the real reason.

"If you say so," she said but her expression didn't change, still looking worried.

After that they stayed for a bit, checking in on my health and talking about other things. That continued for a while and when they were ready to leave they checked me out of the hospital as I was free to go. Apparently, when I got to the hospital I had a concussion, a broken rib and a sprained ankle, which is weird as I feel almost no pain at all. I guess the effects of the increased vitality are better than I thought. I was also pretty sure I broke my ankle instead of just spraining it, but I was occupied at the time so I'm not 100% sure.