
JJK: Just A Human

I'm just a human. Just a human trying to keep up with the monsters I call friends. It isn't easy, everything I did, all the blood and sweat I put into improving was overshadowed by the talent all of them possessed. Luck was on their side since birth. God seemed to favor them, being blessed with talent many would envy. But who needs luck? Who needs gods? I was normal, and I made that my strength. And with that strength, I competed with the strongest. ___ I don't own JJK, just the OC's

Zeckan · Anime & Comics
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26 Chs

Chapter Eleven

My feet hit the ground the moment I balanced myself and stared at the white haired teen with interest.

I let out a drawn-out hum as I started walking around in a wide arc, keeping him as the center while my cursed energy spread to the moisture in the air.

His glowing eyes narrowed at me and I raised an eyebrow, what was this? A sharingan knockoff? The moisture in the air tried to push itself closer to him but I felt it moving to him, while it remained in the same place a few inches from him...

I needed to get him to drop that barrier.

I sighed in annoyance, I hated fighting people that hid behind a shield, in-game and in real life, they had...

I dashed forward, getting close to him and tried to throw a kick which was seemingly stopped-mid air. I tried to move away from him, but his eyes stopped glowing and I felt a pull around me, like my body was not my own anymore as my torso lurched forward as Gojo brought forward his hand in a punch...

No real skill.

I smirked as I felt the water molecules finally get closer to his body but I did not make them do anything, I was aiming to get a good hit in, If I missed, then he would wise up to what I was doing.

His fist impacted my face and I was knocked back with a greater force, this time, instead of stopping myself, I let my body roll on the ground to get his guard down and ended up right in front of the spectators.

"Yo, you good?"

Akira questioned, giving me a raised eyebrow while Shoko just crouched down next to my head.

"Need me to heal you? You are getting a nasty bruise on your cheek."

I snorted and sat up, looking over at Gojo who had his hands in his pockets.

"I see..."

I mumbled, getting up from the ground and ignoring the trio's curious looks, and started loosening up my legs.

You know? For a moment there, I thought this would be hard, but as a pro gamer in my past life... I see this as nothing but a difficulty tweak.

"You okay newbie?! I didn't hit you too hard did I?"

Gojo shouted from the field as I sighed out and got ready. I needed an opening, I needed to bait him, and as someone who played dark souls and Sekiro, I was pretty damn good at that.

-Akira POV-

"That was a good punch, must have hurt."

I mumble, looking at Kaito with a bit of interest, wondering what he would do. Gojo was a strong opponent to face, even in a spar, and since the slight humiliation Kaito delivered, he must be pretty pissed at the new guy.


My eyes narrowed as Kaito approached Gojo again with slow deliberate steps. He had a plan.

I felt the cursed energy that was surrounding his body seep into his skin, muscles, and bones and my eyes widened. That was... basically what I did, but I needed to train for a few months and the medical knowledge that I amassed over the years of studying at a university...

If he figured that out on his own that's a scary thought.

"What are you thinking about?"

Geto asked as he stepped next to me watching the fight with little interest.

"He has talent..."

I answered, not elaborating.

"If he figured out how to use Cursed energy when he was a kid on his own when people are supposed to be happiest, then what kind of life must he have led."

I shook my head.

"I was at his house, he wasn't in poverty, his mother was nice and while his father was absent from the house, he was at work..."

Geto hummed as I watched Kaito dart around Gojo, as the said white-haired teen looked uneasy. I channeled my cursed energy into the sclera, choroid, and retina of my eyes and watched closely.

He had his six eyes active, looking around, probably looking at the infinity barrier around him.

"Gojo will win."

Shoko pointed out and I was tempted to agree... But to be honest, I had my doubts. While Gojo may have had a superior cursed technique that was all he had, he had focused on his technique since he was a child, and as a result of that, he relied on reinforcing his body to compete, while he was fit, his muscles were not optimized for fighting...

Kaito, however...

I watched the said black-haired teen go in for another punch only for it to be slowed down and Gojo took that chance. For a moment it looked like what happened a minute ago would happen yet again... The grin that broke out on Kaito's face spoke otherwise.

Gojo went for an uppercut, bringing Kaito's face down to meet his fist. Kaito's hand lashed out, bending his body in a way that the punch would miss as his palm was slammed into the grass and he spun, kicking his legs up as he did and slammed his heel into Gojo's jaw.

"Holy shit..."

Geto muttered from my side, but that wasn't all. I watched water appear out of nowhere circling Gojo's body and tying him down to the ground in the form of ice cuffs that covered Gojo's hands up to his elbows, with ice strands tying him down to the ground.

On a closer look, I could see some ice under Gojo's pants sleeve... Kaito immobilized his joints too...

I chuckled.

"The devil indeed..."