
JJK:God of Slaughter

Warning:This fanfic contains lemons. so read at your own peril. -------------------------------------------------------------- the god of slaughter a person who murdered an entire universe because of his wife's death. has to move on from his violent past.... but will he be able to do so? -------------------------------------------------------- The mc is reincarnated as Toji zen'in from jujutsu kaisen. Will he be able to change his future? ---------------------------------------------------------

BAALC · Anime & Comics
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38 Chs


10 years later,

By now many important events had occurred that would shape the jjk world itself.

In this timeline, Megumi was born from a random Zen'in clan member instead of Toji. And most of all, he still had the inherited technique <The ten shadows> his birth changed the Zen'in family as a whole. Since he was born from a weak barely grade 3 sorcerer, needless to say he was looked down on continuously.

Now this by itself wouldn't be that bad. But the fact that he had the ten shadows technique made him a candidate for the position of patriarch in the Zen'in family. This caused friction between Naoya's faction and Megumi. Even if Megumi told them he wasn't ever interested in being patriarch they still made his life hell. That is.... Until Toji came in.

Toji took care of Megumi like an elder brother. As a matter of fact he even changed Megumi and his family's living quaters to be directly next to his house to make sure that nobody bullied the poor 8 year old.

Toji, at this point had made up a fearsome record, making it so that nobody would dare oppose him. By now alongside with the hei he had assisted on countless cursed spirit executions. Some going as high as first grade and semi-first grade. He even took care of one of the first grade spirits all by himself. Without using a weapon, with his bare hands.

Alongside that, his abnormal cursed technique that had now come to be known as <invisible mass> allowed him to manipulate some invisible energy in the air. Till date, nobody knew exactly what his cursed technique did.

Some even feared that Toji would join the race of the position of patriarch but Toji said that he had no interest whatsoever in that position "for now."

Some other interesting developments were seen in Maki and Mai . It seemed that because of Toji's training through the years with cursed objects and their physical strength they were able to even exorcise a grade two cursed spirit. If they worked together beating a semi grade one spirit wouldn't be that far off.

Another important thing is that apparently this world's protagonist Yuji itadori had been born. Though Toji didn't ask much about that from the system.


At the Tadama household-

'It looks like the time has come for me to go to jujutsu high'

"How much longer will this take Mai?" Toji who had been sitting in a chair for more then 30 minutes while Mai was styling his hair.

"Toji sama! Your beautiful hair have to be treated properly! Your appointment with the patriarch today requires you to be prim and proper. Not to mention, you don't take care of your hair at all while fighting." Mai who was still washing his hair pouted.

"Fine fine."

'This body really has developed properly. It's physical strength is unfathomable.' If Toji put his spirit into it he felt that he could create an earthquake with his fists. By now Toji's body had fully developed to the body of a 20-year old. He had become a muscular man with mid-length straight black hair that reached just past his ears. His green eyes were so captivating that you could get lost in them . Thin black eyebrows and a scar on the corner of his right lip.

'Looks like the wounds I had due to the fight against Ogi still haven't healed. Well at least it's a reminder to not be too arrogant, not that I'll listen to it.'

30 minutes later Mai's elaborate makeover for Toji's appointment with the patriarch had finally ended.

"Well then dad, Mai, I'll see you later."

"Goodbye, Toji Sama."

"Bye son."

'Phew finally the dressing up is over.' Toji was wearing a tight-fitting short sleeved shirt, tan baggy training pants with a black belt weaved through the waist and black martial arts slippers.

'What are you scheming now Naobito?'


At the patriarch's office.

Naobito was sitting on his seat with a relaxed expression looking off into the sky.

'This brat. He's become too strong. Too fast. I need to drive him away from the Zen'in clan'

Just then, the door to his room opened and Toji walked in.

"Well well welllll welcome to my humble abode Toji. The man of the hour. Exorcising a grade one spirit at the age of just 16, now isn't that just special? You're the pride of our family."

"Hmm? Isn't this just your office old man?"

"Enough with the sweet talk, tell me what you want." By now Toji had more than enough power in the clan to talk indirectly to Naobito.

"Wow your attitude sure has changed since you were young. I miss your younger version. Anyways coming to the point you're going to Jujutsu high."


"Fine, I agree but one condition."

"You're asking for a condition, brat? I'm doing this so that you can have a better future."

"My future pfft cut me some slack. With my inhuman strength, being patriarch would be too easy in this clan."

"Anyways as I was saying write a recommendation letter for me to become a teacher at Jujutsu high."

'Is this brat fucking crazy?' Naobito couldn't help but start dancing inside. The problem of Toji being in the clan practically solved itself. If he was a teacher at Jujutsu high then he'd have to live there for his entire teaching term.

"Think about it grandpa. It will increase our prestige as well. A 16 year old from the Zen'in clan becomes a teacher at Jujutsu high? Isn't that an amazing headline."

"YES! *Cough* I mean, Toji you have a point. Don't worry I'll do everything in my power for you to get the position of teacher at Tokyo jujutsu high." Naobito suddenly got up and banged his hands against the chair before sitting down.

"Thanks grandpa. When do I have to depart?"

"Hoh? Originally you were supposed to depart 2 days for now, but writing a recommendation and then sending it to jujutsu high and all of that would probably add another 2 days to that."

"Great. I'll be on my way then."



"Fist bump?"

"Fist bump."

Just then Toji and Naobito did one of the most awkward fistbumps in history.

"Anyways, bye kid."

'Wow that was awkward why did I do that?' Toji could feel the firsthand as well as second hand embarrassment from that.

'Well, at least that old man fell from my trick.'

'As long as I get my position as a teacher at jjk high I'll be able to successfully make Shoko leiri, Yuki tsukumo and Uraume to join my side.'

[Any special reason why the host is only going to recruit female RCT users?]

'Now now isn't it better to be surrounded by women then men? Though at this moment in the timeline people like Shoko leiri and Uraume have not learnt RCT even if they aren't able to learn it I'll have to teach it to them myself.

'Anyways better get my stuff packed up.'

Just as he opened the door to his house he was in for a suprise,

Confetti fell all over him and he was tackled to the ground with hugs from his father,Mai and Maki.

"Now now, it's not like I'm going away forever. Relax guys." Toji couldn't help but feel a bit touched by their love and hugged them back.

"Nope. Son you're coming out to drink with me, Ogi and the gang. Hahahaha." Tadama picked Toji up before carrying him on his shoulder and running away with him with a manical laugh.

In the meantime Maki and Mai caught up with each other.


2 days later

Toji could be seen getting ready for his trip from the Zen'in household to jjk high. To see him and Mai off not only the patriarch but the heads of the hei unit including the head of the kukuru unit came to see him off. At this point Maki was bawling her eyes out because Mai was allowed to go as Toji's servant. She kept on promising Toji that she would come to JJK high when she finally turned 16.

'Hehehehe me and Toji sama are left alone while traveling to jjk high isn't this basically a 1 day date?' just thinking that she was going to be alone with Toji almost made her reel.

"Tch those cheapskates, they didn't even give me a car. Well I asked for it anyway. What am I complaining about. I'll reach the place by tommorow by walking anyway."

"Oi Mai do you know any fun places around the area? That's the reason I didn't ask for any ca-"

"Yes Toji Sama, right here." Just as Mai said so the scroll she was hiding in her backpack was opened and as the thing flew open, it was so big that it expanded until it touched the floor and then kept going."

"U-uh Mai I don't think we'll be able to visit all these places today." Toji couldn't help but gulp as he saw all the places listed on the scroll. He couldn't even understand what half the places in the list were for. The thing he recognised instantly was a..... Bar? Well that's an appetizing place to visit later.

"You are unfortunately correct Toji sama, judging by our stride length and the time we have left to reach our destination at most we will only have 8 hours to fool around."

"Eh whatever. What place should we go first?"

"One of the most famous cake shops in Shibuya, Bricolage bread & co. Apparently the French bread is considered an international delicacy, simply too much to count on one hand."

"Hmm sounds like a fun place to go to."


"Wait do you know the way to Shibuya?."

"Do not fret, Toji sama I have memorised all routes to every fun place in Tokyo." As a person born with a heavenly restriction and forced to become a servant she couldn't even do much. The only fun thing she had was to go to the clan library. And even there she wasn't allowed to read information related to cursed energy because the librarian viewed it as a "useless endeavour " so all she could really do was look at the maps to pass time. Along the way she learnt every route in Tokyo with her enhanced memory.

'Well, at least it came in use to serve Toji sama.'

"So basically, if we take a left from the graveyard and then walk for 30 meters and then take a right next to the abandoned cake factory and go straight for 400 meters before turning right when we see the cake vending machine we'll be right next to the cake shop."

'Abandoned factory? Graveyard? Why do I have a bad feeling about this?'


"All right then let's be on our way, Mai."

"I'm still asking you if you want to store your backpack in little blobby." He said while handing her the purple blob.

"N-no thanks Toji sama." She said while shaking her head violently.

'What if he accidentally opens the bag and sees all the photos I've taken of him while he was growing up? That would be too embarrassing.'

"Fine whatever suits your taste." He yawned before they started making their way to be shop.

"Is this the cemetery you were talking about Mai?"

"Yes.... But I didn't think it would be this big."

"Hmm you're right 2000 people is a bit overkill."

'Why are there so many corpses here system?'

[Apparently 79 years ago a level 6.5 earthquake in this area killed over 5000+ people this may just be one of the group cemetery's the government built in haste and forgot to renovate.]

'Sounds like it. Seems like a perfect place for a cursed spirit to be born.'

'Speaking about that why are there no cursed spirits here?'

[The host is advised to spread out his sense imbued with chaotic energy.]


Toji closed his eyes and spread his sense and when he opened them he couldn't help but start laughing.

"Just as I expected it's really at the abandoned cake factory? Is this what's called fate? If so looks like your fate is sealed."

"Uhm Toji sama is everything alright?" Mai couldn't help but stare at Toji weirdly when she saw his unusual behaviour.

"You're telling me you can't feel it?"

Seeing the imaginary question marks that started appearing on Mai's head he couldn't help but be amused.

"Nothing. It just seems like we have a cursed spirit exorcism on our hands. Follow me."

"Yes Toji Sama." As soon as she heard Toji's words she took out two small daggers from her bag. They were daggers gifted to her by Toji on her 10th birthday. Apparently they were also special grade weapons that Toji got from the cursed warehouse with the help of Tadama. they had the special property that each individual dagger amplified the users physical strength by 100% when equipped. Although this was not that useful for people with cursed energy as they could just use cursed energy to amplify their physical strength.

"Hmmm now that I think about it. Wouldn't this be my first special grade curse exorcism?"

[You are right host.]

Just then bloodlust unconsciously started spewing out of Toji. And his lips spread apart to create a wide toothy grin.

'Now now curse you better put up a good fight or else I'll have to kill you right away.'


That was the end of the chapter :D how'd you like it? Please leave a comment or something if you did!