
JJK:God of Slaughter

Warning:This fanfic contains lemons. so read at your own peril. -------------------------------------------------------------- the god of slaughter a person who murdered an entire universe because of his wife's death. has to move on from his violent past.... but will he be able to do so? -------------------------------------------------------- The mc is reincarnated as Toji zen'in from jujutsu kaisen. Will he be able to change his future? ---------------------------------------------------------

BAALC · Anime & Comics
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38 Chs

The zen'in clan is mine.

"If only we had an RCT expert here '

'Looks like I'll have to fight Ogi while maintaining distance. Physical fights with him using my left hand would be tough since I'm not really used to it.'

'Whatever. Even without my right hand I'll win by a landslide'

'At Jujutsu High. Recruiting a RCT expert will be my top priority.'

'system has put that on the to-do list.'

[Request noted]

"Time to feed purple blob back to full strength." he said before starting to make the chaos energy in the environment flow to the blob.

30 minutes

'It took 30 minutes to feed it this time, what a monster.'

'Welp just means more energy for me. Yayyyy'

Just then the door to his house was violently struck open.

'Pfft what's even the use of having doors nowadays if you can just open up the lock with a kick.'

"Anyways,who's here?"

"Toji uwaaaaaaa" turns out the person who came was none other then Maki herself. She hurriedly ran towards Toji before hugging him and crying.

"Did you know how much I was worried about you?"

'Worried about me? .... Sigh. I've got to stop using other people's feelings in my plans.'

"Don't worry I missed you too." Toji smiled before he started petting her head with the only functioning hand he had left.

Usually Maki would be happy to get a head pat from Toji but this time she only looked up at him and asked

"Are you sure you'll be able to fight against my father in this form?"

"Heh. I think you're underestimating me, brat." Toji said before giving Maki a flick on her forehead.

"Ouch. You didn't have to do that." As soon as Toji hit her forehead, Maki finally realised what position they were in and hurriedly created distance between her and Toji.

"A-anyways I'll go back home. Ask me if you need anything." Maki stormed off from Toji's house seemingly embarrassed.



"Yes Toji Sama."

Mai, who was watching them from the background, responded almost immediately. Although she was jealous of Maki, she couldn't slack off on her duty.

"I'm going to take a nice long nap. Wake me up exactly when I have to go fight Ogi."

"Yes Toji Sama."

"I'll make your bed master. Please wait for 3 minutes."

'Just because my arm's broken doesn't mean I'm disabled.' Toji couldn't help but smile bitterly.

'Anyways time for a nap'

Although it seemed like Toji had went to take a nap because he was tired there was another more important reason.

'Testing out the limits of this body. How far can I manipulate it.'

Toji was going to see if he could successfully manipulate his body into speeding up its production of mesenchymal cells. These cells are used in healing fractures. If all his body's focus went into their production it wouldn't be long before he could remove the cast on his arm.

One day later,

"Toji sama the time has come." Mai said while bowing towards his bed.

"Hmm. *Yawn* looks like I'll have to fight with an injured arm anyways." It looks like his experiment had been partly successful. Although the healing process drastically increased it would still take him a few more weeks or perhaps a month to get it back into working condition.

'But first of all this has to go away.' as Toji said so, the cast in his arm was sliced apart using a sharp serrated knife that toji created from thin air.

"T-toji sama please stay safe." As Mai looked at his arm she couldn't help but be disgusted a bit. The fractured bone at this time, although covered by skin at this time still poked through the skin like an odd pimple and the bruise marks and scratches still remained all over Toji's arms.

"Yeah yeah don't worry I'll return in one piece my one and only cute lovely maid." Toji couldn't help but laugh inside whenever he saw the cute reactions of the two sisters. It was simply a delicacy.

'C-cute Toji sama called me cute??' at this point Mai's face was bright pink in colour.

"Toji sama you better make your way to the disciplinary pit or else you'll be late." She tried her best to stay professional, but her shyness still came through a bit in the end.

"Yes yes I'll see you later.... Maybe."


At the disciplinary pit.

'this brat. He sure is taking his time.... That womanizer.' While he was in closed door practice for a few months it seemed like both his daughters had fallen in love with Toji. Sticking with him wherever they went.

'Looks like I'll have to teach him a lesson today. Not for personal reasons of course.'

Just then the door opened and from the doors a 10 year old quickly made his way down the stairs.

"Sorry for being late old man. I was a bit busy with your daughter, teehee" toji struck a cute pose with his hands.

"Before we start let me fix some things a bit." As soon as Toji said that he held one part of his broken arm and the other part with an imaginary black arm.


The sounds of bones popping together was heard. Toji violently reshaped his arm without saying a word before coating the once broken arm with heavy black energy.

'This is just a temporary solution. In the end after the fight is over it will start hurting even more then it is right now.' although Toji said that he was at least able to remotely move his right arm now. At least.

'Such endurance. Truly tadama's child'

"Anyways let's begin brat."

"Hell yeah."

<100% release>

As soon as Toji said that the black energy from the blob hurriedly coated Toji's arms and created what looked to be a shield in his right arm and a curved longsword in his left.

'My right arm's going to be broken anyways later. At least it can function as a shield for now.'

"Now now fighting a swordsman in a sword battle is pretty cool isn't it?"

"You got that right brat. Now come at me." He gestured at toji to come forward with his fingers.

"If you say so." Suddenly toji jumped in the air before a platform appeared in the place where he hovered that he used as a springboard to strike Ogi.

<Blazing courage>

As soon as Ogi said those words a 10 meter fire appeared which surrounded his sword, he used the sword to parry Toji's attack.

"Nice try brat." Just as Ogi said so he overpowered Toji and Toji was sent flying into the walls.

"Ugh you monster." Toji could feel his spine tingling in pain. He got up from the ground before wiping the blood dripping out of his mouth.

"Let's engage in a sword-dance shall we, Ogi -san?"

As soon as Toji said that his dark longsword started violently attacking Ogi's katana without any rhythm.

'Faster' his strikes needed to be faster.

'Stronger' his strikes needed more punch in them.

Just as Toji's strength increased it looked like the dance was slowly coming to a stalemate.

Just as Ogi raised up his katana and cracked down on Toji with full speed, Toji's reflexes hurriedly used the longsword to block it.

"Looks like this is almost a close match ey?" Ogi said while looking at Toji who by now was forced down to his knees because of the force of Ogi's attack. Even his dark longsword looked to be hit hard as at the point of contact it had started to chip and lose its shape.

"That's where you're wrong old man. I win."

Suddenly the longsword in Toji's hand changed its shape into a large, sharp toothpick like shape that hurriedly went towards Ogi's weak point. His ribs.

"Game over." Just as Toji said so Ogi's katana lost momentum yet it still put forth its intended effect. As Toji's longsword dissapeared there was nothing to help guard against the katana. Making toji have to bear the cost of the red flames alongside the sword strike on his body.

A huge scar had appeared on both his chest and his face near his mouth. Even before the blood could start seeping out, the wound was cauterized because of the high temperature of the katana.

As he walked towards the old man, who was now holding his ribs, he couldn't help but say,

"Weren't expecting that were ya?"

"A sneak attack....*cough* well it doesn't matter. In a battle even a sneak attack is part of a plan."

"Yeah old man. I'm sorry but this is the only way I could have defeated you realistically without injuries."

"*Cough* thanks for the compliment. I admit my defeat"


Just as Toji said so Ogi blushed a bit before bowing to his knees even with the gaping hole in his ribs.

" I swear my allegiance to Toji Zen'in, starting today I will follow his every order."

'Hoh? He took a heavenly vow? Truly a dedicated man.'

"Well then let's go to the cursed warehouse then."

"Oh yeah your injuries! Wait I have a way to stall for time before you can go to the infirmary."

Just as Toji said so, his chaos energy hurriedly flew into ogi's wound, completely filling it up.

"Thanks for the help br-Master, I feel as good as new." Truly, calling a six year old your master was humiliating.

"Hum hum hummmmm take me to the warehouse right now."

As they made their way towards the cursed warehouse the passersbys who saw them couldn't help but be confused. Right now with their torn up clothes they looked like they were beggars or either just came out from a brutal sex session.

"Anyways we are almost here."

As they climbed the stairs that led towards the cursed warehouse Ogi screamed,


the guard who was stationed at the warehouse who was sleeping before suddenly sprang up and saluted Ogi.

"Y-y-yes sir but there's one problem."

"Spill brat."

"The patriarch, he-he took the keys with him." the guard was expecting an onslaught of complaints from the old man but in reaction he only got an


Ogi then went and touched the wall of the warehouse.

"I've always wanted to try this ever since I was a kid. These walls.... They really are special."

"Are you thinking the same thing as I am, master?"

"Are you sure you wanna do this?"

"I would have done this myself sooner or later anyway. But in this state I need your help."

"Just then both of them got into their attacking stances."

<100% release>

<Evangelion sword>

<Cursed technique: blazing courage>

Needless to say... The gate didn't stand much of a chance against both of their techniques combined, as a giant x mark was all that was left on it.

Toji then kicked the gate causing the whole structure to fall onto itself revealing the treasures inside.

"Go get whatever item you want from inside Master. I'll be waiting here."


As soon as he walked inside his eyes couldn't help but sparkle in greed. All the cursed objects in the room. They were perfect for exorcising semi-grade one and grade one curses. Something his chaos energy would have difficulty doing. If he wasn't able to excorcise grade one curses one day he wouldn't be able to climb the ladder of this world's power system.

"Hoh? Ancient world devouring blade? Useless."

"The celestial longsword? Cool name, poor execution."

"The rippling chains of heaven? Cool name but weak as hell."

"The lightbringer katana? Man these names go hard as fuck but the items are useless."

As Toji went through the warehouse he couldn't help but be disappointed. It's not that everything was useless here but the fact was that nothing fit him here. For a person without ANY cursed energy these things that required cursed energy to be activated were useless. But he did find two objects that could prove useful.

The Split Soul Katana. It is a large Japanese broadsword with a fur tsuba and a dark handle. It bypasses physical toughness and cuts directly at the soul.

Apparently this was also supposed to be one of his primary weapons in the future so +1 for that.

And after that the one and only inverted spear of heaven

The Inverted Spear of Heaven is a special grade cursed tool with the ability to completely nullify cursed techniques on contact. It uses an imbued cursed technique fueled by foreign cursed energy. It was fucking perfect for him.

'System is using devour possible on the inverted spear of heaven?'

[Processing request]

[The chance is 50 50 host. If you eat the spear to gain it's properties then maybe it is possible.]


'Eat the spear? What does that even mean? Sigh well goodbye weapon." Just as Toji said that he summouned a few giant hammers that continuously punded the spear. Turning it into dust.after that he created a broom that kept all the dust in a bowl made of chaotic energy.

"Sighm looks like I won't be able to speak for some days." The fragments of the sword although tiny were still very sharp and ingesting them would rended toji unable to speak for some days.

"Well you lose some you win some. Oi system what do you think would be better? Snorting this or drinking it with water?"


[If the host doesn't want to die the system suggests the host to drink it down with water. If the host snorts it it will cause irreversible damage to your respritory system. You'll need a professional RCT Expert for healing that.]

"Booooooo no fun. Oi blob take out a water bottle" Toji had been storing useless but useful objects inside the blob ever since he got it while he was bored.

"Hmm hmm hmmm wow. This actually looks delicious after you add chocolate and water to it."

"Anyways. Cheers to myself." Toji hurriedly gulped down the abomination he had created.

"<D-devour > Toji said with slurred speech. He could feel the fine grains of the spear slicing up his throat.

Devour allowed Toji to gain the abilities of any object/living/non living being he absorbed. Since his chaos energy was too low he had to directly absorb the spear into his body for his ability to work.

'Come to think of it I haven't used any four of my chaos techniques. What a waste of my time'

He could feel his voice box getting scratches and tearing apart buttttttttt he got the ability to nullify practically all cursed techniques with his body itself. This combined with the split soul katana made the perfect combination.

'mhm it tastes kinda irony.'

[The host is advised to take a ton of rest so that his body is allowed to heal and NO SPEAKING for 1 month if you want your voice box to heal.]

[The digestive enzymes in your body will absorb the spear later anyway don't worry about that. After using <devour > on it it's basically a piece of trash anyway]


'Anyways I'll just tell them that the split soul katana was the only weapon I took and my voice box was damaged in the fight against Ogi.'

Outside he could hear the voices of argument between Ogi and some other person.

'looks like the patriarch and his lackeys are back from their missions.'

'time for some convincing.'


That was the end of the chapter:D if you liked it please leave a comment!