
JJK:God of Slaughter

Warning:This fanfic contains lemons. so read at your own peril. -------------------------------------------------------------- the god of slaughter a person who murdered an entire universe because of his wife's death. has to move on from his violent past.... but will he be able to do so? -------------------------------------------------------- The mc is reincarnated as Toji zen'in from jujutsu kaisen. Will he be able to change his future? ---------------------------------------------------------

BAALC · Anime & Comics
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38 Chs

ogi zen'in and the disciplinary pit.

As Toji opened the gate he was mildly disappointed. He expected a lofty room made out of gold. Yet he saw a large empty room with cupboards and drawers here and there with a table in the middle.

'Looks like he doesn't care about money that much.'

On the left corner of the room Toji saw a door made out of metal. This was odd because the room uptil now was made out of either carpet,wood etc. this must lead to his training room then.

As he opened the door he couldn't help but be surprised. The room was almost pitch black with just a single light on the roof to cover it. Yet most of all the walls. They were full of katana marks. And at some parts of the room, the walls were even blackened, seemingly burnt.

'Looks like maki wasn't lying when she said the old man was training'

Just then Toji felt goosebumps spread across his body as a wrinkled hand touched his shoulder.

"Brat. What are you doing in my room?" A husky old voice said.

'This old man, he's faster than I expected. Even my heightened senses couldn't pick up on his presence.' Toji said while tiny drops of sweat fell down his neck.

"Old man. I'm gonna cut the slack I want you to take me to the disciplinary pit." Although Toji knew where the pit was he couldn't just barge in there without a sorcerer to watch over him.

"And why do you think I should do that? Although I'm thankful for you taking care of those useless daughters of mine and you coming to visit me every now and then you're still just a stranger. Even if you're Tadama's son."

'Oi oi oi system. This isn't how this was supposed to go down. What is his affection level with me?'

[ It's 58% host. Ogi is most likely just trying to scare you for no reason. You've even taken care of his daughters after all.]

'Haha guess I'll have to make up some random bullshit.'

"Aren't you curious?"

"Curious about what brat?"

"Don't lie old man. Aren't you curious about my existence? Not a single drop of cursed energy exists within my body, it's in a state where it's even worse than your daughters. Yet I can sense cursed energy and even see cursed spirits? This shouldn't be possible with a heavenly restriction right?"


"Fine you've got a point brat I may be curious about that but what does that have to do with me taking you to the disciplinary pit?"

'Tch this old man's a hard nut to crack.'

"What if I tell you? That even without cursed energy in my body my cursed technique has already started manifesting?"

"What? Don't tell me lies brat." Ogi squinted his eyes before holding Toji up in the air while grabbing his neck.

Yet Toji did nothing but stare at him with a smirk.

"Fine kid. You win this one I'll take you to the pit but only because I haven't been out of my room for a few months. I still have to keep up appearances don't I?" Ogi said before lowering down Toji from the air.

"Haaaah looks like I was able to convince you old man." just as Toji started to walk towards the entrance of the room the old man said

"Wait. I have a condition. You have to show me this 'cursed technique' of yours that you supposedly have. If it isn't real don't think that just because you're Tadama's son I'll let you off without a scratch.

"Heh. Don't worry about that old man. I'm not a person that lies."



[You don't have a cursed technique. How are you going to convince Ogi to take your side?]

'Now now now. Don't worry about that, I'm a master at making up techniques.'

[The system understands]

As they made their way to the disciplinary pit with Ogi leading him people in the household couldn't help but be weirded out by Ogi's appearence. He looks like he had aged considerably just like Tadama Zen'in.

'Although outwardly it looks like he has aged. He's just become stronger. I can't even get a read on him. What a monster.'

"Just so you know brat, I'm not responsible for any injuries that you get inside the pit. I'm just here as a bystander. Don't think I'm your knight in shining armor."

"Don't worry about that old man. I'm confident enough to atleast escape in one piece." Toji said with a smirk

The men's clan keeps numerous cursed spirits ranked grade 2 and below in a large room meant to be used for training and discipline. Typically, only strong sorcerers who want to polish their techniques are brought inside for a limited time. But with Ogi's authority in the clan, Toji could get in for free.

At the disciplinary pit.

As Toji opened the giant door he couldn't help but be surprised. After descending the stairs, behind the four giant pillars, a large empty ground was present and on the edges of the ground numerous cursed spirits could be seen inside reinforced steel bars. Inside each cell you could see that the cursed spirits were bound to the ground with multiple large chains.

"Quite the system you've got here. You're even able to seal cursed spirits haphazardly."

"Yes. Athough this place is efficient some cursed spirits do escape once in a while. It's a pain in the ass for me to deal with them."

"Anyways brat what cursed spirit do you want to fight first."

"Let's start with a grade 2 cursed spirit." Toji said while cracking his bones."

"Alright." Ogi took out a shuriken from his pocket before infusing it with the flames generated with his cursed technique and threw it towards the lock of one of the jail cells. Melting down the lock immediately.

"Cool idea old man."

Just as he said that he could hear the sound of something approaching from the jail cell. What came out from the other end wasn't something he expected..... it was just a dog. It slowly approached him before starting to rub it's head on Toji's leg.

Then Toji decided to pick up the dog and he held it before his face. But suddenly the dog's face split in half before numerous tentacles filled with sharp spikes came right out.

"Nice try." Toji held the dog with one hand and held all the tentacles with the other. The spikes already made blood flow out of Toji's hand but Toji instead of dropping the dog increased his grip on the tentacles until they exploded and then held the dog's head.

"Goodbye then." just as Toji said so the dog's body exploded and purple blood fell on the ground. The spirit had been exorcised.

Now you may ask how Toji is able to exorcise a cursed spirit without using cursed energy? Well the answer is simple, cursed energy is a sub-type of chaos energy. Now what would happen if a cursed spirit gets infused with all the chaos energy in the surroundings? it would burst because it isn't able to handle the new foreign energy.

'I don't think I'll be able to use this method to exorcise spirits higher than grade 2 though. Instead of exploding they'll just absorb the chaos energy and get stronger.'

"Interesting" This brat was able to exorcise a spirit without using cursed energy? Truly an abnormality.

"Well then brat, I'll be releasing a grade 3 curse now." He threw yet another shuriken infused with his cursed energy.

Just then the jail cell popped open and what came out was a weird purple worm with the face of a newborn child.


[the system advises the host against exorcising this spirit]

"Hmm? any specific reason?"

[yes host. this spirit has a special function. A hidden inventory. if the host can tame the spirit then it will prove to be useful for the host. the spirit isn't an offensive type so taming it won't be that hard.]

'A hidden inventory? As in anything can be hidden inside it?" A thought popped up inside his head.'

[yes host.]

'even chaos energy?'

[yes host. if you tame this spirit you can use it to store your chaos energy and use it for later.]

'Now now now looks like this ugly monster is pretty useful ey?'

Cursed sorcerors use the cursed energy that is stored inside of their body to manifest cursed techniques into reality but Toji is an exception. He can't store any form of negative energy inside of his body. So what if instead of storing chaos energy inside of him, he stores it inside this worm? He could even use the chaos energy he stores inside the worm as a backup if the chaos energy in the surroundings isn't enough for his attacks.

"Now now now get over here my precious pet" If you were to see Toji's eyes right now they would be practically sparkling with greed.

Toji approached the worm and held it before he started infusing chaos energy inside the worm.

[Host are you trying to forcibly make the spirit increase its grade?]

'Sigh looks like you were able to guess that too.'

'Yes exactly, if this grade 3 cursed spirit were to level up once more then what form would it take? would it gain offensive characteristics or would the space inside of the spirit increase?'

Toji started to infuse the worm with cursed energy he gathered from the surroundings. After 5 minutes of the spirit absorbing the energy it suddenly glowed before it seemingly melted and became a purple blob that dropped to the floor.

'Guess the experiment was a failure haaaaaaah.' Toji sighed at the loss but just as he was about to tell the old man to unlock a grade 2 spirit, the blob on the floor started to move towards Toji's leg before navigating and slithering its way from toji's chest to his arm and then finally it laid on his hand. 

"Sweet, looks like it wasn't a failure after all." Toji started to bounce the ball around in his hand before he started examining it.

'How much chaos energy would fit inside of this? Why don't we find out.'

This whole time, old man Ogi was watching the exchange with intrigue before he saw that Toji was seemingly able to change the form of, and even level up cursed spirits based on the amount of cursed energy the spirit was radiating.

'Wack. Well, this is none of my business anyway.'

20 minutes later

'This thing is a monster' Even though Toji had been storing chaos energy inside the spirit for over 10 minutes it didn't seem to be full, hell it even started bouncing on his hand happily. This much chaos energy would even be enough to make a semi grade 1 cursed spirit explode.'

[Congratulations host on your success.]

'Yeah yeah thanks' Then he stopped the flow of chaos energy from the environment to the blob and placed it on his shoulder.

'System why is the cursed spirit so obedient?'

[processing request]

[Host. The cursed spirit views you as its mother at this point. you practically helped it get reborn and you fed it for over 15 minutes. If there was an affection meter for cursed spirits, this spirits affection for you would be 100%].

'Cool. Well, anyways why don't we test my new pet out ?'

"Old man bring out the level 2 cursed spirit. make sure it's an offensive type this time."

"You don't have to tell me, brat" Ogi then repeated the process once more.