
jjk cursed technique creater

guy goes to the world of jjk after receiving wishes from a primal being (chapter will be short 150 to 500 words, 1000 to the most) [FIRST 5 CHAPTERS ARE SHART BUT PICK UP PACE AFTER THAT] there will be small changes to the Og story of jjk

Cursedking · Anime & Comics
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23 Chs

purchasing cursed tools [part 2]

After looking at each other, then me one of the two girls who now was sat to the right of me began to speak.

"If you don't mind, could you tell me what gave it away?" she asked while the other woman simply observed.

Hearing her question without a moment to waste, I replied

"The first thing that led to my discovery was the airings that the two of you way which looked very peculiar to say the least from which I then cam to the conclusion that it must have been a cursed tool" I said after which I took a pause to look at the face of the woman that did not even Sim instructed in the conversation before I continued

" the second thing was the odd lack of sorcerers in this bar that for some reason did not Sim to make the two of you feel threatened since from your cursed energy levels would make you weaker than the bartender that is supposed to be looking after this place yet that did not make you feel out of place or threatened, which lead to me coming to the conclusion that YOU must be the one truly in charge and is hiding YOUR strength,and lastly" I said as I focus entirely on the woman that was not responding since the start of the conversation as she spoke

"from the way you have been speaking from the start of the conversation, speaking in singular speech instead of plural I could guess that you even figured out my cursed technique" she said adopting the same business smile as the old man as the other woman simed to vanish out of existence and she simed receive a huge boost of cursed energy that put her cursed energy levels at grade 1 middle . Which prompted me to continue to my tired clue.

"From the moment I entered the bar I scanned all of you to see your cursed energy levels, but for some reason the two of you girls had the same amount of cursed energy and the same cursed energy in general which is not possible from what my teacher thought me at the academy which led to me coming to the conclusion that the two of you are one in the same with a cloning cursed technique" I said explaining to her the biggest reason that I found out her Identity while also inputting small details about me having a [master] to put her more of the track of my true identity

Hairing my third answer, the woman began staring at me for a few moments before looking away as she began to speak.

"After hearing your observations I have to say you are a very talented young man, since at first I thought that you possessed the six eyes of the gojo family since you could read cursed energy in such detail but after looking at your eyes or what I could see of them through the mask your eyes don't resemble those of the gojo family" she said as she waved her hand in a motion as if it was a code of some kind which prompted the old man to soddenly appear behind her with a transparent card and a form in hand As the woman began to speak again

"Since you would like to be invited to the back market, you will have to fill out a form which is mandatory for all that enters the black market," she said as she handed me the form

After receiving the form without hesitation I began to fill it out, the form was a very simple form with a simple layout that asked questions such as grade, cursed technique name which was optional for those that wished to keep their identity secret so I put [john Smith] since it was also the name under the account [great sage] made and also bank info since the black market was a biding type that requires full knowledge about there participants financial information and also some other simple questions obout the currant jujitsu world hat took me some time to answer with the help of [great sage]

:::::::10minuits later:::::::

After about ten minutes, I answered all the questions and filled the information on the form, then handed it to the lady, and then I read it over before responding to me

"Everything Sims to be in order mr John Smith since that is all I will like to give you this card "as she took the card that the old man brought and handed it to me as she continued speaking

"we will have to make sure the information you gave us about your bank account is correct which will take at most three days from now to verify , if it does the card that you have been given will turn black and will have the information regarding the next black market event such as location and date on it with that said I guess this would have to be the end of our meet" she said as she prompted for me to leave which without hesitation I did.

But as I was about to exit, she threw a bottle of alcohol to me as I spoke.

"consider that a gift since this is the first time we met and you Sim to like it so much, and also my name is ava and the old man's is Mark" available said with a smile on her face

"thanks" I said with no emotion in my voice as I walked out of the building looking in the sky to see that it now night with that in mind I asked [great sage] to scan the bottle and card to see if there was any type of tracking basted cursed technique placed on it for which [great sage] responded no with that settled I decided to use my full speed to run a few miles from the location of the bar which took me 2 minutes after which I traded places with a cursed spirit that I left in my room. And told the cursed spirit to kill itself so that there would be no traces of me

With all that settled, I decided to take a shower, then Chang before going to bed

::::::[END OF CHAPTER]::::::::

Please comment cursed techniques for me to give future characters , some of which can get through [limitless] and [pain killer] and some for every day jujitsu sorcerers/extras

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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