
jjk cursed technique creater

guy goes to the world of jjk after receiving wishes from a primal being (chapter will be short 150 to 500 words, 1000 to the most) [FIRST 5 CHAPTERS ARE SHART BUT PICK UP PACE AFTER THAT] there will be small changes to the Og story of jjk

Cursedking · Anime & Comics
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23 Chs

fountain and immortality

In an open filled one, one can see a young boy looking about the age of 14 to 16 doing push-ups while counting.


After doing 10000 push-ups, the boy got up and started to stretch.

"It's been a while since I got tired doing push up" I said stopping my stretching as I started to recall all that I did from since I came to the [lords space] 4 years ago or to be exact 4 days in the real world since the first thing I did after coming here was change the time ratio to [1:365] so that I could maximize the amount of training I could do within the time frame I gave myself.

For the first year, I started to train all lacking aspects of my cursed techniques and anti domain techniques. For anti domain techniques, I started to practice techniques I gained knowledge about in the gojo family library but could not practice till then due to my circumstances. So after coming to the [lords space] I started to practice a simple domain that took me only a week to comprehend and mater to [s] grade.

but the challenge came with the second anti domain technique [falling blossom emotions] which even after following all the instructions in the book from the gojo family took me 4 months and three weeks to Completely master and comprehend after training both anti domain techniques for the rest of the year I trained the limitless cursed technique and my shadow manipulation.in that time I was able to master the limitless cursed technique to the Point where I could use [blue]and could even do short Range [teleportation] but the thing that shocked me was how I could shape [blue] to not just take the shape of a spare but other shaped such as triangles,squares and many others which gave me many ideas for the future.

Next was shadow manipulation, for that I simply learned was to make it more versatile, such as creating shadow armor, which was not just strong but weighed literally nothing.

For my second year in the lords space I started to train in different weapons that I constructed with cursed energy which I could now use nearly 24-7 thanks to my six eyes which I also trained by limiting the amount of cursed energy that went into weapon construction on the atomic level.

But I also tested something that could if successful make Me receive cursed energy and spirits while also training that was if I cold let my cursed spirits out of the lords space while i was inside and to that the answer was an very loud YES so after finding that out I started to let my cursed spirits out after giving them orders to capture and absorb cursed spirits and return to me every year/day to give me cursed energy to absorbe to increase my rings around my heart which now stood at 6 and my currant number of cursed spirits being 10000 all being grade ones that I synthesized.

For the tired year, I decided to continue to train in different wepons and create a cursed technique from a villain from a comic I read in my previous life. Which costed my rule break card.the cursed technique was the greatest so far created being [z]grade.

it was in many ways grater than limitless even in some cases eliminating the need for limitless since the cursed technique whole allow me to absorb ALL kinds of energy, store said energy and release said energy at any time.and if I do not release the energy it would increase my strength. Also making me unkillable un less someone could poison me or destroy my soul since normal physical attacks would just be counted as conetic energy and be notified and absorbed making me unkillable by normal means which led to me naming the cursed technique [painkiller] since normal attacks would literally not hurt me .

And for the last year I decided to start it of by using one of the random bloodlines which gave me the hanma bloodline that for some Strange reason automatically merged with my human bloodline which created my new primal human bloodline. When I first saw it, it made me feel hyped.

[Primal human: the first human that evolved from monkeys giving them near unbeatable stamina , reflexes ,strength and instincts they also grew through battle and training 1000× faster than moden humans though they were stupid so they died out]

Op that was all i could say after After reading the description so I decided to start doing normal traing in 10x gravity that scaled higher from the those I did in the start since in the first week I could dearly do 100 push-ups but on the second I could make it to 182 push-ups in 14x gravity till I reached the currant day of my departure where I can now do 10000 push ups in 127x gravity.

Now that I did all that came to do in the [lords space] I decided to drink the fountain of youth.

Though in the past I decided not to drink it due to it stopping my aging process I did it now so that I could enter the jujitsu high later since I now looked to be about 14 to 16 and when I get a rule brake card in the future I could just make [idle transfiguration] to change how I look.

Felling ready, I reached into my inventory and took out the fountain of youth, and drank it . upon doing so I felt as if the world was moving in slow motion, the cursed energy around and within me could now view in more detail than when i used my [six eyes] and as I began to move the cursed energy to my will. Till the the world began to move at the correct speed .

not thinking to much about what just happen I created a knife out of cursed energy and stabbed my hand with it ,within a fraction of a second all the damage simply vanished from the stab i received, feeling satisfied I decided to leave the lords space and start to enact the next part of my preparation and training before entering jujitsu high.


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