
JJk: Cursed Seal

Gojo Satoru, a Genius descendant of one of Japan's big three jujutsu families. The advent of his birth alone destroyed the current balance of the world. He was undoubtedly a being destined to achieve greatness above all others. But while all attention was focused on him. 10 years later a boy was born in the same Gojo family. A rather special one, although so, his birth created no waves nor phenomena. But you best believe that his growth will be much different. ... The mc didn't inherit his family's hereditary cursed technique, there has been a mutation created by his reincarnation into that world.

ThatOneGuy206 · Anime & Comics
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Gojo Toneri

"Hey, have you heard?"

"Heard what? You know I have been out in France for like years, I just came back 3 days ago."

"Ho, yeah that's true."

"... Idiot."

"Don't insult me. Anyway, there is a rumor that has been circulating around."

"Hurry up and spill it already."

"Chill man, I am coming. So I was saying. Ha Yes, the rumor. They say that a peculiar kid has appeared."

"If you are talking about Satoru, that's old news already... who even doesn't know that little monster?"

"I said, let me finish. It's not him, it's another kid that has manifested our family's cursed techniques."

"Techniques? Plural?"

"Yes, plural."

"Impossible. Such occurrence is impossible or the news would have made it around the globe already."

"You're right."

"Then what are you even saying? Trying to bullshit like that."

"Have you always been so annoying? I told you to let me speak!"

"Alright, alright, please go on."

"That kid manifested them but also not at the same time. There has been a mutation of sort."

"A mutation? What the heck is that?"

"I am not sure about the detail but it seems like he was born with 2 cursed techniques resembling our hereditary ones. One optical and the other spatial. But I heard that they are inferior to the Six Eyes and the Limitless."

"Now, that is interesting. Do you know his name?"

"Yes I do, his name is-"


"Gojo Toneri." 15 years old Gojo Satoru looked at his cousin of sorts. The kid had white hair much like his own and blue eyes but of a different shade since he had the Six Eyes.

The kid was taller than the average of his age since he was 5 years old. He was really cute, it was easy to tell he would grow up to become much like him, a lady killer.

But what somewhat surprised Satoru Gojo was the kid's eyes and composure. It very much reassembled his own at that age.

Eyes containing a semblance of maturity and intelligence beyond his age and the countenance of one who know himself... It is something strange and difficult to explain.

"And you are Gojo Satoru." Toneri answered with interest as he looked intently at the older boy.

They observed each other for what seemed like a good 5 minutes. Even though the scene would have seemed strange to any other people if they were to witness it.

"Hahaha. I see, a genius recognizes a genius when he sees one! I like you, kid." Gojo laughed wildly while saying. he was sure that kid was something even though he didn't see much yet.

Seeing this, Toneri, still finding his name rather ironic, couldn't help but sight in his mind as some of his doubt has been confirmed.

"Are you done? I still have things to do, so if you will excuse me." As he was preparing to leave he was stopped as he felt a hand on his head.

"Not so quick kid, I heard of you from the family head, but I still want to see them for myself." Gojo spoke as he cracked a smile.

"See what?" Toneri asked playing the ignorant part.

"Don't try to trick me, you know full well what I mean." Satoru fingered down his black glasses as he spoke, looking at Toneri.

"Fine. I will show you."


"Hahaha, your cursed techniques really got potential kids, don't waste them." Satoru Gojo spoke as he left, well happy about what he just witnessed.

He already knew from the description he received from the family head but the kid's cursed techniques were really interesting. To believe someone like him would be born into the Gojo family... truly peculiar.

Well, Satoru wasn't sure that he has the right to think so as his case was also not that 'normal'.

That aside, now, how should he go about annoying Geto today?


Back at his house, he found himself alone. His parents were rarely present, they would leave in the morning to come back the night, leaving him alone most of the day as they were jujutsu sorcerers and worked full time.

Most of the time he went to his father's sister's house to eat. Althought he was only 5 years old, much like ninjas in Naruto those with cursed energy matured faster both physically and psychologically... at least generally.

So he could take care of himself most of the time, well, as much as it was possible for a kid to do so.

Back in the living room, he climbed the sofa and sat down. before giving a mental command.


LV: 01

Name: Gojo Toneri

Specie: Human

Gender: Male

Age: 5

Class: Jujutsu Sorcerer.


Cursed Energy Manipulation: Novice Proficiency

Cursed Technique- Tenseigan: Novice Profeciency

Cursed Technique- Cursed Seal: Novice Proficiency

Physical Conditioning: Novice Proficiency

Well, not much changed since the last time he checked but he liked to do it every now and then anyway. Though he didn't know where the system came from and said the system couldn't tell him since it was not sentient. He decided to use it all the same.

He had it since the day he was reborn in this world anyway, it might as well be considered a part of him just like his cursed techniques.

Speaking of cursed techniques, imagine his shock when he discovered that they were the Tenseigan which is the evolution of the byakugan, and the flying thunder god jutsu basically which he decided to rename for convenience purposes.

To say that, merely the day before his death he was speaking with someone on Twitter about how the Tenseigan was superior to the six eyes and if you were to give it to Minato along with his space-time jutsu, he would literally destroy Gojo.

And now here we are... not only that, for some reason he can't fathom to this day, his parents decided to give him the name Toneri which, to be honest, was not that bad of a name, it has some cultural meaning attached to it too.

But still, is it a coincidence that the previous owner of the Tenseigan had the same name? He refused to believe it, there should be a force at play here.

If he didn't know any better he would say that he was in a 3rd rate fanfiction of sorts. But from his years of living, he could tell how real everything was.

'No use thinking about it anyway.' He shook his head before taking a deep breath and closing his eyes. His legs crossed in a meditative fashion as he saw many times people do in different manhwas.

He felt deep within himself the energy flowing through his body, his own cursed energy. He tried to manipulate it and take hold of it with his mind and it worked.

Now he made circulate within his body from one point to another, all of that train his control over it. And it sure was not easy.

Merely 15 minutes later he opened his eyes before sighing.

[Your Cursed Energy Manipulation proficiency has increased.]

He ignored the notification as he was used to it, it merely notified him of the progress he made during training. Sometimes it was even annoying.

"The six eyes sure are OP." To grant the user control over cursed energy to the atomical scale is really something.

Objectively speaking, manipulating a large bulk of it to enhance your physical capabilities is not that hard, but having finer control, however, was exponentially more difficult.

"I do think my Tenseigan is better still. I just lack the amount and necessary control of cursed energy to use it at its full potential... for now." he muttered

"Wait a minute." He remembered something interesting. It was about the Hyuga clan in Naruto. The reason why they had such good control over their chakra was that they didn't have to visualize their chakra pathway, no they could directly see it and manipulate it in accordance which made it much easier for them.

"Since I am not that familiar with cursed energy yet let's try that." Don't judge him, he only watched the first season of the anime, he didn't even watch the film.

As he called upon his cursed energy (CE) and injected it into his eyes, his cursed technique (CT) manifested.

His blue eyes became much more vibrant than it was before and filled with what resemble overlapping beautiful white flower patterns.

With that happening his field of vision grew exponentially 360 degrees all around. Since the Tenseigan doesn't have the same weakness as the byakugan, the view was complete, and even with his meager amount of cursed energy he could see all the way outside his house.

But he reduced the CE output to reduce the his optical field center just around his body and immediate vicinity.

As he looked, observed, and experimented, he started gaining and a better understanding of cursed energy, which in return boosted his control over it as he changed his way of apprehending it.

And without even him noticing, an hour had already passed and his cursed energy almost hit rock bottom.

[Your Cursed Energy Manipulation proficiency has greatly increased]

Now that's better. At least he was on his way to get better and better at it.

Since he was almost out of CE, he decided to do something else to compensate and started walking toward the backyard.

There he first started stretching to get in the condition for some relatively intensive training, anywhere from running around to doing some push-ups and sit-ups. Althought it was hard, he pushed his young body to exhaustion rather quickly.

Then decided to stop, not mastering Reverse CT, he didn't plan to cripple himself this young

[Your Physical Conditioning proficiency has increased.]

Hearing the notification. He sat down, trying to catch his breath.

"That... was really hard... harder than... I thought it would be." He muttered between two breaths.

He lie on his back as he checked if his cursed energy regenerated already... and that was not the case. So as he waited he ended up falling asleep where he was resting.

2 Hours later he begrudgingly woke up as he sat down.

"I was more tired than I realized." He spoke as he got up and dusted himself.

"CE or not, I guess a child body is still a child body." He then went inside to take a quick shower, with the little heads of the shower since the big one was too much for him.

With a fresh new set of clothes, he once again resumed his CE manipulation exercise.

This time, however, he went about it differently than he did before, meditation was good and all but it was not that effective.

So taking inspiration from HxH, he filled a glass cup with water and started injecting his CE into it. He was not expecting anything particular to be honest so imagine his surprise when the color of the water started changing and turning faintly golden in color.

And golden was the color of his cursed energy...

"If this was HxH I would be an emitter... hahaha" entertaining himself with this thought he quickly kept feeding the cup of water his CE, trying to change the color more thoroughly.

[Your Cursed Energy Manipulation proficiency has increased]

"At least I know it's working." Taking the notification from the system as a cue, he kept going with even more passion. Letting it flow from his entire body into the cup little by little.

But in a moment of distraction, he let go of his control over his CE Output... Creating cracks in the glass.

"Oops." How was he supposed to explain that to his parent?

"Ha yeah, I am just a kid. Just a kid doing kids' things."

Still, he had to keep his focus, this was going to be a long day. A real test of his mental stamina and fortitude.

[Your Cursed Energy Manipulation proficiency has increased]

It was worth it though.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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