
Chapter 1

Chapter 1

The bass rattled the purple-colored carpet on the floor slightly, and occasionally the music quietly played through the slightly overheated room.

There was no bed, they could never have fit in it, but hundreds of more or less large cushions covered the floor. Enough to be comfortable.

An icy hand landed on Jiun's loins. Her slightly tanned skin shivered. There was no tenderness in this gesture, at most a little affection due to the long hours spent together.

Jiun breathed slowly, forcing himself to relax. The last time was a month ago. It was rare for Kendrin to wait so long before requesting his services. Usually, they saw each other 2 or 3 times a month.

"Today we celebrate the birthday of a friend's son, your role will be to help them have a good time. Kendrin whispered against his ear.

He looked with his gray eyes, between the few chestnut locks falling between his eyes, the entrance of two attractive vampires but of a completely different beauty.

One, the father probably had long blond hair falling down his back and a flawless face that looked like he was barely 30 years old. He was tall and exuded a charisma of a confident person who had always had everything he wanted in life. He wore a black suit with a pale blue shirt. Her cold blue eyes slowly scanned the room before falling on him and analyzing him.

One of his hands was in the back of the youngest vampire, the one who was celebrating the eighteen years but who looked much less. 

He had short, shiny blond hair, milky skin that looked incredibly soft, but most importantly, two large, innocent-looking blue eyes. He seemed a little frightened and did not leave a sole, the charismatic man. The younger vampire looked helpless and his soft features would certainly make any man want to brave all dangers to protect him.

Jiun smiled back at the older man who seemed more relaxed after his analysis.

He approached the pair and extended his hand to the younger who only took it after his father's brief nod. He silently led them into the next room, sensing that these two would not be part of the usual orgy. It was strange that the father wanted to watch his son play, but the way he glared at him showed how overprotective he was. The young vampire seemed submissive and to be honest, Jiun had only run things once or twice in his short life. He much preferred to be penetrated, he couldn't reach orgasm any other way. But that was his job. The fun was just a bonus even though he had gotten used to it with Kendrin.

The room was basic but comfortable, the youngest sat nervously on the bed and the father took a black blindfold from his pocket which he tied tenderly around his son's eyes, before gently undressing him and laying him down on the middle of the bed. He took her hand and placed it on her sex, whispering something in her ear. The son then began to masturbate slowly, the blindfold still over his eyes.

The man then turned to him and kissed him, grabbing his soft cock with his large cold but undoubtedly gifted hand. Jiun let himself go, letting the man quickly lead him to excitement.

None of them had spoken until now and he didn't even know their names. But he was used to being just an object of pleasure in the hands of vampires. A slightly louder moan sounded from the bed, interrupting their sensual embrace and with one hand on his hip, the vampire led him to his son.

The younger vampire had red lips from being bitten, nipples sticking up and sticking out incredibly from his completely beardless white body. His penis was incredibly beautiful, the tip red and dripping with pre-cum. He already seemed about to come. His father grabbed his hand, preventing him from cumming and drew a frustrated moan, butobediently stopped masturbating. Keeping his hand in his father's. Panting.

To be honest, he found their relationship incredibly bizarre. They were tender towards each other but the father had never exceeded the limit, if we considered that seeing his son in this position was not already considered incest.

The vampire gently grabbed the younger's legs bendingthem so they both had a clear view of his still virgin anus.

"It's his first time, so be gentle with him." The man said simply, starting to masturbate again Jiun who had lost a little vigor, a little destabilized by the strange duo.

The vampire had a deep, rich voice that suited him perfectly well and he was a little sorry that his hole wasn't being used by this man. He was sure that the young vampire in front of him must be a walking fantasy for any dominant, but as a dominated, he clearly felt out of place.

…And that was probably why that big, overprotective vampire had chosen him to take his son's virginity.

There was no way anything would happen between two submissives like them.

The man moved silently behind him, sliding his fingers to his sex to bring him himself against the hole of his son who was waiting quietly on the bed. Jiun wasn't worried about hurting him. He was very far from being able to hurt a vampire even if the one in front of him seemed defenseless, he could kill him faster than just one of his breaths.

Surprisingly it was exciting and better than he would have thought to push his cock inside the young vampire. He trembled slightly at the intrusion but Jiun could only think of the man who held his cock firmly in his hand, his breath against his neck.

The young vampire held his thighs with his arms and Jiun leaned over him for better stability. He started pacing lightly, enjoying the squeezing feeling and the vampire's moist, moist warmth. He had his mouth open, moaning very softly without being able to contain himself. He was really cute. Jiun regretted not being able to see her eyes, and he wanted to kiss her, but he doubted that it would be much appreciatedby the two vampires.

The vampire's hand, still installed behind him, was placed against his loins accompanying him in his comings and goings and sometimes clearly imposing the rhythm to be given. It was an unprecedented situation that excited him despite himself.

Quickly though, the older vampire who seemed very aroused by the situation insinuated a cold finger between his buttocks, sending him a jolt of pleasure that made him push harder against the younger vampire.

Jiun felt his penis grow inside the vampire but all his attention was now directed to his anus which began to wet abundantly like the good Sygma he was.

He moaned a little louder as he felt the vampire's rod rub against his ring, which twitched in anticipation. As Sygma, he didn't need much stimulation on that side. It was simply made to be taken and it secreted enough fluid to facilitate entry without much preparation. The vampire did not wait any longer and entered him with a single push, making him tremble with pleasure. He collapsed against the vampire beneath him, who jumped up and reflexively closed his arms around him.

Jiun didn't have time to apologize when the man started striding back and forth with his hands on his hips, controlling his own thrusting inside his son. Jiun moaned in pleasure in concert with the vampire beneath him, unconsciously pushing his ass against the imposing cock that pinned him to the bed and letting him rule everything without remorse. He clearly felt like he was just a link between father and son and this notion of the forbidden excited him more than it should have. He had slept with two twin brothers in the past but this tension he felt in the room, this desire that father and son clearly had for each other made him feel like he was doing something too. that he shouldn't do.

The vampire gasped beneath him, catching his attention, a single tear rolling down his cheek behind the black blindfold surrounding his eyes and he clearly heard it whisper painfully between his lips.


The plea behind that single word sent shivers down his spine and the next moment he felt the man pounding him cum inside him. He grimaced but said nothing. Vampires couldn't impregnate him or give him disease…And that was also part of his contract.

Jiun hadn't cum but he pulled away from the younger vampire realizing that he had also ejaculated on his belly.

The father moved slowly behind him to join his son and kiss him tenderly on the forehead gently stroking his hair. He had a gentle gaze and even if the youngest couldn't see anything, his whole body was straining towards the vampire. He clearly saw a glimmer of hesitation pass as he watched the tempting lips parted in a shaking breath.

"No one will know. Jiun found himself saying.

But instead of encouraging them, the father seemed to collect himself and backed away slightly from his son, a shameful smile on his face.

"Let me see you make love. It's unfair if you're the only one. Said the younger in a clear but determined voice.

He had taken off his blindfold and his gaze had instantly fixed on his father's. He was going to refuse but the vampire didn't give him time.

"It's my birthday, you promised me. So

the vampire finished undressing and lay down on the bed in place of his son.

Jiun got between his legs and took him in his mouth preparing him for a second round. But again, the father wasn't looking at him. His eyes were fixed on the young vampire who had been sitting on the bed next to them, masturbating while staring straight into his father's eyes with a defiant look that made it clear he wasn't afraid of him. show that he wanted it.

The cock in his mouth quickly showed vigor and without waiting Jiun impaled himself on it with a sigh of pleasure. If no one wanted to take care of him, he wouldn't hesitate to take his pleasure alone. Placing his hands on his steel-hard stomach, he pleasured himself as he moved over the vampire's cock, closing his eyes to focus on the sensations.

As he tried to keep his moans quiet, he suddenly felt the vampire tense up beneath him.

Two hands rested against his stomach and glancing behind him, he saw the young vampire, red cheeks and closed eyes who had just entered his father without warning.

He looked ahead again but the older vampire had an arm over his eyes, his lips pursed between his teeth and his fists clenched on the mattress. He said nothing. Didn't move but Jiun clearly felt the cock inside him getting bigger and harder in an instant. He hesitated for a moment on what to do, but when he made a move to get up, the father grabbed him, pressing him against him to kiss him desperately. Scratching his lips lightly with his fangs that he probably hadn't been able to retract.

As if in revenge, the young vampire began to move back and forth quickly and disorderly, making his father moan against his mouth. Jiun pulled away from the hug with a sigh. He was clearly too much and no matter how much they wanted to deny what was happening, the two vampires had now taken the plunge, so there was no point in pretending anymore.

Jiun got up with a smooth gesture and left them on the bed. He clearly saw the shock in the father's blue eyes as he met his son's, but if he opened his mouth to say anything, only a moan came out from the son's somewhat abrupt hip thrust.

"Father..." moaned the younger one again

And the vampire's resolve broke, he pulled the younger vampire close to him to kiss him like it was the last thing that mattered on earth.

Jiun left the room with a sigh…as long as he was paid…

He stopped right after closing the door. The cushion-filled room had been overrun with vampires.

Jiun counted them mentally, they were 6 including 2 regulars that he recognized right away. They were all naked, talking, a glass in their hands. Jiun swallowed softly. Vampires had dream bodies and he immediately felt his penis twitch. He spotted Kendrin, who waved at him and he hurried over to him, pretending to ignore the eager stares that followed him at every step.

Without waiting for his order, Jiun got on all fours in front of Kendrin, buttocks raised towards him and head resting between his crossed arms. He felt the vampire's cold finger slip between his buttocks, causing the previous vampire's semen to flow against his thigh.

"Did you come? Kendrin asked simply, squeezing his balls lightly, making him shiver with pleasure.

" Nope. » Jiun muttered

« Perfect, many of us are satisfied tonight. It would be a shame if we couldn't take advantage of your first shots. Jiun

shivered slightly in anticipation. He had counted 6 with Kendrin. The vampire had always been careful that he didn't get hurt. But vampires were abnormally tough, and he could only take two into him at once. He was going to take fare.

Kendrin chuckled, mindlessly stroking her ass.

"Don't worry, they know you're a fragile human, they'll take turns taking you and I'm still the only one allowed to bite you."

A vampire with dark skin and dark black hair approached him, lifting him from his position to hand him a glass filled with a fiery red liquid. He sniffed it quietly and drank it down, grateful for the aphrodisiac.

Even if he had ended up liking unbridled sex, he was still a Sygma who was not in heat. He could certainly have ensured the first four rounds but then his hole would be painful from having been so much in demand and it was impossible that he could continue to have a hard-on for so long.

The aphrodisiac took effect quickly, filling him with gentle warmth and infusing him with a sexual energy that made his cock so hard it almost hurt. He put the glass on the floor and put his arms around the dark-skinned vampire, kissing him languidly. He tasted like wine and he was a pretty good kisser. By the strength of his arms, he lifted him without ceasing to kiss him and impaled him slowly on his cock, manipulating him without any effort. Jiun threw his head back and moaned as he felt him go so far inside of him.

"He really seems to like it. » Said a vampire who looked at them while masturbating nonchalantly.

"It's not just an impression, it's a real whore, you should see him begging to have his mouth filled." another vampire, whom he recognized as one of the regulars, chuckled lightly.

He recognized him by his blood red eyes and his shaved head. He loved to insult her during the act and was quite the rough type but he had never left a permanent mark on her, so Kendrin continued to let him come even if it was more spaced out than others.

The dark-skinned vampire abruptly sat down on a cushion, sinking his cock even deeper inside him if possible, and Jiun grimaced slightly. He had no time to complain when a red hair appeared in his peripheral vision and drew his lips to his in an incredibly soft kiss. He pulled away slowly after a moment and gave him a smile that Jiun found himself returning, then the vampire stood up holding his cock in one hand and offered it to him in a silent question.

Jiun avoided laughing, it was rare for a vampire to be so considerate when he could just do what he wanted with him, so to thank him he got down to giving him the best blowjob. Trying to match the energetic battering of the vampire who seemed way too excited for his own good. The red-haired vampire put a hand in his hair, just keeping it there, letting him go at his own pace and Jiun wished he was the one taking it. The other took it like a sleeve, seeking only his pleasure. The dark-skinned vampire also suddenly froze, ejecting him without further ado against the cushions and ended up by hand, squirting a rather impressive amount of sperm in his face.

A dark-haired vampire, whom he also recognized afterwards as a regular, handed him a paper so that he could at least open his eyes without risk.

Barely wiped, he felt another sex enter him, a little more cautiously and recognized the red vampire. His comings and goings were much too soft for his taste but it was still pleasant and he was able to concentrate on the penis that had just been thrust into his mouth almost suffocating him. He moaned as he felt a wet mouth begin to suck on his member and finally began to really enjoy it. The ginger vampire lifted him up into a sitting position, still moving gently, creating a contrast with the vampire who was using his mouth as he saw fit. He could see at times a brown head between him and the redhead who continued to suck him, leading him little by little towards enjoyment.

A torso clung to his back and he felt the stranger's penis trying to make its way against the redhead's sex at the same time as his hands teased his nipples. Jiun felt his body tense from the excess stimulation and came violently into the mouth of the sucking vampire, his moans muffled by the penis still present in his mouth which ejaculated a second later sending long spurts down his throat.

Unprepared, Jiun believed for a moment that he was choking on the hot semen unintentionally coughing and spitting out so he could catch his breath. He felt the penis softened by the redhead out of his den and realized a little late that he had enjoyed in him too. The shaved-headed vampire suddenly appeared in front of him, grabbing the base of his hair a little tightly to nuzzle him in the cum he hadn't been able to swallow. Jiun struggled slightly, knowing he could never do anything against a vampire's grip.

"Let him go Hern. He probably didn't do it on purpose. You know him. Said Kendrin's voice, a little distant.

And with a grunt the grip released and he sat up glaring at him, wiping his sticky cheek with one hand. Before he could say anything inappropriate that could have deducted his pay, the vampire who still had his cock inside kissed him, effectively diverting his attention.

It was languid and incredibly exciting and Jiun totally focused on him. The vampire moved away from him slightly to lay him down before taking back his mouth while accelerating the comings and goings, effectively reappearing his excitement. He was incredibly good at giving her pleasure.

He no longer saw the others and no longer heard them, his arms closing around the vampire so that he would never stop giving him so much pleasure. He came on his own to meet sex feeling off each time his prostate was grazed. They were both moving rapidly against each other in a somewhat haphazard fashion in pleasure. His body was shaking and he was moaning shamelessly, he was sure only he was heard.

His cock was still far from being able to get hard again after such a close orgasm but he felt he was going to cum anyway and when the vampire bit his lip, his body arched and he trembled feeling an explosion of pleasure run through his body from her buttocks. He saw white, his body was covered with lightning of pleasure and his senses overloaded. Making him scream louder than he had ever done in this room.

The body limp and still in the vape, he felt that his mouth was opened to insert another sex inside him, but he was unable to concentrate on it. His anus contracted quickly releasing the sperm that had just filled it.

"You broke it for us…" someone snarled

, "I just gave her the best orgasm of her life." Another clearly arrogant voice said.

The vampire who wanted a blowjob gave up and instead his thighs were lifted and another sex insinuated itself into him, giving him unpleasant shivers. He needed a little more time to recover.

There, it was too much feeling all of a sudden. He squirmed to escape but the grip on his thighs tightened and the vampire began to wiggle inside him. The shaved head appeared above him and knelt against his face. Without even glancing at her, he thrust his penis deep into her throat until his balls were thumping against his chin and Jiun struggled to keep his focus so he could breathe.

He spent a painful moment between the hands of his two new partners but let himself be used without flinching. It was his job, he couldn't complain that people didn't think of him a little. Even if some took the trouble to give him pleasure. They didn't have to. That's why he didn't like it when Kendrin brought in so many people. Everyone wanted their share and they paid no attention to him. The mass effect made vampires more selfish than normal.

When they were three maximum as was the case most of the time, he could boast of having memorable sex parties but that evening would clearly be one of the worst he had experienced.

Vampires used it for a long time.

So long that the end of the evening had been blurred. The gestures had eventually become mechanical and if he had come once or twice more, he had been infinitely grateful to Kendrin when he had ended the festivities.

Sore, he had finally fallen asleep on a pile of cushions in a corner. He vaguely remembered Kendrin bringing him a blanket.

He had woken up when the door to the next room had opened early in the morning to let out the vampire father and son. They had smiles on their faces and their hands brushed lightly as they walked but nothing more showed through. Jiun vaguely watched them go, yawning. Then he wrapped himself in the sheet that had served as a blanket before getting up, grimacing. He hurt all over.

Wearily, he left the empty room, landing in the VIP area of ​​the nightclub. Everything was quiet and tidy. Barefoot, he made his way to Kendrin's private quarters. He passed Amir, Kendrin's vampire bodyguard, who was dozing half-dozed on a chair outside the door to the owner's private quarters. The latter jumped when he saw him arrive, mumbled a greeting before opening the door, passing his badge over the terminal.

The living room was just as dark as the nightclub, except for the computer screen on the coffee table and the vampire concentrating on it.

" You do not sleep ? » Jiun wondered

« I was waiting for you to wake up. Jiun

said nothing, watching him get up to come and sniff him.

Kendrin was an enigma to him.

He knew the vampire liked him enough to give him some privileges like letting him into his private quarters. And at the same time when sometimes he had tender gestures, other times he didn't seem to care too much about letting vampires leave marks on his body as long as it wasn't permanent.

Kendrin grimaced and pulled away from him.

"Go take a shower, I'll join you." Jiun

didn't bother to nod and hurried to the bathroom. He dropped the sheet on the floor and turned on the water jet happily. He took the shower gel and soaped every possible corner on his body. He was finishing shampoo when Kendrin appeared. He joined him under the jet of water sticking his chest against his back. Jiun leaned against him tilting his head slightly to give him access to his neck.

The fangs that pierced his neck made him wince slightly before a diffuse heat enveloped his body. He felt Kendrin's cock rub lightly against his buttocks and his respond by slowly hardening. Kendrin held him tightly against him, drinking from his neck with obvious pleasure. He finally retracted his fangs before taking too much blood from her and placed a light kiss on her wound in thanks before licking it closed. Then he slowly slid his penis inside Jiun who moaned with pleasure.

Jiun rested his hands against the tiled floor bending down to facilitate Kendrin's movements and a wet hand slowly began to stroke him in time with the hip thrusts.

He didn't always go that far after a bite, but Kendrin liked his body and Jiun liked the way she had sex with him when it was just the two of them. Kendrin's thrusts were fast and sharp, making him moan loudly. Jiun couldn't help it, this kind of dominance aura had a devastating effect on him. This way of pinning him against the wall like a Dualpha who would have claimed him as his own is enough to make him come quickly and loudly, making him spread in long spurts against the wall.

Kendrin pulled away from him and Jiun quickly turned around so he could catch his cum in her mouth and swallow it, the vampire's hand squeezing her hair as she orgasmed. The vampire was the first to pull himself together, rinsing off quickly before stepping out of the bathroom. Jiun also finished cleaning up and joined him in the living room where he found the clothes he was wearing when he arrived here. Once dressed, the contract ended and it was with relief and fatigue that Jiun put his clothes back on.

Kendrin handed him an envelope and, surprised at its weight, he opened it. The sum it contained made him widen his eyes.

"Father and son seemed to appreciate your services and I added you an extra for the orgy." Jiun

nodded, a smile on his face.

With that he could come and see for at least three months or even four. Usually he had to come see Kendrin every month, sometimes even twice a month. It was not that Kendrin paid him badly far from it, but the money he earned was unfortunately not used for his personal needs.

Kendrin gave a brief smile.

"I won't see you for a while then." "

Exactly. Jiun smiled wider.

" Very well. Take care of yourself. The vampire said, briefly ruffling her hair before returning to her computer.

Jiun nodded behind his back, put the envelope in his backpack and headed out. The heart a little lighter.