
Jinxed - Mage on the run

Jinx is a Mage on the run. On her way to forge a sword, Jinx get captured by the sons of her leader. With a vow to protect them, Jinx does everything in her power to keep them safe.

CazzCorner · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Chapter 6


"Are you okay?" a familiar voice asks and I look down to see Yashi as a small garden lizard. I smile at him.

"Never better." I lean back on my chair.

"I can sense that something is wrong, Jinx."

"The king," I reply, "He's the man who slaughtered my mage camp ten years ago. He was the one who killed my mother. And his sons are Fiona's sons." I sigh, " Why didn't she tell me?" I close my eyes.

"Well maybe she wanted you to figure it out for yourself. To put the choice of what you will do about it in your hands."

"I want him dead." Is all I say. I muster my magic again and try to fight through the pain of the electric shocks but it ends in me crying out again and leaning forward to catch my breath. I growl in frustration and throw myself back against the chair.

The door to my cell opens and the king enters with a chair and the sword I made. He places the chair in front of me and takes a seat resting the blade across his lap.

"My sons tell me you know my wife." he begins. Under different circumstances I would tell this man anything and everything about Fiona, but I owed him no allegiance so I stayed quiet. Fiona would want me to tell him everything but screw him. He wasn't getting a peep from me.

"Where is she?" When I don't answer I'm shocked with electricity. I grind my teeth together to prevent me from screaming, "What is the sword for?" he continues, "I couldn't help but notice the blue tint to it. I remember Fiona telling me that their weapons often glow blue. A result of the silver dust used to forge them. Is that was this is? A magen sword?" not answering earned me another shock. The questioning took all afternoon and I couldn't feel my body anymore. I pant in my chair leaning my head over my knees as the king leaves, promising me that we would continue the next day.


Father returned from the interrogation frustrated.

"Did she say anything?" Azriel asks standing from where he was sitting in father's office.

"Not a word." father growls, "She won't tell me anything." father plops down on his seat rubbing his eyes with a sigh. I notice for the first time the dark circles under his eyes and the wrinkles in running like rivers through his skin.

"Go prepare for dinner." father orders us after a moment of silence. Azriel and I stand and make our way out the room. I walk slowly to my room which Azriel notices so he slows to walk with me.

"Hey, what's wrong?" he asks, "You haven't spoken much since that mage got here."

"Az," I begin, stopping in my tracks, Azriel looks at me worried, "Remember when we played chess and I got that pain in my chest?" Azriel nods, "I got it again outside the forgery and when I saw Jinx it felt like this warmth exploded in my chest and I can't help but wonder if it's because of her."

Azriel smiles softly, "Of all the people to fall in love with, Ariel, you choose a mage."

"I'm not in love with her." I state.

"Not yet no." Azriel chuckles, "When I was young, I asked mother how she knew father was the one for her and she said she felt a sort of magnetic pull in her chest and that when she saw him, her chest exploded with warmth." Azriel explains. I look around confused and seemed to lose my ability of speech when Az chuckles again and assures me, "Don't worry, I won't tell father."

"We have to get her out of there Az." I choke

"We will."


Later that evening I head over to the cell that is holding Jinx. I open the door to find her with her eyes closed leaning back against the chair. I immediately feel guilty.

"Are you going to stand there all day?" she asks startling me.

"I thought you might be hungry." I reply closing the door behind me.

"I'm fine." Is all she says as she opens her eyes to look at me. There is a certain degree of curiosity there. I place the food I brought on the floor and head over to her shoulder to clean her wound. Jinx winced as I pull the badage away.

"Why are you helping me?" she asks as I begin to clean the wound.

"I don't know. A compulsion, I guess." I reply.

"A strong magnetic pull?" she questions softly. I don't want to admit it to her so I just finish cleaning her wound before I step away. She looks up at me with her hazel eyes before saying softly, "Thank you." she looks away from me. I look down at my feet before I muster the courage to ask, "My mother," Jinx looks up, "How is she?"

Jinx smiles before looking away, "Strong." she replies making me release a breath I didn't know I was holding. I know it was just one word, but it was enough. I nod and leave the room. Jinx smiles at me as I close the door. I lean my head against the door and feel the cage of butterflies struggle to break free in my stomach. I need to get her out of her, before father s

tarts to take things to the next step.