I'm bad at writing these so just read the first few chapters and see if you like it I guess. English is my 3rd language so there will be errors, I'll try to fix any that I see. Discord: https://discord.gg/7Zws4xjx8T
"It's so sunny, and hot today. Did the weather guy say it was going to be this hot?"
"No actually, he said it was supposed to be pretty windy with cloudy skies but no rain. Maybe light rain in the afternoon but that's it."
"Oh, I see. Well, it's The weather. No one can predict it probably, right!" I said looking to my left. There was a girl sitting there with black hair and eyes. We were sitting on the roof of an appointment in New York City.
The girl nodded looking a bit uncomfortable, but I couldn't figure out the reason why. Her name was Lily and we are sisters. I wouldn't say we had the best relationship since we grew up very different although we lived in the same house.
How do I say this, Lily was the favorite of the both of us I would say. Our parents gave her anything she wanted while I got nothing. My room was just a small room in the corner of the apartment away from everyone else's. I didn't really care much until it started to get physical.
To this day I still don't know why they do it to me. I tried to ask Lily why they do it but she said she doesn't know, but I know she is laying. I decided not to question it fearing that she would leave me, unfortunately, she still did.
"Hey Lily, you wanna speak out like last week..."
"Quinn, I think we should stop talking to each other."
"H-huh, w-why?! You promised you would stay with me, mom and dad don't care and people at school are the same way! You're my only friend!" I yelled standing up.
I didn't know why she wanted to leave me, I was always nice to her. Whenever she needed someone to cover for her I did it, I did everything she asked just for her to stay with me. Now she wants to up and leave!
"It's simple, I never liked you. I just needed to do things for me and you did. You were even stupid enough to say it was you who was smoking in the house instead of me. I know mom and dad would flip so you were the best person to dump it on. I remember you got had to stitch your own arm." She said standing up.
I looked at the ground pinching my arm trying to wake up from this nightmare. Was she really faking all of this, n-no! She wasn't! She couldn't have been! W-we are sisters, she wouldn't do this to me.
(Then kill her)
My body moved on its own turning around to face the other way. My eyes darted around and I stuttered "W-Who said that?"
"Said what?"
I looked back at Lily who was staring at me with a weird look. I
held my head panting slightly. I didn't see anyone but I know for a fact that I heard a voice.
(Why don't you kill her)
(Yes, kill her)
(She was never your sister to begin with)
Shut u-up! You're wrong, maybe she is just kidding. Yeah! She's just kidding, no way she would do this to me.
(Then ask her)
I wiped the sweat from my forehead and looked up at Lily since I was a bit shorter than her. "Were you really faking, were you just using me?"
Lily put her index finger under her lips and walked forward a few steps. She held onto my hair making me groaned a bit, she leaned in until she was right in front of my face.
"I did, little sister. Don't worry, a freak like you even has its uses."
"Because you are a freak, you were born one and you will always be one. That's what mom and dad say so who am I not to believe them."
"I see. What a shit sister you are."
(We told you)
(Yeah, now kill her)
(She is a bad sister and friend)
(Killing her would make this so much easier)
No. I don't care anymore, there's no point in killing her. I would get no satisfaction or gain anything. I just... want to sleep. I looked at Lily and moved her hand away from the top of my head.
I sat back down on the roof and turned away from her. I heard her scoff from behind me and also heard her footsteps as she walked away. Laying down on the cold stone beneath me, I looked up at the sky and sighed.
"Is it really this hard to find someone caring. That's all I want, but I guess nothing in this world comes free huh." And that was the last time I ever saw my sister. When I woke up again I decided to just run away, it wasn't like I had anything there anymore.
I wish I could say I did some cool shit like become some Mafia boss or owner of this huge company, but I didn't. I lived a normal life in a house in the middle of the woods. It was very peaceful and I like it quite a bit. I had everything I needed, books, food, internet, and lots more.
I had all the money I had from coding for people online. If they needed me to code something for them I would do it. I learned coding in school and was very good at it. I thought about owning a car dealership since I like cars but decided against it since I just wanted to live in peace.
Then I died. Well that went downhill real quick. You see, I died from old age when I was eighty-one. I think I lived a pretty long life, and I died with no regrets. I didn't have any kids or anything but I was fine with that. All of my positions will most likely go to the government since I had no will and no one to pass anything down to.
Well, if my sister had kids would it of gone to them. Well! Not my problem I'm fucking dead, oh, and floating in this white room. I think it's a room, I can't really tell. But hey, it was quiet and...
"No! It's not quiet, girl."
Fuck! Are you serious, are we really doing this shit?
"Yes, we goin this shit." A man who looked well over six feet with black hair and yellow eyes appeared right in front of me. He looked kinda weird, to be honest.
"Hey! I'm not weird, I look cool."
No, he doesn't.
"Ye–Whatever. Do you wish to stay dead and go to heaven or like and reincarnate?"
Heaven is a thing? I never thought it would actually exist! Waw.
"Well of course it's real, but if you go there it's not all that different from Earth. You would still have to work for money to live."
What the fucking kind of heaven is that.
"I don't know, some guy named Mitch is in charge of the place. I personally don't like him."
Well I chose life. No way I'm going to go to that place, hell sounds more fun than that.
"Good choice. Now let's have you spin a few wheels." He grinned and 3 wheels appeared behind him. Yeah, fuck to the no! I'm going to hell, Lucifer! Come take me now, just give me a nice warm set in the first circle. I tried to turn around but then I remembered that I have no body.
I think I'm just here, zero clue how I can see through. Can I talk? I tried to speak but nothing happened.
"First, you are in your soul form so you are just a floating orb right now. Second, you are being dramatic. The first wheel will set your new identity, let's say you get an anime character. You will gain basically become them." He pointed toward the first wheel in the row.
I thought for a while and had some questions. First, will I keep my memories?
Okay, you can continue.
"You said you had a few– sigh." He sighed, then he sighed again. "The second wheel..."
Just spin the wheels. I thought about all of the wheels spinning and it worked! Somehow. The man just stood there and looked at me then at the wheels.
"You are probably the worst soul I have ever had to reincarnate."
Thank you for the compliment. I thought looking at the wheels knowing this would probably take a long ass time.
Sometime Later
Is it done?
"Yes." He walked over to them and took something from each one. "How lucky, well, maybe not actually."
Eh, what does he mean by that? He walked back to me and showed me three cards with each one having something different written on each one.
[Identity: Jinx (Arcane)]
[System: Sign-In]
[World: None]
So the second well was for a system and the third was for what world I went to?
"Yup. Oh, and you will basically be Jinx after she has already shot the rocket. Since you didn't technically get a world you'll get multiverse travel."
Huh, I'm pretty lucky I guess.
"Yup, now leave! I'll send you to a random word first. You will look like Jinx and I'll even give you her handgun and a few of her booms."
How generous of you. Well, thanks I think. Will I ever see you again?
"Hopefully not. You will probably get me killed somehow if we meet again."
I was about to say something about his weird looks but I blacked out. How unfortunately, I couldn't get to make fun of a godlike being before I left.