
Jinv The Vtuber System

-This novel is a fanfic novel. In terms of place, background, characters and everything is made by me and has nothing to do with reality- -Platforms, characters, and things that exist in the real world are all not mine, remember that I'm only making fanfics, not making original works- Short story : Yejin who was crossing was suddenly hit by a luxuriously decorated truck. When only a week came to Parallel he was fired from work and not paid by his boss, Yejin didn't know where else to look but suddenly he met a woman and talked a little, she gave him the same job as Vtuber. When he wanted to audition, he got a System which turned out to be a week late for him. On his journey to become a Vtuber, he meets his moon goddess, Zombie, the peacock goddess, and others. _______ | I'm still a beginner in writing and please if there are shortcomings, please comment suggestions and criticisms! | Don't give a review first, when it reaches 20 chapters please give a review. - Have a nice day!

Aztecs9 · Urban
Not enough ratings
17 Chs


Jinv who saw Kanna destroy the blocks one by one immediately sent a message, "Just fall on the Hay bale."

"Is it okay?" Kanna is still afraid that if she dies it will be summoned at her house.

"Didn't you see me plunge and now I'm alive?" Jinv reassured her.

Kanna also believed in Jinv, she took a breath and started to jump right at Hay Bale, "Aaa!"

Jinv who saw Kanna jump right above the Hay bale and felt he would land smoothly, immediately chose the stone hoe and immediately destroyed the Hay bale.

Just as Hay bale was destroyed Kanna died in front of him. Jinv smiled as he watched Kanna drop things while dying in front of him.

"I win!" Jinv sent a message, then Jinv turned the camera to the third person front perspective.

"Hey look at my stuff, I've been playing minecraft for months on this server, look at these shiny things." Jinv showed off the enchanted items to the Audience.

"Fuck! You're so smart! If you tell a fool they'll believe it right away." A.

"The one above, I'm stupid but I don't believe it, why do you say stupid people believe it right away?" B.

"The one above, he doesn't mean a stupid person in school but a fool for believing in Jinv!" A.

"The one above, I'm his idol and I believe in him." B.

"Bastard!" A.


"Enough! I have a stomach ache!" Moona said while holding back her stomach pain from continuing to laugh.

"I peed my pants, please wait for me, I'll be back." Reine took off her headphones and immediately ran to the bathroom.

"Ha ha, I feel sorry for Kanna, sorry Kanna!" Ollie also laughed at Jinv's behavior.

Kanna also saw Jinv's live, when she respawned she immediately saw Jinv's live out of curiosity, she was surprised by the number of viewers that almost reached forty thousand.

But what's even worse is that Jinv is really pranking her, Jinv destroys the Hay bale when he tries to land and again Jinv shows off Kanna's belongings which are called his belongings from working on this server.

Kanna laughed and cried, laughing at Jinv's behavior of showing off his belongings and crying because she lost the duel and she bore her cock.


Jinv also came to Kanna's house and returned it, Kanna was happy and grateful, Jinv did not continue the journey because it had been almost two hours. He spends the rest of his time on the lighthouse island, helping the three girls, Kanna also goes along and gets crowded.

After more than two hours and fifteen minutes Jinv and Moona said goodbye to Reine, Ollie and Kanna.

Jinv and Moona also said goodbye to the audience, but the audience was still reluctant to leave the live broadcast, they asked Jinv and Moona to sing a song for them.

"Sing me a song!"

"Hurry up and sing a song! I want to hear!"

"Okay we will sing a song for all of you but after that let us rest, okay?"

A series of "Yes!" meet live chat. Jinv started singing the song "Right here waiting." Together with Moona, he was opening a digital piano on the computer, even though it was digital he could still play it skillfully and the audience was entertained by his talent.

Jinv and Moona sing while taking turns, the audience feels they are very suitable in a duet.

After finishing singing Jinv and Moona closed the live with closing animation. Jimv chatted briefly with Moona on discord and after that he went offline.


[Congratulations on completing the first game mission.]

[Mission: Killing Tamachi Kanna by committing suicide.

Reward: 60% YouTube Shares, 10,000 Vsystem.

Fail: The newly purchased company is blown up]

[Claim] [Save for later]


[Congratulations you are the biggest shareholder on YouTube]

[Congratulations on completing the mission]

[ Live in two hours playing Minecraft.

Reward: Stock Prediction Skill (A), Heart Detector Skill (A), 5,000 Vsystem.

Failed or could not be completed : -50,000 Vsystem. ]

[Claim] [Save for later]


Yejin was satisfied with the result, first she hesitated and didn't have the heart to kill Kanna because of her cute behavior and she liked it because she often teased her friends, but what the heck with the absolute power of the mission.

"Explain the two skills."

[Stock Prediction (A) : Predict the stock with 98.5% accuracy, future events will be reminded by the system and the Host only needs to buy it.]

[Skill heart detector (A): A skill that can judge the likes of the Host, the name will be registered if the person is already friends or just met.]

Yejin's eyes immediately lit up, a very useful skill for him who is only a level two human, stock prediction can help him to make the company the biggest company.

The heart detector skill is also useful for knowing who is tied to it.

Yejin's cellphone suddenly rang and received a call from a foreign number, Yejin picked it up but the next second she was shocked.

"Sorry to disturb your activities, are you Mr. Yejin?" The person on the phone spoke in Indonesian which was still awkward.

"Yes, I'm Yejin. Just use English, I can understand."

"Ah, sorry. Let me introduce myself, I'm Larry Page, co-founder of google, You are now Youtube's largest shareholder, could you please take the time to sign the contract?"

"Yes, I can, just give me the address and I'll be there."

"This... Is that all right? We can send our people to come to your country." Larry said it in a slightly awkward tone, after all now Yejin is YouTube's biggest shareholder and no longer belongs to Google.

"It's okay, I want to play there, give me the address and I'll be there next week."

"Okay sir, then we'll excuse ourselves."

After the phone hung up Yejin jumped from the chair happily, he took a shower first and went out to come to the company.

In the living room he saw Nabila and Lulu, he walked up to her and said "What are you guys doing?"

"Can't you see what I'm doing?" Nabila answered while being lazy.

"Big brother, look at my drawing!" Lulu shows a paper depicting a nice sun.

"Is that a picture of Lulu? So pretty." Yejin nodded smiling.

Yejin remembered that she had the Heart Detection Skill, he glanced at Nabila and used it on Nabila, a text appeared on her chest that read 90.

'System, what do you mean by that?'

[ Value of the following :

10. Hatred.

20-40. Ordinary friend.

50-60. Friend.

70-80. Starting to be tied to the thread of destiny.

90-100. Absolute won't even have an affair. (Witness the couple witnessed by the universe) ]

After the explanation Yejin finally understood, Yejin wanted to try it on the system but the system would definitely punish him, according to her the existence of the System is very mysterious, is the system only one or billions? What is the unit system of big bang fractions?

I don't know, just thinking about it is already terrible, if the system changes shape it should be able to destroy this universe right? Is the frog system cursed by God?

Suddenly he was like being electrocuted in his body for a millisecond, even if it was only for a moment but it was felt how his body went numb and his mind would go blank if it lasted for a second.

[Don't think about system-related things, or the host will be punished]

I also said what, this system is actually a living being who was punished by God to help humans who have high luck.

His body was suddenly shocked again for one second, when he was shocked he couldn't move anymore and just gave up, but the system kept his consciousness.

[I'll hit you if you keep thinking about things like that.]

Yejin who realized was dumbfounded, the system changed to a loli voice, even though she didn't change her voice in the settings.


[Yes, host.]

Bastard, why is his voice stiff again, how could it be a hallucination since this loli must be playing with me. Maybe in the future I'll catch him and slap his ass.


Yejin came to Nabila and she immediately hugged her, for some reason she was very comfortable hugging this girl, it seemed she needed affection from the people closest to her.

"What's wrong? You suddenly hugged me." Nabila looked at him with a little blush, however Nabila was not used to being hugged by men.

"I want to go out for a while, I want to find a manager for myself, I feel sorry for Bella because she takes care of all my social media." Yejin is looking for an excuse.

"Um, be careful, I'll be waiting for you to come home." Nabila agreed with a smile.

"Okay." Yejin got up but him hand was pulled, he looked at Nabila with a question mark.

"That..." Nabila wanted to say it but was embarrassed, Yejin who understood kissed her forehead and said goodbye. Nabila was happy to be given a kiss and let Yejin go.

Yejin left the house and walked towards the gate of the community, "Damn, it's so far."

While walking towards the gate, Yejin looked at the surrounding houses, the building style was minimalist all except...

Japanese-style house in front of it.

Yejin stares at him continuously because this is the first time he has seen a Japanese-style house, because in his previous life even though his savings had reached billions but he was a work maniac, he was like most Japanese people, living only to work. If you die you are done.

So now he doesn't want to waste this second life, he already has the power and system that can protect himself and his family in the future, he will create a big family that lives in peace and full of love.


When Yejin turned around and wanted to continue on her way to the gate, someone carrying a broom in a kimono came out.

The person was a burly old man whose tattoos could be seen from his open kimono showing his full chest and belly.

'Is this a yakuza?'


| Another one has been completed, it's just that I'm fixing it |