

Takanashi Yorū, 17, is a lethargic high school student. While he was enjoying his ordinary high school life, one day, while returning home, he noticed a shining and eye-catching stone on the ground and took it home.

joonwoo19383_ · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Chapter 1 - Preface:

Years have passed, and I find myself alone on the throne, searching for someone amid shattered norms. Perhaps they never existed. Akane-san, with her smooth white hair, still makes me want to get lost in the years, feeling like you've had a profound impact on my life.

Allow me to share my story...

At 17, a mystic event unfolded in November 2022.

Hiro: "Here."

Yamamoto: "Here."

Yorū: I hope I'm not marked absent... I hope, hope.

Our nearly crumbling classroom door swung open, revealing Satoshi-sensei, 52 and single, with now fogged glasses.

"...Late again, aren't you?"

Yes, I'm late, damn you. I don't see what's so abnormal about it. The whole class stared as if something had happened.

"Can I take my seat, sensei?"

"Houff, fine, take a seat."


Akane: "Here."

Even her saying "here" is delightful. I thought I couldn't open my heart to a woman, but she was different.

The day ended, and the bells rang 4:00. After everyone left, I slowly exited. Commuting from a remote town to the school in the city was challenging for me.

Passing through a narrow street, my body started trembling. These streets were known for not being safe, and the possibility of someone following me made me quicken my steps.

"But seriously, I just want to go home and sleep. Maybe uninterrupted for 16 hours."

As I hastened my steps, I noticed a stone on the ground that resembled natural stones found in the area, which wasn't unusual.

It seemed like fate, and against my will, I took it home, falling asleep upon arrival.~

A short introduction as a preface to my series

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