
Jinn slayer

Joey has lived his whole life in the gutter. Nothing seems to make him happy. And in a world where curses rule it’s not safe to live an upsetting life. Joey can attract all kinds of jinn to him…now he just need to find out why evil spirits want him and him only

Jast_123 · Fantasy
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83 Chs

The light

Kellan started to breath heavily. The poison was slowly but surly affecting him in a negative manner. "Damn. I can feel my heart…slowly dying". He whispered to himself.

Kellan couldn't sense,see, or use his abilities. All he had was his hatchet. "I need to get out of this mist. If I can do that…I'll be able to reach you, Sage."

Pallah appeared behind Kellan. Kellan jumped back and disappeared appeared into the mist. "Where did he-" Kellan managed to land a powerful kick to Pallah's skull. He had knocked her head off clean. "You let your guard down!" She laughed. "She copied my clone ability that fast?" He asked as she managed to cut Kellan in the face.

Blood poured from Kellans face as his vision was beginning to be blurry. "The air!" He yelled as he jumped high over the forest. Kellan took a deep breath of the fresh air and clapped his hands.

Okay….when I'm out of the mist I can sense everything. But the mist has already covered half of the island. So…fine. I'll play a little ruff, Kellan thought as his aura formed into a small ball of energy.

"This ability it taught only to those of the OKEKE name! Ritual!"

"He's using a ritual!? Quickly brother! Grab on to me now!" Pallah screamed as Striker jumped and grabbed her hand.

"Ritual: Okeke battlefield!"

The whole area the two jinns were in suddenly lit up. "Jump!" Striker yelled as the two jinns tried to run for cover.

"The god of the sun…please do my biding! Kill all those who are impure and evil! Sun Ray!!" Kellan yelled as a beam of light shot from the sky.

"It's no use in running! We'll have to black it!" Striker laughed.

Striker jumped off of Pallah's back and put both of his hands together. "Beam of Destruction!" Striker laughed as a powerful dark beam shot from his hands.

The two beams clashed, creating a powerful force that blew away everything.

"Amazing! You see this, sis? I didn't even know a human could do that! He's focusing all of his jinn energy into the atmosphere and space! If the sun was even a few inches closer to the planet, the planet would burn! But he's protecting the atmosphere with his jinn-energy. Allowing the suns beams to pile up and shoot a beam! Amazing!" Striker laughed.

"Your such a nerd". Pallah said as she copied Striker and clapped her hands together. "I see now". She whispered.

Kellan pushed with all his might, as Striker was beating him. Their beams clashed, now it was about brut strength and heart.

"Jinn ability, copy cat!" Pallah laughed as she shot her own beam at Kellan. "Damn". He said as he stuck his other hand out and shot another beam with it.

Feels like I'm trying to hold a door shut from a huge beast! I can't hold them much longer! Kellan thought as he pushed harder.

Kellan was shocked to see two clones appear behind him. "She can still summon clones!?" He thought as the two clones shot powerful beams at Kellan.


Sage and Delta moved around the tree at a fast pace. Sage managed to slash Delta's eye out.

Delta jumped back and landed on a thick tree branch. "I know your tired. My tree absorbs all life that's on it. Your a human, so your being drained as I speak!" Delta laughed.

Sage ignored Delta and snapped his fingers. Purple smoke covered the giant tree. "What's this?" Delta asked as he climbed the tree higher in the air.


Joey looked up at the sky and noticed a bright light appearing. The feeling kept him warm…and soft. Joey never felt such a soft feeling before. "Am I dying?" He asked himself.

"No…we still need you, Joey". The voice said. The light floated over Joeys body. As the thing touched him on his head. "It's almost time".

"What…are you?" Joey asked the light.

Joey felt a huge hand on his chest. "Your heart…when you unlock that…that's when I'm free. Take your time, Joey. Your special." The light said as it disappeared into the sky.


"Any rules you set…I have to follow, right? That's the power of those eyes? All that energy…fascinating." The jinn said as it sat on the ground.

"Being that you two are outmatched…take a seat". The jinn scuffed.

"What?" Zuri asked as she slowly pulled out a long sword. "I would like to engage in a conversation. I don't even know why we're fighting. I know that you caused my mother harm, but…why are you here? To kill her?" The jinn asked.

Zuri looked at Astor and Astor shrugged. "Get on your feet. I'm going to kill you and lay your soul to rest". Zuri said as she slowly approached the jinn.

"I said I want to talk. I won't say it again". The jinn threatened. "You know who you're talking to?" Zuri asked.

"From what I see, a scared and lo-"

"Scared?! You think I'm scared of you!? Hahaha!" Zuri laughed. Zuri lowered her shoulder and moved the jinn. The jinn jumped in the air and clapped his hands.

"Ice-skip!" In the blink of an eye, the whole area was covered in ice and the jinn was suddenly behind Zuri.

"What was that!? He stopped time?" Astor asked himself as he spun around.

Zuri cut her thumb off and said "don't move an inch, jinn!"

The jinn felt a powerful force not allowing him to move. "Ingesting". It said. It seems…you have to give parts of your body for you to make a command, right? How funny". The jinn said.

"Astor, can you move?"


"Go look for Joey. I'll kill this jinn and find you later. We can't allow that boy to live!" Zuri said.


Where's my son, Amora asked Kroll. "Would you stop it!? Kilo is a powerful warrior! Let's be glad he didn't come back home! Otherwise our damn leader would have eaten him!" Kroll said.

"That thing it's my our leader! He's been in the temple for the past days! Astral is dead! The six great fighter of the clan are falling apart! We need help! We need to-"

"You want us to challenge the leader!? Listen, I know what he's doing is wrong but…if it involves killing Joey then…let's just follow it. I don't like Kebushie at all, but if he's trying to kill Joey then I don't care!"

"Ahana came and slaughtered most of our clan than brought them back to life! Me, you, my daughter Naomi, Sprix, Alex, and Asprit are all the six warriors! Our leader is being controlled! Why am I the only one who sees that!?" Amora cried.

Kroll rolled his eyes and gave it thought. "What do you suppose we do?

"Well…if this is all to kill Joey then…let's kill him".

"You think he'll let us leave?"

"Don't worry…he will". A deep voice laughed.

"Who's there!?" Amora asked as she pulled out chains from her pocket.

"I've been with your leader…I know you all want Joey dead. If you all want him dead so badly…come with me to finish him off!" The jinn laughed.

"Why should we trust you?" Kroll asked.

"Because I'm not lying. You have my word. My name's Bomber. I'm one of the seventeen high-level jinns. A friend of mine on a island…after planting a spy in the area…we learned that Joey is headed to the island. Your leader doesn't have to know you left…it'll be a quick mission. All I need is three of your powerful warriors. Your leader will be thrilled to know that you all killed Joey." Bomber said.

"Why haven't you told Kebushie?"

"I recently just found out. Kebushie has other plans. That's why…I'd love to have you guys on this little mission". Bomber laughed.

"We'll give you Sprix, Alex, and Asprit. Take them with you."

"Sounds like a deal…we have a deal?"

To make a deal with a jinn…"I can't say it's a deal…I know how you jinn operate. You'll make a deal with me…because if you die you could easily respawn". Kroll said.

"Your a smart one! Tell your little friends to meet me at the bottom of the mountain…I'll be waiting! And send about fifty of your soldiers." Bomber said as he disappeared in thin air from pure speed.


Ahana kept looking at the river and smiled suddenly. "What are you smiling at?" Amber asked.

"Everything is about to unfold. I can finally….have some of my dream come true." Ahana said in a calm tone.


"Yes. My dream, Amber."

"What even is that!?"

"Hmm. How can I put it….I guess….the ones ruling aren't the ones to fear". Ahana said as she winked at Amber.



"Your so damn weird".