
Jinn slayer

Joey has lived his whole life in the gutter. Nothing seems to make him happy. And in a world where curses rule it’s not safe to live an upsetting life. Joey can attract all kinds of jinn to him…now he just need to find out why evil spirits want him and him only

Jast_123 · Fantasy
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83 Chs

Jackson Price

My name is Jackson Price, and I have lost…everything. All I have left…are two friends. Everyone else is all gone. No mother,father,sister,pets,butler, and more.

Before all of this, I was just a typical bully. I only did what I did because all of the bonds I created were stripped away from me.

I met Joey and learned that he was also a jinn slayer, just like me. My butler…no, my best friend warned me of his teacher…Ahana. I didn't see anything wrong with me plus, the world needs her. Without her, the jinns would have an upper hand in this world. However, Ahana…Ahana…isn't what we think.


Lily was near the school and hiding in a small house. "I…barley escaped. My mom…my mom is…"

(Stop that crying, girl.) a voice yelled in her head. "Get out! You don't belong here! Leave me alone!" Lily cried out.

She layed on the ground in the fetal position and curled up. "I'm so tired. I'm tired of all of it." Lily cried.

(Give in. Fall into the darkness, it's the only way to save your brother, Lily Castle.) the voice said. "Shut up! Just…stop talking to me." Lily whispered. "It feels like there is no hope. I don't even wanna live anymore."


Joey and Rock arrived at the school. Ahana and Jackson were gone.


Jackson slowly turned around with shock in his eyes. "My favorite character of the story…I didn't want it to be this way." Ahana said.

Jackson quikcly turned around. "Bakemono!"

Bakemono flew towards Jackson and scooped him off of the ground. Ahana looked up at him and ignored Adrienne.


Ahana decided to stay and fight her possessed brother. Jackson retreated and was hiding near the school as well.


Joey and Rock arrived and looked over the area on a house. "Where is everybody? I can't sense them." Rock said.

"No, they're here. I can…almost feel a spark." Joey stood up and took a deep breath. "JACKSOONNN!!!!!" His voice echoed throughout the area, reaching all the way to Jackson's location.

Jackson felt hope when hearing Joey's voice. (Joey! You're here!) Jackson got up and made his way to Joeys voice.

In the sky, Ahana and Adrienne were fighting. "That the best you've got?!" Adrienne laughed. He pushed Ahana away with his sword and continued his assault.

Ahana kept quiet and focused on her brothers movements. (I don't like this) she thought. Ahana dodged both of his attacks with eas. She used both of her swords to stop Adrienne from swinging his scythe, causing a spark between their weapons. "Why that look, sister?! Not having fun?" Adrienne kicked Ahana away.

While falling in the air, everything seemed to flow at once and smoothly. (This…is so stupid. It's been years and I finally found you, my best friend. Why? Why tourment me? I'll finish this so you can finally rest, Adrienne.)

Ahana flipped upwards and flew towards her brother, grabbing him by the neck and throwing him higher in the sky. Adrienne forced his body to stop. He pointed at Ahana. "STREAM OF DESTRUCTION!!"

Ahana pointed at him, now. "Bang!" The attack traveled through his blaze and hit him in the shoulder. Ahana wasn't trying. She was holding in her true emotions.

"I'm sorry."


Jackson ran and ran. Joey and Rock ran towards Jackson. "Joey!" Jackson yelled out. The two could see each other running.

Jackson could see one more person on the right side. Jodi was running towards the two. For the first time in a while, Jackson smiled. (Jodi and Joey…the two of you finally came!)

Lily also heard Joeys voice and was running towards it. Natalia,Lily,Amber, and a man in the shadows…were all in the area now.

Joey could see everyone. They all ran as fast as they could. All about to meet in the middle. (I can't believe what I'm looking at! Their powers are off the charts!) Amber thought to herself.

Jodi,Joey,Jackson,Amber,Natalia,and Lily were all about to meet in the middle.

(We all…survived! We can all go home-)

Before everyone could meet. Something fell out of the sky and between everyone.it was Ahana. She stood over Adrienne's blood and destroyed body.

"That was a close call." Ahana chuckled. She stepped off of Adrienne and looked at eveyone. The vessel was still alive, just on the brink of death. "Y…you killed your own brother."

Ahana turned around with a smile. "I killed my brother king ago. Go back to hell." Ahana stomped on his head, bursting it in front of everyone.

Everyone stood in silence. Ahana could sense and hear Joeys killer intent thoughts. "You know I can hear what you're thinking, right?"

Lily took a step forward. Ahana quickly raised her head and looked directly at her. "Ahana…how did you kill him…so easily?"

Natalia asked.

"I'll be honest with you all. I've never really had to go all out ever since I was 17. I've done too much training and have grown far past the strength of even low-ranked angels."

Jackson moved away from Ahana and behind Amber. Natalia quickly followed. Ahana looked at her hands and noticed the blood that was covering her body.

Ahana took a step forward and everyone backed away. "You all are terrified, right?" Ahana looked at Jodi and Joey. She held out her hand. "Come here." She said in a soft voice.

Jodi's lighting sparked for a moment then, quikcly dissapeared. "Come here…Jodi."

"I saw it." Jodi said while grabbing his chest. "What do you mean-"

"DO NOT PLAY DUMB!! YOU…YOU'RE A DAMN TRAITOR!!" Jodi's electricity surrounded his body. "During my fight with Sho, I saw it with my own eyes. You…you were the one who stripped me from my mother's arms! You killed her!"

Joey turned his attention towards Joey and couldn't believe his ears. "You were just imagining things. I wouldn't do anything to hurt you-"

"You lied." Joey whispered. Ahana put all of her attention towards Joey. "Joey…you don't even know."

Everyone slowly made their way behind Amber. Everyone besides Joey and Lily. Lily gave Ahana a confused look. "Lily, move away from her…now!" Lily walked over to Joey and stood behind him. "You're finished." Joey threatened.

Ahana watched as they joined Amber and the others. Ahana started to laugh uncontrollably. Until tears of blood were falling from her eyes.

She took a deep breath to stop the breathing. "They're mine…all three of them belong to me, Amber."

"Ahana…no one has to get hurt here. We will leave, all of us will just disappear from here." Amber said, as everyone slowly backed away.

"I can't allow that. Either the three of them come with me or…I'll take them by force." Ahana pulled out her swords. "I wouldn't do anything to hurt my pups. They know that. Come here, Joey,Jackson, and Jodi. Come with me, now."

(If we were to go with her, everyone else would be safe. However, this thing…something is wrong!) Joey thought. "Let's go. I want to get my hands on her more than anything but, we should just leave." Joey whispered to everyone.

Ahana put one sword away and raised her arm. "I'm sorry. There's now only two futures that will stop what's coming. Ahana made a gun sign. She shot directly at Jackson's head. (Jackson is a problem. He knows too much!)

"You all want to know what the future is? You all dead at my feet!" Ahana laughed. Before anyone could react. She flew over, grabbed Jackson by the head, and dragged him across the ground.

Before she could grab him, Joey gave Jackson his sword. Jackson spun and swung his sword. Ahana let go and landed softly on the ground.

"I can feel it…all the power going through my body!" Jackson yelled, as his jinn energy shot everywhere.

(I can't stop that event. I've seen everything already.) everyone surrounded Ahana and took their positions.

"This is the only way to defeat it. You all are going to die here."

"Ahana, stop this! That vision I had…it was you! There's no way you planned all of this!" Jackson yelled.

"You all want the truth! Fine! Jackson, I was there through it all! I know how your family died and yes, I'm the one…who killed that idiot of a butler! Joey, I've been searching for you…since the day you and your sister were born! I need someone with the same blood, the same power to unlock it! I planted Alastor at the school, cursed Jackson's girlfriend with him, and even altered everyone's memories about me and my TRUE past." Ahana laughed.

She kept on talking after taking a deep breath. "And Jodi…I'm the one…who killed that bitch of a mother! I stripped you from her and took you in. I even attached a jinn to you, making you believe it was your actual mother. Everything…since the beginning was all ME!!" Ahana leaned back and laughed while staring off into the sky. "Hell, I'm about to kill everyone and go ahead with the future at hand! And there's another catch…" Ahana said.

Jodi reached for his sword as she uttered out the words: "I'm the true…red-eye user. Inside of our mothers stomach, I ripped the blue eyes from Adrienne's eyes and put them into my own socket!"

"DIE!!!" Jodi traveled at the speed of sound. Ahana effortlessly caught Jodi's sword. "How could you?!" Jackson followed up by swinging his sword. Ahana threw Jodi at Lily and slammed Jackson into the ground.

Rock and Natalia ran towards her but, was quikcly knocked back with an unknown force. Amber threw a ball of energy at Ahana. She laughed and snapped the energy away.

She flew towards Amber and grabbed her by the neck.

"You can't win. I'll give you all one more chance before I really let loose. I'll destroy this whole country if you resist." Ahana threatened.

(She's not trying to kill me,Jodi or Jackson. I think? Jackson…is the biggest threat. I need to know what he knows!)

Joey ran over and scooped Jodi from the ground. "Lily, come here!"


Ahana dodged Natalia's sniper bullet. (She's healed? I thought Amber wasn't capable of healing so much. What…is this? I should know all, right?) Amber ran towards Ahana. "How could you? After all of the lives gone! You could've stopped this!" Amber cried.

"Would you shut-up?! This is the only way!" Ahana pulled out her swords. Before she could attack Amber, a giant hand from Bakemono crashed down between them.

Jackson jumped off from the giant monster and swung his sword. "Hell's paradise!"

The ground split open and a large amount of devils leaped towards Ahana. Ahana closed her eyes. "Slash."

Jackson had a deep cut on his chest and all of the demons were defeated. Jodi managed to land a punch on Ahana and send her flying.

She took the punch and laughed. Joey came behind her and landed one. Ahana held out her hands and twirled around while the two punched her repeatedly.

(Calm your emotions. I know how you all feel. Ahana…has betrayed and lied to us. I'm so sorry, everyone. Our strongest fighter,leader, and…best friend has tricked us. We can't let this be the end.) Joey thought as he thought about Lily and everyone. "This won't be the end!" Ahana felt a spike of energy from Joey.

"Take this! Infinity counter…punch!"

Ahana dodged the punch. She grabbed the two by their arms and flipped them in the air. She jumped and spreaded her legs to kick both of the boys away.

Ahana then flew towards Bakemono. Jackson tried to cast an attack but, before he could, Ahana had punched through the created. Completely one-shoting it.

Ahana notcied tears in Jackson's eyes as he swung his sword at her in the air. (I can't believe this. After all I've lost and done…you tricked us! I've lost everything and have everything for you, Ahana! This is what you do? You even stole your brother's eyes and made eveyone believe he was the bad guy! You plotted this from the beginning!) Ahana threw Jackson at the ground and pointed at the three boys. "Blast away." Ahana charged up a beam blast that hit the three. "Joey!" Lily screamed.

"I'll kill Jackson now!" Ahana dodged Natalia's and Amber's attacks. Ahana reached out and was about to smash Jackson's head in. But, a tall man came into frame and kicked her away.

Joey looked up to see Sho standing in front of the three. "Told you…this bitch has to go." Sho chuckled. Jodi dusted himself off. "Thanks, Sho." Jodi sighed.

"So…I have to repay you for what you did to my arm back at the museum, woman."

Ahana got up and cracked her neck. "Good kick, Sho. However…this is your final night alive." Sho chuckled and took a fighting stance while pulling out a long chain from Jiniki's mouth. "I sure hope so."


Next chapter: Jackson Price, part 2