

Just your average wannabe otaku. Read manga? I do! Watch anime? I do! Read xianxia, wuxia, all types of eastern fantasy? I do! So what am I gonna do when everyone on earth is transported to a place of magic, swords, science and all types of mystical things? Well, I don't know about others but I for one have a plan in mind. Disclaimer I do not own everything depicted in this novel there are bits that were borrowed from some novels or anime. Neither do I own the cover photo. This is being reposted and ironing out the grammar errors.

HellsGate · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
19 Chs

Monster riot! Holy child!?

3 days later~

Kestrel had been in her these few days experimenting on the sludge that came from Luke. The amount of stuff she found out shocked her. Although she couldn't identify 70% of the things she found, she was sure that the stuff she did find came from everyday things Like did.

First, she found that a lot of the sludge came from places like Luke's lungs. Which had a high chance of meaning that whatever he was breathing in back on earth was filled with harmful things?

Next was the other organs including the heart. Although Luke seemed healthy on the surface, after what he did he forced the energy to do a very thorough cleaning of his body. A lot of hidden things were forced out and I know that even with this much cleaning there are probably still more. Even now I still have some impurities in my body but even then the worst person I saw with impurities didn't even have half as much as Luke. How he wasn't sick is a mystery to me but I sure that if I had this I wouldn't have made it to senior level, in fact, peak Junior level would have been a challenge.

If all the humans from earth have this much or more depending on what they were doing there, I don't think the earth is a very safe environment for us.

'I have to get this information to the palace, afterward, we can run a few more experiments on the other humans to try and prove it. Since it seems that they should have so sort of immunity to them it might not be harmful to them in the short term but long term they will not be able to get very high. After Luke wakes up I'll take him with me to see if we can figure out a way to completely clean his body and maybe come up with something for the other humans. Also, I was able to make a lot of different poisons from this stuff.'

While Kestrel was thinking this, suddenly.

[Loud Siren Noice]

Looking up Kestrel frowned, there was only one reason for a siren. 'Monster riot!' Kestrel shot up from her seat and was about to run out. She paused for a bit and checked on Luke, he was sitting on the counter still in the cage. Since his breakthrough, he has been sleeping, if in the future when he needs more energy to breakthrough and sleeps even longer then Kestrel didn't feel like it was worth it to break them. Even if they did give a high increase in powers the longer he sleeps the more people will surpass him and the harder it will be for him to catch up with them. Especially since he has chakra.

Picking up his cage she set him with the rest of the small animals. For now, her lab was an extremely safe place and him being in this state won't help anyone. Placing him between a rabbit that was grooming its ears in a cute way and a turtle that immediately pulled its head into its shell when it saw her. Kestrel quickly left and headed to the front wall where many adventurers and other fighters were crowding. Kestrel could hear the current guild leader, David, shouting to whatever was outside the walls from the top of it.

David was a very imposing man, with a height of 7'7 and built like a rhino with darker skin color from working in the sun all the time. Just standing in front of him would give anyone goosebumps. Him being bald and always having an angry-looking face would make people want to steer clear of him, but Kestrel knew that he was a very kind man at heart. After the death of her father, it was David that took her and her mother in and helped raise her and took care of her mother. David told me once that a long time ago he and her father fought all the time to gain the favor of her mother. Even though he knew he wasn't as talented as him he was one of the types of people that would fight to the bitter end for his feeling. But during one monster riot, the three of them were trapped in the middle of a monster-infested area. Her father was heavily injured and they were going to be caught if they didn't leave immediately. David knew that a rescue team was on the way forced them to go ahead of him while he fought and held back the monsters. Half a week later he was found on the verge of death in a cave. It seems that in order to survive he ate some weird mushroom when they found him he looked as he is now, according to her mother he was quite the looker and had many female adventurers try to court him.

Whatever the mushroom was during the 2 years of recovery even though he was stuck in bed his strength continued to advance before stopping permanently at peak senior level. During this time Kestrel's mother and father took care of him but during this time both of them fell in love. David could only accept the fact and became the best man during their wedding after his recovery. 4 years later Kestrels father reached middle stage Magus king level and Kestrels' mother became pregnant soon after.

Deciding to retire they moved here and settled down. Since neither Kestrels' father or David wanted to be guild leader Kestrels mother took over the mantle. Even though she was only at the beginner senior level, with a middle stage Magus king and a peak senior level backing her who would dare to object? A few years after Kestrel's birth her father died with the half-step divine beast, her mother stepped down from the guild leader position and David took it over for lack of better candidates. During this time he worked and kept them safe for all those years until Kestrels mother died of her illness, try as he might he couldn't get the things needed to heal her. Kestrel could remember David comforting her, using his palm tree leaf sized hands to softly caress her head. David had always treated her like his own daughter, he turned all the love he had for Kestrels mother into fatherly love for Kestrel.

While Kestrel was thinking this she finally made it onto the top of the wall. David had a confused expression on his face as if he heard something completely out of reason.

"What's wrong Uncle David?" Kestrel asked while looking at the orderly horde of monsters outside the wall. The good thing was that over 70% of the monsters were normal and common monsters that were barely stronger than normal humans. The stronger monsters were scattered around novice level and some scattered at lower to middle Junior level. There were 15 peak Junior levels, with the leader being the only peak senior level. It was already known that after the cleansing having a peak senior level in this should have been very near impossible, It seems this one came from elsewhere. With a voice the rumbled like thunder David stared explaining the current situation.

"It keeps saying that if we surrender the holy child, it will leave and not make things difficult for us. I keep asking it what was the holy child but it just keeps repeating itself. I get the feeling that it doesn't even know what it's looking for and just knows its somewhere nearby. If it was any other peak senior-level monster I would have already jumped down and smacked it to death with one palm but I know this monster. His name is Larry because he focuses fully on defense and restraining single targets he self-proclaimed himself 'Larry the unbreakable' but everyone else just calls him Larry the coward. Since he would hide in his shell and start spamming his restraint skills on his target. A full-force attack from a middle stage king level can only crack his shell and attacking the openings doesn't work since he found some special skill that allows him to close them at will. Even though he has no kill potential his skillset is extremely annoying and it's almost pointless to attack him." David felt confused at the moment, looking at all the monsters the only true threat was actually the normal monsters. There were simply too many of them. Even though they weren't that strong, they were enough to cause chaos in the town. With David being forced to fight a pointless match, Kestrel would need to get rid of the peak Juniors, the adventurers could fight the rest of the Juniors and a portion of the novice level monsters and finally, as long as the new transfers didn't have completely useless abilities and the will to fight they could take care of the last portion of novice monsters and at least 40% of the normal monsters. The rest of the monsters would have free rein to attack the normal people of the town.

Once Kestrel heard this she knew that this was a big problem to let those normal monsters get into the town. Even though the wall was high, flying type monsters would have easy access to the town. While she was thinking this she suddenly had an idea that would perhaps completely subvert the entire riot, she couldn't help but look at the monsters and humans with pity. turning around and running to a nearby guard tower she kicked everyone out and closed the door. David seeing this was confused but before he could call out to her to asked what was wrong his attention was dragged back to Larry.

"I'll only ask one more time! For you humans to hand over the holy child! Don't think that you have a chance of winning, we have endless amounts of fellow monsters here ready to fight tooth and nail to retrieve the holy child! They will brave mountains of swords and seas of magma to fulfill their quest! All you have to do is hand over the holy child and this can be all forgiven and forgotten!" The turtle was speaking righteously, making it seems as if it was willing to die for the holy child but David could see that it was ready to pull its head into its shell at a moment's notice.

"I keep asking what is the holy child!? We have no such monster in our town that even looks holy! Do you even know what your so-called holy child even looks like?" For such a big man you would think that David was a man of few words. Before his change, David was a very active and free-spirited person he had a bright and cheerful voice that made people want to laugh alongside him. Now it sounded like thunder was rumbling in the sky causing everyone around him to tremble.

Truth be told even Larry didn't know what the holy child was. A few days ago a half-step divine level monster suddenly appeared and ordered him to attack the town to search for it and that if he failed they would capture him to make turtle stew out of him! Since all monsters have the option of gaining a permanent human form once they reach king level he didn't know what kind of monster he was before but just being near him made him feel as if he was gonna be swallowed alive.

Realizing that even hiding in his shell would do no good, he instantly agreed saying that even if he had to risk his little life he would bring back the holy child. The guy didn't even give him a description of the holy child saying that he would know if he saw him and left just as fast as he came but not before giving him a once over and licking his lips.

Poor Larry was left shuddering in his shell and drew up all the speed he could muster and raced to the area. Rallying up all the monsters in the area with promises of gaining the favor of a divine level monster, in just a few days and a hell of a lot of singing the half-step divine monsters' powers and backing. He was finally able to bring together most of the surrounding monsters. Feeling that talking to the human was lowering his life expectancy he was just about to order the charge when that human female he saw earlier came back out of the guard tower wearing a strange outfit.

For a few moments spread across the town as humans and monsters alike watch Kestrel walk back to the top of the wall wearing her biohazard suit. Ignoring the stares she was getting from the massive crowd of people she walked to the front of the wall and pulled out a massive fan, this fan was about a meter tall. Everyone was confused as they watched her go behind the fan. Although the monsters couldn't see it, the human noticed that the was a slot in the back of the fan. They watched as Kestrel take out a jar with a biohazard sign on it from her inventory and hold it as if it was a highly dangerous item placing it carefully into the slot and lock it in place. By now some transfers that did certain lines of work felt that something wasn't right and began to back away. When they saw Kestrel pause for a moment before handing David a gas mask. Then bowing to the crowd of humans saying 'sorry'. They turned and bolted for safety all they heard was the fan starting up and they couldn't help cursing their parents for not blessing them with an extra pair of legs.