
Jin dynasty hegemony

As the world's general trend says, long-term division will eventually lead to unification, and long-term unification will eventually lead to division. When the court is corrupt, the emperor loses his virtue, and the empire loses its Mandate of Heaven.

yuesheng · History
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7 Chs

006:Pei Family

The morning mist was very annoying. Princess Pei of Donghai got up early in the morning and was sitting at the desk, opening several letters.

The first letter was from her father Pei Kang. It was nothing serious, but mainly asked her to teach the crown prince Sima Pi more to show her "filial piety and brotherhood".

Pei felt a little irritated after reading it.

The crown prince was only seven years old and had always been disobedient. Every time she wanted to control him, her husband didn't take it seriously. As a result, the crown prince became more and more unscrupulous.

Speaking of her husband, she was even more angry.

There were too many whores in the palace, seducing the king into a trance, and he would rather leave her, a skilled and dignified princess, in the fiefdom. This time when she came to Luoyang, she only said a few words, and then she got into the arms of those whores again, which made her very angry.

After stuffing the letter back as it was, she opened the next one.

This was from her brother Pei Dun. In the letter, he asked his sister to help him persuade him to be sent out as a governor.

After reading it, Pei sighed. She couldn't even sleep with him, so how could she persuade him?

Another elder brother, Pei Shao, also wrote a letter. In addition to talking about family matters, he also mentioned the current situation of Pei's children.

The Wenxi Pei family is a big family with relatives and friends in both the military and political circles. After reading the letter, Pei thought about it for a while and began to write a reply.

She knew her husband's thoughts very well. He had ambitions, but was limited by his strength, so he could only wait and see and look for opportunities.

She actually didn't agree with this.

There are many descendants of the Sima family, but not all of them are trying to get into Luoyang. The strength of the Donghai Palace is so weak, it's really...

"Did you rest well last night?" A hearty voice came from the door, and Sima Yue, the Sikong of the Jin Dynasty and the King of Donghai, walked in with a smile.

"Husband." Pei put down her pen and stood up to salute.

Did you rest well?

There was only a bitter smile in her heart, but she was no longer naive and was too lazy to talk about these things.

Sima Yue looked at the letter on the table and seemed to understand something.

The Pei family is a good helper, but they don't dare to bet on him yet, which makes him a little unhappy. Of course, he won't show it on his face. He just glanced and turned away, looking indifferent.

The couple fell silent for a while, and there was nothing to say.

After a while, it was still Pei who broke the awkward atmosphere and asked, "My husband, have you finished talking?"

"Hmm..." Sima Yue stood tall with his hands behind his back, his eyes fixed on the pond outside the window, and pretended to be in deep thought and said, "Actually, there is nothing to talk about. We are just waiting for the right time to act."

Pei lowered her head and said nothing.

She suddenly felt a little discouraged. Her husband didn't even look at her beautiful face and mature body that she had tried so hard to maintain. She was either doing dirty tricks and plotting intrigues, or fooling around with a foxy woman.

The foxy woman was shameless and would use any despicable means to seduce people. But she had been educated to be dignified and polite since she was a lady, and she couldn't bring herself to do those dirty things that were detrimental to her dignity.

It's boring, so be it. A proud girl has her own pride, and I won't beg you. All I want now is to be a good wife and raise children, and live a quiet life.

But - oh, even with such a small request, it seems not very easy now.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help asking: "Does my husband really want to get involved in Luoyang's affairs?"

Sima Yue's eyes subconsciously fell on the letter, and soon turned to the window, saying: "Sima Jiong died in a proper way, Sima Yi1 is a reckless man, it would be a pity not to take such a good opportunity. If there is help, the chance will be greatly increased."

Pei Shi didn't seem to understand, and only advised: "Now the King of Hejian is stationed in Guanyou, and the King of Chengdu is stationed in Yecheng, each with a large number of troops. The King of Changsha is in a very convenient place, and there are tens of thousands of troops outside the city to respond. How can my husband take advantage of the situation? I'm afraid that if Sima Jiong falls, another Sima Yi will come. The old story of Zhao Wanglun must be learned."

Sima Yong, the General of Zhenxi and the Prince of Hejian, has obtained the military power of the Guanzhong Commandery, and is currently stationing his troops in Chang'an, with tens of thousands of troops.

Sima Ying, the General of Zhenbei, the General of Pingbei, the Commander of Yecheng, and the Prince of Chengdu (who took office in the first month of the ninth year of Yuankang), is stationed in Yecheng, controlling the army of the Jizhou Commandery, and is also eyeing Luoyang.

Sima Yi, the General of Cavalry and the Prince of Changsha, is currently in Luoyang, and there are troops he brought with him outside the city.

When Sima Yi first came to Luoyang last year, he had 200,000 troops, which shocked the whole country. Although most of them have been dispersed and returned home, there are still tens of thousands of people stationed in the suburbs of Luoyang, facing the troops of the Yuzhou Commandery brought by Sima Jiong, the Grand Sima and the Prince of Qi, and they may take action at any time.

In such a tense situation, why would you, a king of Donghai with no troops and no power, join in the fun? Is Sima Jiong so easy to deal with?

Even if Sima Jiong is defeated, what will happen?

Before Sima Jiong, King Sima Lun of Zhao was in power, and the kings revolted and fought a great battle, with no less than 100,000 soldiers from all sides killed. What about Sima Jiong who came to power? He is still another Sima Lun!

Even if Sima jiong is killed now, the central power is most likely to fall into the hands of Sima Yi, the King of Changsha, who is close at hand. Could it be your turn?

Princess Pei's judgment of the situation is very accurate, but Sima Yue doesn't like to hear this.

Moreover, this bitch didn't care about the relationship between husband and wife at all, and pretended not to understand what he said - at this critical moment, she should try her best to persuade the Hedong Pei family to bet and invest capital to increase her chances of winning.

He turned his back to his wife, and his eyes flashed with complex emotions. Sometimes he was annoyed, sometimes angry, sometimes vicious, and sometimes afraid. In the end, he couldn't help it. He raised his voice slightly and said, "My dear wife, you should know that it's not easy for me to be the King of Donghai. Some princes have 100,000 households, but I only have 5,000 households. Why? Even the Kingdom of Donghai is not all mine. Sima Mao dared not to give me face. Why?"

The voice was not loud, but the emotion was strong.

Pei was a little stunned, as if she had just met her husband.

When they first got married, her husband had a reputation for being humble, and she was very satisfied. But now, she was extremely disappointed.

He clearly wanted the Pei family's help, but he had to pretend in front of her, which was hypocrisy.

Sima Jiong and Sima Yi risked their lives to get their current status, but her husband did not make any contribution, but he was dissatisfied, which was jealousy.

What else?

Mrs. Pei shook her head and said, "My husband, everything we have is enough. The officials and the people from all directions have suffered from the killing, and the elite soldiers and generals of the court have been lost. In the end, all the soldiers have been killed and the treasury has been emptied. If there is any change, I am afraid that the Hu people will take advantage."

"Women's opinions!" Sima Yue finally got angry. He flicked his sleeves and walked out of the door. His voice came from afar: "After a while, the princess will live in the other courtyard in the east of the city. Luoyang is a dangerous place. Since you are worried, you might as well stay away."

Mrs. Pei knelt on the ground with an expressionless face.

There is no way.

Some truths, she, a woman, understands, but her husband is confused by the authorities and is obsessed with profit. It is really useless.

 ****** ******

Concubine Pei was sad and disappointed, but she didn't delay for long. The next day, accompanied by Mi Huang, Liu Qia and others, she drove to Pan farm.

"Kill! Kill! Kill!" A tender and neat voice sounded not far away, which sounded quite imposing.

The princess lifted the curtain of the carriage and quietly looked at the soldiers who were training on the training ground.

They were young, but they were well trained.

At this time, the formation drill was almost over. The leading officer asked the soldiers to sit on the ground, and he took out a bow and quickly strung it.

He was talking about something, which should be the key points of archery.

After talking for a while, he directly picked up the bow and shot three arrows in a row.

The arrows whizzed away and landed steadily on the straw man in the 

"Wow!" After all, they were young men, and they couldn't help but exclaimed.

The princess was also a little surprised.

"Zihui, is this kind of archery skill common in the army?" she asked.

Mi Huang answered honestly: "Not often."

The princess nodded and lowered the curtain.

The carriage passed by and soon entered the manor.

Liu Qia found a chance and came to the parade ground, watching another team of soldiers who were training not far away.

"Uncle." Yang Bao saw it, gave a few instructions to his men, ran over and bowed.

Liu Qia glanced at his nephew.

In fact, Yang Bao was considered a strong and powerful man in the surrounding area. Therefore, when the King of Donghai recruited hereditary soldiers, he found a way to add his nephew to the list and gave him the position of a sergeant.

He may not have a long-term idea, but he did it subconsciously. After all, in troubled times, there was chaos and war, and no power was as reliable as real military force.

After the second batch of hereditary soldiers arrived in Luoyang, under his operation, Yang Bao naturally became the team leader, and he led a strong team.

He knew that Mi Huang could not serve as the leader of the flag for a long time. He did not have the ability and energy.

If everything goes well, it is not impossible for Yang Bao to replace Mi Huang and serve as the leader of the flag in the future. It's just that - where did this Shao Xun come from?

"Tell me the truth--" In front of his nephew, Liu Qia didn't beat around the bush and asked directly: "How capable is Shao Xun?"

Yang Bao hesitated.

"Tell me the truth!" Liu Qia frowned and said angrily.

"Better than me." Yang Bao said dejectedly.

"How much better?"

"Much better."

Liu Qia took a deep breath and kicked his nephew.

Yang Bao staggered, stood up again, and lowered his head to be scolded.

"Lead the troops well for me!" Liu Qia looked at his nephew with a look of disappointment and left in anger.

Yang Bao left in disgrace.

Liu Qia wandered around the parade ground for a long time, until it was getting dark, when he finally saw Mi Huang leaving the manor and preparing to return to luoyang