
Jim Phoenal

Jim Phoenal, who has recently became a adventurer. Everybody doesn't except him to change the world. The story is about a 15 year old boy and his journeys

Sparkz27 · Fantasy
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29 Chs

Chapter 19

The first round of the competition of E rank adventurers has began. There is around 80 participates from various guilds. The E ranks adventurer age is around 18 to 30 except for a few. There first round take in two matchup as the number of competitor is eighty. Jim's matches is in the first matchup in the eighteen arena. There is a barrier which stop the damage or the injury of the competitior. The rule is score 5 successful hit to win the competition. Weapons or artifact are not permitted during the competition.

The referee called the competitor. "Jim Phoenal from Loton Town report to the arena." Jim arrived at the arena. Jim opponent is a rock type elementalist from Uridine City, Faris Macgrol. The referee asked the competitior are they ready. The competitor reported that they are ready. As the competition began. Jim take a defensive stance and tries to close the distance between them.

As, Jim dash towards Faris for a quick attack, but a attack come from below. A rocky pike come from below and hits Jim's stomach. First point for Faris. Another attack hits Jim's chest. Second point for Faris. It was enough for him to become unconscious. But due to the barrier, damage was nullified. The third attack came from above. But Jim dodges it.

Meanwhile, Faris manifested a rocky bullets in his hands and he shot towards Jim. Jim punch the bullets with his flame first. Jim become on guard against Faris. Faris continue to shot the bullet. Jim counters the bullet using his flame fist. Faris stopped his attack and come closer to Jim. He punch Jim using his enhanced fist. But Jim countered it and grabbed his first, thrown him. One point for Jim. Faris become a bit shocked how could small sized Jim could block his punch and throw him.

2-1 the point are gained. 2 by Faris and 1 by Jim. 1 lead for Faris. Faris once again attack with his stone edge. Jim dodge the first two Rocky pike. Jim is at the corner of the corner. The competition will consider out of the match if he left the arena.The last one hits his abdomen one point for Jim. Faris again attack Jim with stone bullets. Jim was in moments of despair as his was in the brink of out of the competition.

Jim circulate his mana into his

hand and fire spray of flame. He incarnate the stone bullets with flame. The smoke from the flame covered the arena. Faris couldn't determine Jim's location. Suddenly a punch hits his stomach. Faris knock out of the arena. The judge determine the winner of the match as Jim Phoenal.

"Why has Faris lost to that dwarf boy. Even though he has advantage on his elemental power. Master." Fiona asked her guildmaster. "It is because of phis physical strength and agility. That, boy's strength and agility is higher than Faris. We lost our chance in F rank competition anyway." The guildmaster of Uridine city replied to Fiona. The first round of the F rank competition ended and out of 80, 40 competitor passed the first round.

"What are your on the results, Zi Kun." Red Queen asked. "Nothing special, the adventurer always relay on thier weapons, newbies are weaker than the last Guild Union competition except for one." Sir Zi Kun commented. "Zi Kun, you are always talk about strength and ability but using the artifacts is not a crime. It is a arm to a warrior anyway." Red Queen replied. "But, these day adventurer rely on the artifacts greatly better than thier physical strength except for some like the boy with firepower, the child from the Forst guild, the old looking one and the girl from Astomlime." The Dragon Hunter corrected the Red Queen. "Any way, I like the battling style of the girl Aqua and the boy Reans they fight well and good looking." The Red Queen said.

The second of the competition has began. On the first arena the battle between Aqua, a water type elementalist from Miraid City and Foster, an Ice type elementalist from Malka Town was going. Aqua defeated her opponents on a 3- 5 score. On the sixth arena , a deviant named Reans from Mishra was fighting Kortius Mal Neur, a noble adventurer from Oxton City.

There are some people who have zero infinity to any of the elementals. But they have some special power and these people are called deviant. Kortius using his metal elemental power creating a armour and sword. He attack Reans with a slash. Reans dodge the with ease. He then create  a flower, "Empty Rose" the flower is thrown at the Kortius armour. The vanishes with the sword Kortius made with his power. "I already known that you are mage type elementalist. You used your power to make armour and weapons which are very powerful and equal to mithril artifacts. And you have a limit to how many times you can use it. There is a time limit for you making a weapon. If you surrender, you won't be wasting my time." Reans asked Kortius to surrender.

But Kortius refuses. He enhances his hand with metal elemental. His hand become bright and shiny like metal. He tries to punch Reans. But Reans throw a another flower at him. "Bombshell" the flower explode and hits Kortius. He fell down to the floor. One point for Reans. Reans create a icy flower, "Blue Phoenix" which frozen Kortius in a Ice Crystal. Second point for Reans. Kortius break the Ice from inside and free from the Ice crystal. He stands up.

"Red Phoenix" Another attack from Reans. A red flame in the shape of a bird attacks Kortius knocking him out the ring. Kortius loses the match. Reans Miller wins with a knockout win. "I already told you to quit. You waste a lot of time." Reans said to Kortius. Kortius grind his teeth in rage. But he couldn't disagree with Reans statement anyway. He was inferior to Reans power anyway.  He vowed to defeat him when the time come.