
The Hospital Wing

Harry P.O.V

Ron and Hermione had just left the hospital wing because Madam Pomfrey kicked them out. "I want to go to the feast" I announced to her. "Dumbledore said you're allowed to go" she replied stiffly. "You also have another visitor." As she finished Hagrid walked in. It looked like he had been crying. I wonder why. He sat down, took one look at me and started to cry again. I wasn't sure how to comfort him so I kept saying "It’s alright."

"No it's not I told him how to get past Fluffy. It's-all-my-ruddy-fault." Hagrid sobbed between tears and coughs. Poor Hagrid he must feel so bad about putting us in danger. "Don't say that Hagrid you didn't expect Voldemort to be in a pub did you."

"No, but don't say his name."

" Fear of the name only increases fear of itself and I'm not afraid. Voldemort!" Hagrid was shocked to silence. I don't think he expected me yell out Voldemorts name. After a few minutes of silence, Hagrid spoke up. "Anyway I got you a gift Harry. Dumbledore gave me a day off to finish it. He should've just sacked me. Anyway here's your gift." He handed me a leather bound book and told me to open it. I did. It had a picture of me and my parents. "This is nice, thank you Hagrid."

"You're welcome. Let's go to the feast.'

... Time skip brought to you in honour of Fred Weasley may he rest in peace...

James's P.O.V

I woke up in a small box wondering why Sirius decided to play a prank like this on me. He knows that I hate tight spaces. I felt around for my wand. Thank God it was there. I had to get out of here. I yelled Reducto and the box flew open. Was I in a grave, if so how? I turned around. Oh no I was dead, but how am I alive then. Hang on where's Lily. "Lils, Lils, Lilyflower where are you."

"James, help me I'm in a box." Lily replied. Thank God she was okay. "Lily grab your wand and do the spell reducto." Lily's coffin flew open and she ran into my arms.

Lily's P.O.V

I woke up in a box. What happened where's James, where's Harry? I heard someone calling for me. It was James. He was calling for me. I replied to him by saying "James help me I'm in a box." He told me to grab my wand from my side and use reducto. I felt around the side of my body and sure enough my wand was there. I yelled reducto and the box flew open. I saw James and ran into his open arms. Then once again I thought where's Harry, where's my baby boy.






Hi guys hope you liked my first chapter sorry if there isn't much of a character development.