
Jily In Trouble.

Once Lily rejects James. He moves on. They leave Hogwarts, and she forgets all about dating since the death eaters are at large. When he saves her parents, she sees in him a new light. James Potter's life is in trouble because of his involvement with the Order.

Nina_Becker · Book&Literature
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21 Chs

Defending James. Attacked. Saved, James The Hero.

She felt a little uneasy at his laughter, but still she couldn't figure who he was or remember it anyways.

"His name is James!" She almost snapped. "James Potter, Not a Toerag!"

"Okay, okay, Just that you are the only one who called him that!" He replied, "Are you dating him or something?"

"NO, no, I am not!"

"So what? If I make fun of them a little." He said, "I heard now he's living off of his parents money."

"I know, but he's doing good," Lily felt burning. "He is certainly doing good in the world, with getting paid." She said sharply.

"Okayy, okay!" He relaxed back on the chair. "How about a cup of coffee with me?"

"I am having coffee right now!" She pointed to the little cup on the table. "And you are sitting here, so I think the request is already fulfilled."

He let out a laugh, people turned to look. Lily felt uneasy again. It was something about the laugh, the crooked smile, the eyes. She couldn't figure out whether it was intimidating or just making her uncomfortable.

"What about a butter beer?"

"I'll think about it," She got up.

"Okay, then, I'll walk you out." The guy was now walking by her side.

They walked over to the train station with together,

"Oh shoot!" Lily stood over by the train, which had left already.

"We can apparate!" The man said brightly, his eyes glinted.

"No, I can't, I haven't passed my test yet!"

"Then, my pleasure!" He offered her his arm. It was late. She was late. Petunia would kill her if she was late for her wedding shower.

The cold gray eyes poured into her green ones. Someone at her school did have gray eyes, definitely, but it could be anyone. She placed her hand on his arm and it burned. She shrank back at one, so quickly that she fell to the floor. She scratched her hands on something. And they bled. But she knew, she felt it. It was the dark mark, brandished on that arm. He was no exchange student.

The guy came after her, and she ran. Before she could run any further, she bumped into a figure, tall, face covered and a black cloak wrapped around.

The man in the black cloak held her by the arms,

"Ahhh!" She screamed.

And tried to pull back. The grip tightened on her shoulders. She was disapparted along with man. She looked up, it was James.

"Evans, Do you want me to die?" He grinned at her, "Do you?"

She was confused, scared, and a little upset.

"No! I mean what the…? Why?" She asked, "What did I do?"

He opened the door.

"You know, that little key you have!" He followed her inside, "The muggle thing, the one that has no magic, can let anyone in!"

He looked at her grazed arms, and waved his wand.

"And there you are moving all over the city with it, you and me being under observation, have to lay low, don't you think?" He told her.


"You were almost traced back to Godric's Hollow, and the Death Eater's would have broken in, or seen this house, which is much more dangerous for all of us."

He was pouring a cup of coffee.

"And…Me and Sirius. We have nowhere to go! We are on the radar, Lily!"

His eyes were heavy and darkened. It was like he hadn't slept in days.

"I am sorry," Lily said sorrily, "I should go, I have brought nothing but trouble here,"

"It's okay, you don't bring trouble, just don't take keys outside!" James yawned. "I think I am going to hit the hay, God, I haven't slept in ages."

He walked to the side of the living room, to the end of the corridor, where his bedroom was. Lily saw him struggling to open the door. He shuffled to turn the doorknob. He suddenly fell on the floor, with a loud crash.

"Hey!" James stirred slowly, "Hey, look at me, are you okay?" Lily was standing over him.

"What happened?"

"You passed out!" Lily told him, "Let me ask, What was the last time you ate, or slept?"

"Uh, I can't remember when I slept last!" He looked flushed, "I ate with you!"

"That was two days ago, James!" Lily was shocked, "What are you? An Idiot?"

"Right," James said slowly, "An idiot!"

He was thinking something. Lily thought he was almost not here. He was far away.

"Well, I'll make something for you, and then you have to sleep!"

"You don't have to," He groaned as he tried to pull himself up.

"I want to." She said sternly as she offered a hand to James, who took it and stood up from the ground.

He laid down on the sofa and dozed off immediately as Lily worked herself up by trying to make dinner. It was difficult for her. As she hadn't ever cooked before.

"James, James!" Lily shook his shoulder, "You should really eat before you sleep!"

10 Minutes later, James was sitting on the couch wolfing down food,

"You know, Evans, you are a terrible terrible cook!"

He put a spoonful in his mouth.

"You shouldn't be allowed to cook."

He gulped down his water.

"This, I don't even know what it is!"

The dish was almost empty. He pushed his plate back, and started eating from the dish.

"Really bad, you know, if I were not this hungry, I would have touched it!"

James took his plate, and the dish and put it in the sink.


He grinned.

"I'll clean em, and put em away," He yawned. "But tomorrow." He turned to go, "Thank you, Evans, Thank you!"

"Hey, James! Can I ask you something?"

"Yes, Sure, What?" He turned around from the side of the door.