

This is the Part 2 of Jikirukuto

JZK_SENSEI · Fantasy
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84 Chs

The Multiverse's Most Wanted

The cheers of Graaswell City echoed in my ears, a symphony of relief and celebration after the cosmic brawl. Yet, amidst the joyous chaos, a chilling unease settled in my gut. It was like the silence before the next storm, a premonition of something far more sinister brewing in the shadows.

"Jikirukuto!" Alexandra's voice, laced with concern, pulled me from my thoughts. "Are you alright? You look like you just wrestled a black hole."

I forced a smile, trying to mask the prickling sensation at the back of my neck. "Just a bit shaken, that's all. Those isekai rockstars packed a punch."

Alepou, ever the optimist, grinned. "But you showed them who's boss! We make a pretty good team, wouldn't you say?"

His enthusiasm was contagious, momentarily pushing away the shadows creeping into my mind. "The best," I agreed, bumping fists with him.

But even as we celebrated, a flicker of movement at the edge of my vision caught my eye. A faint shimmer, almost imperceptible, materialized into a tall, cloaked figure. The Guardian of the Nexus, his expression unreadable beneath the hood.

My heart hammered against my ribs. His presence here, so soon after his defeat, sent a wave of alarm through me. He wasn't alone. Beside him stood the figure I dreaded most – the enigmatic god, his gaze fixed on me with an intensity that sent shivers down my spine.

"Greetings, Jikirukuto," the god's voice boomed, echoing with an otherworldly power. "It seems we underestimated your tenacity."

I stood my ground, refusing to be intimidated. "And you overestimated your own power. This world is not yours to control."

The god chuckled, a sound like ice cracking. "Perhaps not individually, but together..." He gestured towards the Guardian, who uncrossed his arms, revealing a pulsating orb of energy in his palm.

"We have devised a new plan," the Guardian's voice rasped. "One that will ensure your permanent removal from the equation."

My blood ran cold. A new plan? What did they have in mind, something even more dangerous than the isekai army?

Before I could voice my question, the orb in the Guardian's hand flared to life, bathing the plaza in an ominous crimson glow. The air crackled with energy, and tendrils of darkness writhed around us, constricting my lungs and chilling me to the bone.

"This power," the god declared, his voice dripping with sadistic pleasure, "will erase you from existence itself. No trace, no memory, no shred of your defiance will remain."

Panic clawed at my throat, but I refused to surrender. Fear was a luxury I couldn't afford. My gaze darted around, searching for an escape, a weakness, anything to exploit.

Then, in the corner of my eye, I saw them. My friends, Alepou and Alexandra, their faces etched with worry but their eyes unwavering. They believed in me, and that belief fueled a spark of determination within me.

"You underestimate me," I roared, channeling every ounce of my power. The air around me crackled with energy, responding to my will. "I am Jikirukuto, protector of this world, and I will not be erased!"

With a surge of power, I launched myself towards the orb, determined to disrupt their nefarious plan. The world dissolved into a blur of motion, the tendrils of darkness whipping at me, the god's laughter echoing in my ears.

But I pressed on, fueled by a desperate hope and the unwavering belief in myself and my friends. In that moment, I knew this wasn't just about me; it was about the freedom of my world, the very fabric of reality itself.

Just as my fingers brushed against the pulsating orb, a blinding light erupted, engulfing everything in its path. The screams of my friends, the god's triumphant laughter, the tendrils of darkness – all vanished in an instant, leaving only a deafening silence.

When the light subsided, I found myself standing alone in a desolate wasteland. The once vibrant plaza, the cheering crowds, even my friends – all gone, replaced by a barren landscape devoid of any familiar landmarks.

Panic seized me. Where was I? What had happened? Had the god succeeded? Was I truly erased from existence?

Despair threatened to consume me, but then, a faint memory flickered in my mind. A whisper of a voice, a promise... "This world's not your playground. It belongs to its people, and I'm its cosmic bouncer."

My own words echoed in the emptiness, a beacon of hope in the desolate landscape. I may not know where I was, but

I knew who I was. Jikirukuto, protector of this world, and I wouldn't give up until I found a way back. Scanning the barren landscape, I noticed a faint shimmer in the distance. A beacon, perhaps? Hope rekindled, I channeled my remaining energy and sprinted towards it.

As I drew closer, the shimmer coalesced into a shimmering portal, swirling with vibrant hues. It pulsed with an otherworldly energy, beckoning me forward. With a deep breath, I stepped through, bracing myself for the unknown.

The world dissolved into a kaleidoscope of colors, swirling around me like a cosmic tempest. I tumbled through the void, disoriented and nauseous, until finally, I landed with a thud on solid ground.

Looking around, I found myself in a bustling marketplace, unlike anything I'd ever seen. Towering buildings of jade and sapphire gleamed under a sky painted with two moons. Strange creatures with feathered wings and scales haggled over exotic wares, their voices a symphony of clicks and whistles.

Confusion warred with curiosity. Where was I? This was no desolate wasteland, but a vibrant, alien world teeming with life. Had the god's plan backfired? Or was this part of some twisted new game?

Suddenly, a voice cut through the cacophony. "Lost, are we?"

Turning, I saw a figure unlike any I'd encountered. Tall and slender, with skin the color of twilight and eyes that shimmered like galaxies, they exuded an aura of ancient wisdom.

"I... I don't know where I am," I stammered, unsure how much to reveal.

The figure smiled, a gentle luminescence emanating from their being. "This is Xylo, a crossroads between worlds. It seems you've stumbled upon a curious anomaly."

"Anomaly?" I echoed, my mind racing. "What does that mean?"

"It seems the fabric of reality is thinner here," they explained, their voice a soothing melody. "Perhaps your confrontation with the god triggered a tear, depositing you here."

A tear in reality? That explained the desolate wasteland, but not my sudden transportation to this alien world. "What happens now?" I asked, fear creeping into my voice.

The figure chuckled, a sound like wind chimes tinkling in the breeze. "That, my dear Jikirukuto, is up to you. Xylo is a place of infinite possibilities. You can choose to stay, explore, or perhaps even seek a way back to your own world."

My mind reeled. This was overwhelming, but also strangely liberating. A choice? Who knew I'd ever have one?

Looking into the figure's wise eyes, I saw a flicker of understanding. "You know who I am?"

"Indeed," they replied. "The echoes of your defiance reached even Xylo. You are a rare spark, Jikirukuto, a champion of freedom in a chaotic universe."

Their words filled me with a sense of purpose. Maybe this wasn't an accident, but a chance. A chance to learn, to grow, and perhaps even find a way to confront the god again, stronger and more prepared.

Taking a deep breath, I met their gaze with newfound resolve. "Thank you," I said. "I think I know what I need to do."

The figure smiled, their eyes twinkling. "Then your journey begins anew, Jikirukuto. May the winds of Xylo guide you, and may your defiance forever echo through the multiverse."

With that, they turned and vanished into the throng of the marketplace, leaving me alone to face the unknown. But this time, I wasn't afraid. I was Jikirukuto, protector of my world, and I would find my way back, no matter what challenges awaited me in the strange and wondrous world of Xylo.

Days turned into weeks as I explored the vibrant world of Xylo. Each day brought new encounters, new wonders, and new challenges. I learned the language of the Xylosians, a melodious tongue that flowed like the wind through the jade towers. I discovered hidden markets teeming with magical artifacts and peculiar creatures, from mischievous imps with a penchant for pranks to wise old dragons who guarded ancient lore.

But amidst the wonder, a nagging worry remained. How could I return to my world and face the god again? My powers felt weaker here, muted by the alien energies of Xylo. I longed to reunite with Alepou and Alexandra, to know they were safe.

One evening, as I wandered through the bustling marketplace, a familiar voice caught my ear. "Jikirukuto? Is that truly you?"

Turning, I saw a sight that warmed my heart. It was Alexandra, her eyes wide with surprise and relief. But she wasn't alone. Beside her stood a tall, muscular figure with fiery red hair and a mischievous grin - Alepou.

"Alexandra! Alepou!" I exclaimed, rushing towards them. "I can't believe it! How did you find me?"

"Let's just say," Alexandra began, a playful glint in her eyes, "that the multiverse has a funny way of connecting those who are meant to be together."

Alepou chuckled, slinging an arm around my shoulder. "Besides, who else would be crazy enough to follow the cosmic trail you leave behind?"

Reunited with my friends, a wave of hope washed over me. We shared stories of our adventures, both familiar and strange. Alepou regaled me with tales of the chaos that erupted in Graaswell City after my disappearance. Apparently, news of my confrontation with the god and the Guardian of the Nexus had spread like wildfire, leaving the city in a state of awe and uncertainty.

Alexandra, ever the resourceful one, had spent weeks researching ancient texts and forgotten legends, searching for clues that could lead me back to my world. Her efforts hadn't been in vain. She unveiled a cryptic map depicting a hidden portal somewhere within Xylo, rumored to be able to bridge the gap between dimensions.

With renewed purpose, we embarked on a quest to find this portal. Our journey took us through treacherous landscapes, from the scorching deserts ruled by the fiery god Pyros to the bone-chilling glaciers guarded by the icy grip of Aqua, the Ocean's Embrace. We faced each challenge with courage and camaraderie, our bond growing stronger with each obstacle overcome.

Along the way, we encountered other beings drawn to the echoes of our defiance. A wind spirit named Zephyr, playful yet powerful, offered guidance and protection. A wise dragon named Tartarus, shrouded in an aura of ancient magic, shared cryptic knowledge of the multiverse and the hidden dangers we faced.

Finally, after weeks of perilous travel, we reached the coordinates marked on the map. Before us stood a towering monolith, its surface etched with swirling symbols that resonated with an otherworldly energy. This was the portal, our gateway back home.

But as we approached, a chilling presence descended upon us. The air crackled with dark energy, and a figure materialized from the shadows. It was the god, his eyes burning with malice.

"So, the pesky protector returns," he sneered. "But even with your companions, you cannot escape my grasp."

A fierce battle ensued. Zephyr unleashed a tempestuous wind, disrupting the god's attacks. Tartarus conjured shadowy tendrils that snaked around the god, momentarily immobilizing him. Alepou and Alexandra fought with unwavering determination, their combined skills a force to be reckoned with.

But the god was formidable. He unleashed powerful blasts of energy, pushing us back and threatening to overwhelm us. Just as despair threatened to consume me, I remembered the words of the wise dragon: "Your greatest strength lies not in your power alone, but in the bonds you forge and the hope you inspire."

Drawing on the strength of my friends and the unwavering belief in myself, I channeled my remaining energy. A surge of power erupted from me, fueled by determination and the echoes of defiance that resonated throughout the multiverse.

The god was taken aback by the intensity of my attack. With a final blow, I shattered his defenses, sending him reeling back into the shadows. He vanished with a scream of rage, leaving behind an eerie silence.

We stood victorious, battered but unbroken. The portal shimmered before us, beckoning us home. With a mixture of excitement and trepidation, we stepped through, ready to face whatever awaited us on the other side.

To be continued...