

james_lebron · Action
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6 Chs


In the early morning of Wind Cloud City, the sunlight reflected off every corner of the city, painting the earth with a layer of warm colors. Amidst this beautiful scenery, people began their busy day.

At the Chen Family Fortress, Chen Feng woke up early and started his day. Dressed in neat brocade clothes, he stepped into the hall and was greeted by a busy scene. The family elders were discussing some things, while the family members were all busy with their own work.

"Young Master Feng, good morning." One of the family elders walked over and greeted Chen Feng with a smile.

Chen Feng smiled faintly and returned the greeting, "Good morning, uncle."

The family elders were the important pillars of the Chen Family Fortress, they possessed a wealth of experience and wisdom, and played an important role in the development of the family. Chen Feng's heart was filled with respect and gratitude for them.

"Any arrangements for today?" Chen Feng inquired.

The elder smiled faintly and said, "There are some family matters that need to be dealt with today, as well as strengthening the family's security measures. The recent turbulent situation in Feng Yun City makes it imperative for us to be more vigilant."

Chen Feng nodded in understanding. The recent situation in Wind Cloud City was indeed not very stable, with various rumors and hearsay surfacing, causing people to feel uneasy. As a member of the clan, he had to do everything possible to protect the clan and his family and ensure their safety.

"I will do my best to cooperate." Chen Feng said solemnly.

The family elder nodded and smiled in satisfaction, "Very well, we must be united and work together to deal with any crisis that may arise."

Just as Chen Feng was discussing the family's affairs with the family elder, a servant of the family suddenly ran in and said with a worried face, "Young master, a stranger has come to visit you, saying that he has urgent matters to discuss with you."

Upon hearing this, Chen Feng was slightly stunned, and then nodded, "Bring him in."

Not long after, a plainly dressed youth was brought in. He had a handsome face and a shining gaze, clearly an exceptional character.

"Hello, I'm Chen Feng, what do you have to discuss?" Chen Feng asked with a smile.

The young man bowed and said, "My name is Liu Fei, a ranger from a distant land. I have heard that the Chen Family Fortress is in trouble, so I have come here to help."

Upon hearing Liu Fei's introduction, Chen Feng's heart was stirred, for this young man's name was not unfamiliar to him. At the previous wedding, Liu Fei had come to his aid, and the Chen Family Fortress had successfully foiled Li Gang's plot. He was a person with strength and a sense of justice, and he also had a certain reputation in Feng Yun City.

"Liu Fei, I know of your reputation, and I'm glad to meet you." Chen Feng said with a smile, "We ran into some trouble, it's great that you were able to come and help."

Liu Fei smiled faintly and said, "The Chen Family Fortress is a powerful family in Feng Yun City, so of course I won't just sit back and do nothing. Please tell me what happened?"

Chen Feng told Liu Fei about Li Gang's attack and Crow's threat, then said, "Now that we are facing some difficulties, I hope you can help us.

Liu Fei thought for a moment, then nodded, "I will try my best to help you solve the problem. First of all, we need to know more about this Li Gang and the mastermind behind the crows. I will start an investigation and look for clues to find out their true intentions and motives,"

Chen Feng's heart was overjoyed as he listened, knowing that he had found the right person. "Liu Fei, you are so kind, thank you for your help."

"You're welcome." Liu Fei smiled, "I think we should take action right away. First, we can try to find out Li Gang's weaknesses by investigating him and his forces, so that we can respond to their provocations in a targeted manner."

"Good, then we will start the investigation immediately." Chen Feng said firmly, "We cannot let these plots succeed."

Thus, Chen Feng and Liu Fei started their investigation together. They split up, and through sniffing and investigating clues, they slowly uncovered a series of conspiracies behind Li Gang and Crow.

After some hard work, they finally discovered Li Gang's weakness and the mastermind behind the Crow. It turned out that Li Gang was being manipulated by a martial arts master named Black Dragon, while the mastermind behind Crow was a mysterious organization hidden in the shadows of Feng Yun City.

Upon hearing this news, Chen Feng and Liu Fei decided to take action. They gathered their family's elite forces and secretly made a precise plan to eliminate Li Gang and the Black Hand behind the Crows in one fell swoop, thus protecting the tranquility and peace of Wind Cloud City.

However, things were not as simple as they thought. When they were ready to act, they realized that the other party was already prepared, and things became more complicated and dangerous.

In a fierce battle, the people of Chen Clan Castle and Li Gang's forces fought a fierce duel. Both sides went back and forth, with swords and blades crossing each other in a majestic manner. On the other hand, Liu Fei and Black Dragon were in a fight to the death, with fists and kicks, palm whistles, the scene was extremely intense.

After many battles, the people from the Chen Family Castle finally managed to defeat Li Gang and eliminate him and all his men, while Liu Fei also managed to defeat Black Dragon and bring him to justice. The Crow's mastermind was also eliminated in this operation, and peace and tranquility finally returned to Feng Yun City.

After winning this battle, Chen Feng and Liu Fei stood on the city wall of Wind Cloud City and looked at the distant sky, their hearts filled with hope and longing for the future.

"In this battle, we have won." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Yes." Liu Fei also smiled, "But this is just the beginning, there are still many places in Wind Cloud City that we need to guard."

They hugged each other, and an incomparable gratitude and determination surged through their hearts. In this world full of challenges and hardships, they would continue to forge ahead together, protecting the peace and tranquility of Wind Cloud City to the very end.