
JG| We Meet Again

Kisa Natsumé wakes up, looks at the time, hustles to the bathroom to take a quick bath & brushes her teeth. She wears her school uniform, then dashes down the stairs, kisses her mom goodbye, then heads out. (At the same time) Koyo Satsuya walks in the school’s hallway, goes to the vending machine, buys an energy drink. Then, drinks it all at once, he squeezes the can, then throws it beside the trash can. Heads to the schoolyards, hoping to get some fresh air. (Meanwhile) Kisa Runs to school for fourteen minutes hoping to get to school on time, Jumps over the school yard’s medium wall. Then Koyo suddenly sees shoes coming towards him, and has no idea what’s going on, Kisa Natsumé accidentally lands on Koyo. Then in a blink of an eye, falls on him, feeling someone sitting on him, almost unconscious. While trying to poise, she turns around, finding herself facing him before she knew it, she fell in love with him at first sight, then suddenly blushes. “I never blushed like this in my life! What is this tight feeling in my chest?” She asks herself. Koyo stares at her confused. She gets up, runs off, and while running, she shouts “I’m so sorry…” while blushing. Koyo stands up, scratches his head, then says “she’s kind of cute,” in his head, then remembers the promise he made to himself ten years ago, about not falling in love and getting his heart broken again. Like ten years ago.“I will not fall for her!”

Grace_Lidji · Teen
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6 Chs

She’s Gorgeous

The next day. "Ok! today is a new day." Kisa says, as she gets out of her bed, then stretches. She brushes her teeth, takes her shower, then dresses. "Oh no, I'm late to school!" Kisa loudly says, then rushes downstairs. "Kiss! Let the chauffeur drive you there." Her mom says. "No I'm fine mom. I don't want too much attention, but thanks anyways!" Kisa replies, as she quickly puts her shoes on, takes a piece of bread with some Strawberry jam on it, then rushes out her house. "Oh shoot! The gates are closing again." Kisa worriedly says. She looks around, sees a shortcut, rushes fast, jumps, then lands in the school yard before the gates closes. "I made it!" Kisa confidently says, as she runs out of breath. "Oh no, class is about to start!" She runs to her class, then opens the class's door. "Nailed it!" Kisa loudly says, as students stare at her. "Oh shoot! wrong class. I'm sorry." (Kisa embarrassingly says, as she's about to close the door.) "Who was that? I have never seen her before, have you? She might be a new student." (Students confusingly and curiously murmur.) "She's gorgeous." (Zoya tells himself, as he watches Kisa close the door.) "Ok class focus." The teacher says, then he continues his lesson. "I can't believe I already forgot my class number. I guess I have to go to student Services." Kisa annoyingly tells herself. Five minutes later. Here you go, your class number is on your ID card. Since you're new here you couldn't take your school picture. So come after school to take it, ok? "Yes, thank you very much." Kisa happily says. "Great, now I'm totally late to class." Kisa tells herself , as she rushes to her class. "Ok class you're going to change seats today, and stay there for the rest of this trimester." Kimchi Sensei announces. "Oh come on! Why do we have to change seats? I like it here. I always wanted to sit by the window…" Students complain. "All right, all right class. Stand up, and let's get started." Kimchi Sensei says, as class begins. "At least I might end up sitting next to Satsuya Kun." Manuski shyly tells herself. "Where is Kisa? I hope she's ok." Satsuya tells himself, as he worries. "Oh...Satsuya Kun might be thinking the same thing, look how focused he is." Manuski happily tells herself. "All right, you sit there. Then you will sit here." Kimchi Sensei continues.

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