

A boy who lived a harsh life gets a second chance at it, In the new world of Geze alongside others from earth. Read the the journey of Liam in this new world.

AlexanderCane · Fantasy
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4 Chs


Liam was delighted that his trap had worked. He obtained a new skill from the trap that seemed very practical and got some useful information from his experiments too.

As he was basking in his glory, it abruptly came to a halt. There were slight tremors under his feet, as the tremors got closer Liam could hear the geese that were waddling towards the location of where he was holding his prisoner captive.

Liam saw the angry gaggle approaching quickly so he darted out of there as fast as possible.

For Liam's next plan he will have to wait for night to fall, so he stationed near a river to set up camp that he found while collecting resources for his recent trap.

The sun has set and Liam is situated near the rim of the forest and a full moon can be seen peeking through the pitch black sky.

Liam approached the geese that were all sleeping soundly. Not one goose was keeping watch "such mindless creatures" Liam growled under his breath.

During his experiments he found where one of the most important organs was situated in the geese's body the larynx (voice box) this would come in handy for his plan.

He swiftly and silently crept through the field and approached his first victim and thrusted his rapier into the gooses larynx this is a vital step to his plan. The reason why this action is so vital is that the stabbed goose won't be able to alarm the other geese of the attack before it dies.

Then Liam followed up with a stab in the heart, the goose looked shocked at first but slowly lost colour in its eyes.

Repeat the process 8 more times and boom Liam is now level 2 he decides to put another 3 points into Agility and 2 points into Charisma



XP 0/200

'It seems like I will have to kill 20 more to get to level 3 but there's only 12 here but I may get some extra XP' Liam thought to himself as he casually strolled over to his next victim.

Liam killed another goose but it only gave 5XP. He then killed another the process repeated exactly the same but they all gave 5XP, Liam killed them all nonetheless.

XP 60/200

The sun started rising, Liam was drenched in blood so he thought to run to the river to wash it all of. But after he stopped the brutal slaying of the geese his adrenaline ran out he felt drained like all the limbs in his body went numb.

Liam saw all his surroundings change, suddenly everything started to blur yet at the same time things seemed to stay still and then it all stoped and he found himself on a purple circle that had weird glowing symbols on it. He could barely stand he realized as he tried to stumbled onto his feet. Liam looked around too see 11 other roughed up people in the same condition as him.

Liam then turned around to face the people wearing robes that draped across the floor like oversized curtains. All the long robe wearing fellas were whispering to a broad muscular man in armour that was too small for him.

The man in armour started talking "Congratulations! On surviving the tutorial my name is Steve and you are all probably very confused right now but everyone of you got summoned to this mighty world of Geze as I similarly was 7 years ago."

The people who just got summoned including Liam kept silent to let the man try to explain the madness they were all involved in.

"As all of you know after reading the notification in your quest tab you have to defeat the Demon King the evil ruler of the East"

Liam had no such notification or quest tab but as he saw everyone looking at the air and pointing at it he just copied, needless to say he felt very stupid.

"But don't worry there are 8 generations of earthlings just like you here so you're not alone.

You all should have a gods blessing and if your lucky a gift which will give you a very powerful skill now put your hand on this crystal pillar it will shine a colour depending on what blessing you get"

Liam picked himself up off the floor and slowly limped his way to get into the line. Liam dragged his feet over to the crystal pillar he put his hand on the pillar...

Nothing happened

"What maybe try another one" Steve said as he pushed Liam over to another pillar

Liam was not shocked as he already knew the result due to him rejecting the god's gift

Nothing happened again

Steve started reading Liam status

Name: Liam O'Donalds

Class: Jester

Race: Human

Level: 2

Skill points:2

Skills: Backstab LV 1, Stealth LV 1, Deception LV 1, Acrobatics LV 1, Jesters Audacity LV 1, Perform LV 1

Steve glared at Liam as if looking at an dead rat in a gutter, "a person with an absolute joke of a class and no blessings your utterly useless a summon was wasted on your pitiful self" Steve roared at Liam spitting in his face with each word

"The guards will lead you to a training place for people like you" Steve said as he waved his hand at the armoured guards standing at the door that. Liam was astonished as he hadn't even noticed them due to the guards blending in with the furniture because they hardly breathed without being told to.