
8. Finally.......

Joakin's grimace his face as hunger rumbled loudly in his stomach..., he wince and lower his head once again been reminded he was tied to a chair.., tired and exhausted, he raise back his head to look at the man standing a few pace from him.., the leader of the group had ask the man to watch him while he goes out with the other man(Jaladan)to settle some things...he wring his hands on the ropes with the hopes of loosing himself, when he couldn't, he bit his lips in a warping anger...., he thought of screaming but then remenber he's been doing that for a while now and no one came and doing it again will probably get his mouth gagged like the other children, something he doesn't want....

"Hey..."He mutter with a cringe at the man..., he waited for an answer, when he got none, he whistled loudly...

The man quickly spun around to face him....

"I want to pee.."Joakin said

The man look at him for a moment before he turn his gaze away...

Joakin brows knit and quickly, he whistled again...

"What..?"The man quizzed turning back again to face him..

"I want to pee..."

"So what do you want me to do...?"

"To untie me so I can pee..."

The man gave him a half mirthless smirk before turning his gaze away again totally ignoring him..

Joakin clenched his fist and glare at him..."I said I want to pee..."

"And I said no.."He retorted facing him..


The man didn't bother replying, he looked away instead...

"So you're just going to let me pee on myself..?"

The man huff but didn't reply...

"Are you scared I'm going to run away, I'm just a kid and you're a big man, how can I possibly run away from you..., please sir, I really need to pee..."

The man exhale and face him again..."Fine, but if you try to run away after I untie you, you'll not like what I'll do to you."

"I promise you sir, I'll not escape.., please sir just untie me, let me pee...".

"Alright..."The man said.."As long as you promise to be a good boy, we won't have any problems.."


The man hesitated a bit before he proceeded in undoing the ropes....

Joakin heaved a deep sigh when the ropes fell loose from his body...."Thank you sir..."

"Do not thank me, now go over there and urinate.., I'm watching you.."

With throbbing heart, Joakin stood up from the chair and flex his muscles.., he move towards the bush all the way staring back to see the man...., his heart skip when the man walked towards him standing just a few pace from him..., the memories of his mother creep into his head chasing tears in his eyes....

"Hey..."The man hollered when he notice Joakin was wasting too much time standing..., impatient, he walked up to him and spun him around to face him....."Are you peeing or not..?"

With the tears in his eyes, Joakin raise his gaze at the man's face...

"I'm putting you back in that chair.."The man scowled

"I don't think so..."Joakin sneer and within a split second, he kick his groin.., when he groaned in pains and reach for his penis to ease the pain.., Joakin grabbed the opportunity and started running...

"Come back here.."The man shouted as he manage to stand amidst the pain growing in his penis.."I'll kill you.."He added giving Joakin a chase..


"Ariana...."Jerry call out gently disturbed by her silence..."Ariana.."

"What..?"She snapped...

"You haven't been saying anything.."

"What do you want me to say huh.."She fling back, irritation following her words...."It's obvious you want us to die here.."

"Ariana we are tied up, what can I do..?"

"That's what you keep saying and it's so annoying..."

"Ariana, I'm not superman.."

"Why can't you be superman...?"

"Oh really..."He crowled ..."Why can't you be wonder woman..?"

Her mouth dropped at his words.."What..., of all the superheroes you chose to call me wonder woman.., you couldn't even call me supergirl or electric girl, you called me wonder woman..."

Jerry shrugged..."Well somehow wonder woman seen to blend with your personality, you know lately I've been wondering the wonder woman I'm living with..."

"Jerry.."She latched out hitting him with the back of her head..

"Why did you do that..?"He queried immediately....

"You called me a wonder woman, a wonder woman...."

"I called you a wonder woman doesn't mean you're a wonder woman.."

"You said you're wondering the wonder woman you got married to.."

"Wondering the wonder woman.., does that even make sense..?"

"You said it.. "She yelled

"I said something else.."

Ariana groaned and hit him with her elbow and was about replying him when she saw the man who had tied them up walking towards them again with a gun.."Baby he's coming back.."

"Who's coming back..?"

"The idiot who tied us up.."

"Does he still have the gun..?"Jerry ask anxiously

"Yes.., and he's facing us with it.., what do we do..?"

Jerry mouth shook as he tired to form words.

"Baby, what do we do..?"

"I don't know, I'm thinking.."Jerry returned with quivering lips

"So which one of you bastards was screaming..?"The man sneer..


Feet kissing the floor, Joakin ran as fast as he can, but his pursuer was gaining on him and he fear he might catch him again., the thought of Jerry and the shoe he had dropped to show him the way his abductor took.., he manage to look backward, he was just a stone throw from him..., heart renting he look at his front only to run into someone, the sudden force pushed him to the ground.., when he regained himself he found the one who had licked his face looking down at him...

"Who do we have here....?"Jester quizzed squatting...

"Boss.."The man chasing Joakin call out taking a chance to breathe...

"What is going on here.., are you playing hide and seek with him..?Jester scowled...

"No boss.., that kid deceive me, he said he wanted to pee, then he kick my penis and started running.."

Jester flare his nose..."He kicked your penis huh..?"

"Yes sir.."

Jester lick his lips, then he stood erect and took a step towards the man..., he scoff before plunging a punch in his stomach....

The man groaned in pains as he lower to the ground....

"The next time you make this reckless mistake, it won't be a punch, I'll be digging your grave, now take him..."

The man sniffle, infuriated, he lifted Joakin in his shoulder...

"Leave me alone.. "Joakin shouted throwing a sloppy kick against the man...


Wrapped in the menacing aura unfolding in front of them..., Ariana continued fixing her gaze on the man who was staring right back at their face.., the gun in his hand sent cold chills down Ariana spine.....

"I want to pee.."Ariana said after a long silence...

"Not until my boss comes here..."The man said back...

Ariana eyes squinted with terror as her brain read meaning to his words.., he isn't going to kill them but his boss will....

"Do I need permission from your boss to pee.."She snapped..

"Baby you want to pee..?"Jerry whispered...

"Seriously..."Said Ariana, her voice rumbling loud...."You really want me to pee on myself what sort of a man are you..., if you're going to kill us, atleats grant this simple request of mine.., I really need to relieve myself.."

"Fine..."The man replied calmly..."But you'll be where i can see you..."

"Ariana, you really want to pee..?"Jerry ask

"Yes.."She shouted..

"Why are you shouting..?"Jerry riposte

"Because I want to pee..."

"Okay, okay.."The man said walking towards her and began to untie her.., when she was loose, he tied only Jerry to the tree..."

"Ariana..."Jerry whispered when the man let go of him.."What are you doing..?"

Ariana poked her eyes at him but didn't say anything, instead she walked towards some long thick grasses but stooped when she realised the man was following her with the gun..

"Seriously..."She retorted angrily.."You're really going to watch me pee..."

"Yes.."The man sneer..

Her lips curl at his words..."I'm a married woman.., show some respect..."

The man suck on his teeth and without a word to her, he turn his face away from her...

Ariana took a deep breathe, she look around in search of a stick, when she saw none, she tiptoe towards the man and brusquely kicked his groin from behind, when the man lour down to reach for his pained balls, Ariana acted on the opportunity by taking the rifle from the man's hand and with the back of the gun, she quickly hit the man in his head with every strength she have left....

Her hands tremble as the man collapse to the ground.., she threw the gun down and rushed to Jerry...

"Ariana, what happened...?"Jerry asked anxiously

"I can't explain.."She said with quivering mouth as she began to loosen the ropes from her husband's body..

"Ariana you're shivering.."He said tossing the ropes aside...


Jerry didn't wait for explanation, he ran towards where Ariana headed from, trepidation stopped him in his tracks when he saw the person laying on the ground...

"Baby, don't go there.."Ariana mutter fear stricken...."I hit him with the gun, I don't know if he's dead.."

Jerry counted his steps as he walk towards the man.., he touch the man and realise he was still breathing..., he sigh, a sigh of relief

"Is he dead...?"Ariana ask fearfully as she dragged her feet toward him..

"He's alive.."Jerry mutter..., not bothering to wait, he grabbed the man's rifle...."Baby, let's go save Moses..."


Slowly, making sure their feets weren't making any noise, they tiptoe towards the truck, they stopped and observe.., earlier before they were caught they had seen several men guarding the truck but now they were seeing only one who was holding a cutlass ..

"Where did the rest go...?"Ariana asked

"I don't know.."Jerry replied moving his gaze around in search of any other person....when he saw none, he returned his gaze back to the man..., shock swept across his face when he realise the man had moved from his sitting position and was heading towards them with the cutlass...., Jerry quickly jump out from his hiding place, confused on what to do, he faced the man with the rifle...

"Don't move or I'll shoot..."

The man flinched before he froze to the spot.....

"Baby, you might shoot yourself, you've never used a gun before..."Ariana chimes in

"Jesus christ Ariana, why are you telling him..."

"I'm not telling him, I'm telling you and you can't blame me for telling the truth.."


The couple gaze followed the alertness of the voice..., flutters hit Jerry's stomach as he saw Joakin....

"Moses..."He blare out, excitement wrecking every part of him.., when he attempt to take a step.., Jester dragged Joakin to himself and pointed a small pistol to his head...

Horror washed over Jerry face and without ado, he turn the gun to face Jester...."Let my son or I'll shoot you.."

Jester scoff.."Drop your gun or I'll blow his head off.. "

"Boss, he doesn't know how to use the gun.."The man chimes in..

"Who told you that..?"Jerry queried..."I can use the gun...."

Jester shook his head and shift his gaze to the other man who lifted Joakin in his shoulder earlier.."Where is Jaladan and the rest of the men..?"

"They left to bring the women..."

"Call him, tell him to be fast, we need to get this children across this border as soon as possible"

"Hey..."Jerry shouted reminding him he's still around and holding a gun too..

"Who's this fool...?"Jester asked..."And who gave him a gun...?"

"Baby, he called you a fool.."Ariana said...

"Did he...?"

"Dad, do something..."Joakin shouted struggling with Jester..

"Leave him alone or I swear I'll shoot..."Jerry threatened...

Jester sigh.."Look here moròn.., there's no bullet in that gun..."

Jerry eyes widened with surprise....

"Mm.."Ariana exclaimed..."There's no bullet..."

Jerry nibbed then he place his finger in the trigger to test...,, confused he mistakenly pulled the trigger..., the bullet sound sent him shivering, when he finally regained himself he realise the bullet hit Jester and that was when he screamed loudly.....

"I've killed someone..."He yelled loudly with shaking hands..."I killed somebody, I killed somebody.."

"Drop your weapons..."A policeman shouted as other policemen ran into their midst from different part of the bush....

Fear licking through Jerry, he threw the gun on the floor before Joakin ran into his hands falling him in the process...


"Thank you for bringing the police...."Jerry said

"I'm glad I could help.."The taxi driver said before a policeman joined them..


"Am inspector Chucks..."The policeman said...."We've been looking for these man for a while now, you're the reason we finally nabbed them..


"There were others...."Ariana chimes in..

"Yes.., we already have them in our custody along with the women they intend trafficking across the border, the women are in the hospital now receiving treatment..."

Jerry sigh...."I'm glad they were caught..."

"All thanks to you we're saving these children, I'll be seeing you again.."The inspector said and left them...


"What an adventure..."Jerry mutter as they step out of the bush walking towards the taxi

"Dad.."Joakin said..."You're the hero.."

Jerry smile slipped..."Yes I'm the hero.."

"Are you kidding me.."Ariana cut in.. "I saved our lives and you take the crown..., I'm the hero.."

"No I'm the hero.."

"I'm the hero.."

"No I'm the hero.."

"No.."Ariana dragged between her teeth

"Yes.."Jerry replied





"Okay fine.."Joakin step in..."Daddy.., mummy..you're both the heroes.., how about that...?"

The couple glance at each other...then they hissed...