

[ Nick POV ]

We take note of the possible position for the floor plan design. Benedict still taking a picture of the landscape of the area. I turn and notice Layla is not around so I walk towards the car. I found her silently sleeping in the backseat I was about to close the door when suddenly she moves, make her slide sideways, the door is open so she's going to be falling down outside, I step closer to catch her on time. Gladly it did not cause a big collision that she was not stirred up but instead her hands move around my waist that startled me. I hold her head and my other hand slowly unclasp her hands around my waist and place her gently laying down in backseat to make sure she will not fall down just incase she move again. I removed my jacket to cover her as a blanket, I was amazed, she's sleeps like a baby what a deep sleeper. I slowly close the door after I made sure her feet is in safe place.

At the moment I lean in the close door of the backseat, trying to calm my heartbeat. I no longer remember when is the last time I feel this way or have I ever? since, I only had Benedict by accident, and by then I have no time having a romantic relationship with any woman cause I'm so cope up with my study's and looking for a good job so I can bring Benedict live with me. Though as a man who have physical needs, I do have flings sometimes just for my manly needs no string attached. I glance at her once again, I don't know if it's because I was startled or there is something about her that causing tremor in my unshakable heart.

"Have you seen Layla dad?.." I turn when I heard my son's voice, he was slowly walking towards us while still scanning the photos he took.

"At the backseat.. I found her knock out, is she that heavy sleeper?.." I said while I gesture her way.

"You can say that again!.. only a slap or might be a cold water can wake her up once she sleep" Benedict responded with amusement in his face.

"That's too bad, she'll be in danger if she fall asleep somewhere then.." I commented, thinking a scene where she's riding a bus or taxi.

"That's one of my worries about her too.. anyways lets go, I think I had enough photos to picture out the floor plan design.. " he's response.

We both hop in to the front seats then drive our way back home. When we arrive she still sleeping, I go down to offer a hand but Benedict already opened the other door and preceded me. I just then close the door for him when he already lifted her out on the backseat. By looking at the current situation this is not the first time he held her up to his unit seems her weight don't bother him. I opened the door for them, he smiled at me as a way of gratitude. He place her gently in her bed at the center, that makes sense to me that he knows she moves a lot when she sleep, just like what happened in the car. I walk out of her room when Benedict adjust the curtains to block the sun rays towards her, then I heard he walk out and close the door after. I go to the study to check my emails. I made sure everything's ready for tomorrow where, my first day attending my new position, it would be a new adjustment again since I'll be managing new people.

I walk out and and I found Benedict in the kitchen drinking water.

"what's there for lunch?.." I ask him, while I'm walking towards the fridge beside him.

Benedict open it wide for me and bend down to look for something to be cook for lunch.

"Fish, meat, chicken it's all yours.. I'm good whenever your recipes in mind, it's my honor to assist you Mr chef!.." he responded afterwards even bowed down a little and lifting the imaginary hat.

I laughed at him, I do miss this kind of conversation with him. So we decided to make chicken noodle soup which he highly approved, and excitedly assist me by preparing the ingredients for me. While waiting for the soup to be ready I also prepared the side dishes which is bruschetta and grilled vegetable panini that would be perfect to pair with soup.

Where halfway done, when Layla approach us. I smelled the fresh scent of her shampoo, she just took a shower then.

"Wahh smells good, can I lend a hand.." she said while checking something to help with, but I stop her.

"Nope dear, where good.. right Benedict?.." I simply said, the kitchen would be a little crowded for three to move around.

"Yah, where almost done anyway.. just set back and relax, take advantage of my dad's cuisine for now.." Benedict added, that convince her which she obeyed and sit herself in the dining table instead while continue watching us.

"It's like I'm watching a cooking show, the difference is the chefs are two handsome men.." she suddenly commented, that both me and Benedict stops what where doing and turn towards her.

She look so cute placing her two palms scoping her face to support her head, and not to mention the naughty smile. Here goes the thump on my heart again, my attention back in front of me when I smelled something burning. I tried not to be destructed with her presence again or else the food where making will be wasted.

We finally finish all the dish and prepared to serve it. I see layla jump out on her seat and prepared the plates, bowls and utensils, then she also take out the left over this morning and take out the Chardonnay white wine including three wine glasses. I was about to ask if they have wines, she instinctively answered my unspoken question.

We enjoyed the food, specially layla I can't help myself glancing her way, you can't blame me if you where seeing what I see. This is my first time seeing someone enjoying my food so much, I can't tell if there's still a gap between her munching and swallowing. It brings me a joyful feeling knowing she loves whatever I cook. Though she's the first person I made a dish that's not my blood related. I only cook for myself, to my son and to my parents when they visit us.

I feel full though I was not able to eat a lot cause whenever I cook I'm halfway full already.

Since, we don't let her help us she insists on doing the dishes, so we just help her up cleaning the table and cover the leftovers. Even Benedict was declined to help her. So we both sit down in the sala to watch tv while sipping some cand beer.

When she's done, she just pick up a can of beer then told us that she will be borrowing for the main time the study, she's going to use the computer. She ask permission specially to me since my things are inside, so I stand up ang go inside where she fallows behind me. I move my lop top and other documents, to make space for her to use the computer. When I finally set aside my things I gesture to her that she can use it now, and then I go out and sit again in the sala. My nose is quite sensible this day, her scent catches my nose and it's irresistible I wonder what perfume she's using.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

ferjheny327creators' thoughts