

[ Nick's POV ]

I suddenly wake up by the sound of the Tv shut off. I slightly open my eyes, to see what happen, then I saw Layla holding the remote. She slowly put it down then turn her head towards us I close my eyes, I don't even know why. I heard her footsteps fading away then a door open and after a while it was closed. I decided to sleep more, when suddenly I feel something covered me. She gently moving the blanket in my body, so afraid to wake me up. Here it goes, her scent again that bringing a comfortable aroma.

Her scents fade a way letting me now she moves away, then I heard the sliding door in the balcony, she's closing it, then she turn on the AC. With her comfortable set up in the sala I fell again into my slumber.

Benedict woke me up, telling me to sleep comfortably in the bed, so I raise myself and then he go ahead do the same, back to his room, he did not even bother to close the door and slum his body on his bed.

I actually fell stiff in my body due to sleeping in a double seater sofa. I bend my back to relax my muscles when I feel a little bit better, I cleaned up the sala and close benedict's room door before I go to the study room.

I'm no longer sleepy so I go check my emails. I place back the documents and some of my things in the table where I set a side awhile ago when Layla use the computer.

I smell the beer in my body so I take a shower. I usually just bring towels but, since there's a woman in the house, I bring along clothes to wear.

I finally wash away the stiffness I feel, after a hot shower. I dried up myself then wear my clothes.

When I'm done freshen up, I check my clothes if it's already done in the washing machine, it's just a minute left anyway so I wait for it to bring along, I brush my teeth while waiting for my clothes. Finally I hear the beep indicating it's done so I opened it and take my clothes out.

When I go out and close the door behind me, Layla's door open then she pop out. Upon checking her, I notice she wears make up though it's lighter, which I prefer that she did. It only enhance her natural beauty, not like some of the lady's I get along with, that wearing heavy make up, that totally covering there face like wearing a mask. I also notice she wears a sling pouch so I conclude she is going out, my curiosity kicks in so I voice it out to her.

"I'm going to buy something and some groceries.. do you have something in mind that you want to buy, I'll add it on my list.." she responded.

I do think it out if I needed to buy something, but I think still have some stuffs. Though I decided to come with her, I might see something to buy along.

"I can't tell for now, but you know what!, how about I'll go with you instead, so I could see what should I buy, since it also sounds that you'll be buying a lot, I could lend a hand.." I suggested to her instead.

"Sure should we invite Bennie also?.." she answered while she's pointing out Bennie's door.

"I check him out before I take a shower, he continue sleeping in his room.. just let him be for now, he actually drink a lot of beer more than I do, those cans of beer, I only finish three.. " I explained.

"Haul!!.. really, then.... just the two of us then, I'll just live a note, to let him know.." her quick response, then she left back to her room.

As she did, I also go get ready. I just set aside my clothes in my bed, I'll just fold it up later. I bring my phone and wallet. When I go out she is already waiting, standing in the hallway out to the door. I pick up Benedicts car keys beside the Tv where he usually place it. Good thing I have taken International driver's license though this will expire after a few months so I will schedule to take a local license.

We drive along, though I rely on GPS since I'm not yet familiar in the streets, it's been a long time already way back in my school time.

The GPS lead us to the 501 Gateway Dr which is the nearest mall in the area is the Gateway Center, I park the car in the Belt Parkway at Erskine Avenue then we just walk our way inside the mall. I just go along with Layla where she lead, since I don't know what she wants to buy. I see that where leading to the supermarket. I saw the push cart in the entrance so I pick it up then I followed her with it. She take out her phone and I see she's checking the note where she listed the things to buy. Wow I kinda like the way she prepares things ahead of time, though it give me a hint why she do that.

I remember way back when I'm in tight budget, I usually make a list to make sure I will only buy my necessary needs.

Without her knowing I silently took a quick glance in her list when she's not aware while she's busy checking some product and the phones screen is in my view. Then I look around and check something to add on her list that might be useful.

After a stroll, and I think she already bought her listed groceries, she holds the cart to stop me pushing it and turn towards me.

"I think I'm good, have you seen anything you like to buy?.. " she ask, while she place her phone back to her sling pouch.

"It's already in the cart.." I said and smiled, then I pointed the groceries in the cart.

She took her phone out again and recheck it out, and I think she just realize, half on it is not on her list. Her expression change into amusement, which made me curious what's on her mind.

"You do, really love cooking I guess.." she commented afterwards and she laugh at me.

I kinda understand now what she been thinking, cause I actually added just kitchen stuff specially food products and some of ingredients that I did not see in the kitchen when I'm cooking. I just laugh with her which is actually true, I enjoyed cooking specially for my love ones.

We decided to cash it out, so we line up in the cashier area. I saw her taking out her wallet and check her cash. When the cashier show us the total amount, she was about to take her money out but I quickly stop her and ask the cashier to use my debit card instead.

Layla look at me with a hesitant look on her eyes, but I just smiled at her. The cashier already done with my card and ask me to signed the receipt. After I returned the receipt she give back my card along with the customer copy of receipt. I slip it back on my wallet and I took the push cart from Layla who's waiting for me. I sense she's a little shy from what I've done.

Will I don't intend to make her feel that way, but I can't just let her pay it all when I know she's in tight budget. So to divert her emotion, I opened some topic about her and benedict while where walking back to the car, which she took the bate.

We finally arrived where we park the car. I opened the the backseat door and transfer the groceries inside and Layla help me out. I place the groceries inside while she's the one taking it out in the cart and pass it to me.

When we emptied the cart she set it aside.

I hop my self in and buckle my seatbelt then I wait for her. She came back and sit in the passenger seat then buckle her self up but she suddenly struggling to pull out the seatbelt strap, so by instinct I unbuckle my own and help her out.

I directly reach the strap to pull it out but I did not anticipated our position and she suddenly turn her head while my eyes focus on the strap, It caught me off guard so I was not able to avoid it. Her lips landed on mine, my attention divert towards my senses when I felt her soft lips against mine and my hands left hanging.

With her shock face she turn her head back towards the strap and pull it out again, which she successfully pulled out and buckle herself up. I finally get my self move back in my seat and buckle my seatbelt again, and with that awkward silence in the air, we drove our way back.

I honestly don't know what to say, though it's just an accident but it can still be considered as smack kiss.

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