
Jennifer's Adventures

Jungkook’s younger sister Junghwa or Jennifer came back to South Korea after years of being in the States studying, to open up a cafe in HYBE where her brother works as a member of BTS which she will soon realise seeking for a quiet life may not be easy as she think it is Start: 11/02/2022

zenyukilove29 · Fantasy
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61 Chs

Chapter 2

Credits: @Aesthetics__ (on Inkitt)

Junghwa's POV

"Welcome to my apartment"

My brother says as I take off my shoes and enter with the manager already have my belongings arranged. "Hungry?" He asks me and I shook my head.

"Had my dinner just now during the break" I said. "I will cook you something. Look how skinny you've gotten." He says sitting me down before going into the kitchen.

"I'm Manager Yang. Nice to meet you." His manager put his hand out for a handshake and I just nod my head and gave back the handshake.

"How old are you? Older or younger than Jungkook?" He then asks me. "Erm younger? I'm 19 this year" I scratched my head answering softly yet shyly.

"That's amazing!" Yang cheered. "You're only 19 and you have already had your own cafe!" He continued. "Nothing to celebrate honestly. There could be more cafes out there better than I." I said humbly

"Oh come on! You're too humble!" Yang says quietly as my brother comes out with a bowl of ramen. "Have this." He says offering me the bowl. "Thanks" I said taking the bowl and having the ramen slowly as my brother pulled Yang somewhere around the house, probably to have their own mini conversation.

Jungkook's POV

"Wouldn't your parents want her back in Busan?"

My manager asks softly when I told him I've informed my parents about my sister. "She's not a child anymore, she should be able to make her own decisions." I said

"Besides Seoul have better opportunities for her than from where we come from." I continued. "Understandable." Yang nods his head slowly understanding.

"Also, do you think she will fall in love with any of the guys?" He then asks me. "Hopefully not, I rather her date a normal guy than an idol. You may never know what those fans think some days." I said.

"Understandable." He nods his head again. "I have an extra mattress ready for her, just some couple of extra necessities I will take time off to go buy with her." I tell him before going to check on my sister.