
The New God

A few eons after the universe had gained a restart, the girl who couldn't die found herself face to face with someone unfamiliar. It was a faceless being; one who held no form but kept a presence you could still feel. To the girl, she felt its lack of touch and interpreted it as one would describe a needle floating above their skin. One might call it fear, with goosebumps rising to meet the ghost. For the immortal, she called it a different name. Anticipation

She couldn't wait to meet this "God."

Her bodies, ever appearing as always, began to slowly change the directions at which they trailed behind the new life. With every moment, she moved her body, bit by bit, until she could until, her corpses reached the positions she wanted. They looked as though they were clambering over each other. Like stop motion, a message was beginning to take shape. The faceless being that had taken notice of her presence saw this, and in his odd mind he developed human thoughts such as "Curiosity." Raising an invisible finger, it gathered all sorts of energy at the tip and commanded the burning universe to form a bubble. As the girl was still attempting to spell her first letter, forces unknown propelled her faster than light into the confines of this newly formed bubble.

Without popping its thin walls, the girl managed to phase through matter that could keep cosmic debris out. It took less than a second, but her body accomplished the entrance while still having a good chunk of it left. Another second passed, and the immortal was up and about, shouting in glee as she could finally move around without being instagibbed. The first thing the girl did was touch her face. In remembering what she looked like, her fingers wiggled and squirmed like worms as they ran across her features. She then felt her arms, her breasts, her stomach, her legs, and parts that shouldn't make themselves known to children. Seeing as her clothes from the end were not invincible, it was only natural that she happened to be prancing around naked as the day she was born.

The unknown entity spoke without language or any physical means of talking. The Immortal listened, without hearing words, but she could understand the being's intentions.

"Seeing as you're the new God, congrats on the promotion!" She would reply.

Something close to a nervous chuckle made itself known to her. It made the girl smile, knowing that even the inhuman God could be made uncomfortable by her antics.

"While you're still deciding what to do, you think it's possible to get my clothes and a person who talks?

A girl, identical in white hair and skin, appeared in front of the original as the god fulfilled her wishes. Wearing a dress as black as the void between stars, it held up its hand and hid the naked immortal from sight. As soon as she lowered it, a flowing white dress of simple design, one that mimicked the God's clothing, appeared from nothing.

"Thanks." mused the one in white.

"السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته" replied the one in black.

"Close enough."

The outside of the bubble drowned in red and white. The two looked out towards creation, and they smiled and rubbed their chins. Sometimes, they might have made a short noise in their admiration. The shining nebulas coupled nicely with protosuns and flaming matter. Time accelerated, and the two witnessed the first nebula spin and spin until discs formed around a young star.

"Neat." They said.

The God turned and faced the Immortal with a blank stare.

"What is your name?"

The immortal smiled and turned away, arms behind her back and mind contemplating.

"Queen of the Jellyfish. What's yours?"

"I have no need-"

The self-proclaimed Queen stepped closer to the god and placed a single finger on their lips. She took a moment to stare, with a crooked smile, just before drawing her finger up quickly and flicking God's nose. She moved the finger away from her Doppelgänger's face and brought both her hands up to her face. Forming a diamond with her forefinger and thumb, she kept the other fingers fanned out and opened.

She spoke through the makeshift mask, lips moving in the middle of the diamond made of fingers.

"Trick question."

She separated both hands and brought them behind her back. The god, unamused by the Immortal, feigned a smile with its stolen lips. It analyzed the "Queen of the Jellyfish" and proceeded to silence them.

Fazing her lower jaw and tongue out of existence seemed like the appropriate method. Turning the flesh into pure atomic components, the god made the Queen's mouth disappear. Like a magic trick.


In her mind, she complained about the inhumanity of the god's actions.


Then she complained about how useless this was if it could hear her thoughts anyway to maintain a conversation.


Then again, she couldn't blame the god for being inhuman. It was just their nature.

"I've come to govern your new realm. This action may seem sudden, but as its mother, you must understand that a proper administrator is required to keep it running for quite some time."

"..." She questioned.

"The previous administrator has retired due to their term period ending. We thank you for the efforts in creating this new term, and we hope you understand the situation."

"..." She asked.

"Unfortunately, we cannot seem to fulfill your wish for death."

"..." She complained.


Disappointed, the Queen took her head and promptly shoved it into the bubble with hopes of getting free. Unfortunately, she smashed her skull in on the surprisingly robust wall and killed herself. Then she stood over her corpse and made a frown with her new mouth. As God cleaned up the last body, the girl continued to try and shove herself out of the bubble and back into space.

"Here I thought that I could ask God to kill me finally… God da-"

A ray of light shined on the girl, and God sent the immortal to a world that was to become a planet full of life. Of course, down on the surface, it was still devoid of life. It would perhaps be an uncomfortable place to live for a while, but the girl shouldn't mind. That was what the god had assumed when it sent her off. She had, after all, remained in space for quite some time by herself. Perhaps she would continue to try and find a way to die, or maybe she would give up.

God didn't quite know why these questions were appearing in her mind, but she assumed it was just in her nature.