
Je T'aime. Imbècile

When a very sassy French-Korean jewelry designer, Seo Noèmie, finds herself embroiled in a tug-of-war with one of South Korea's most eligible bachelors, Hotel Tycoon. CEO, Jung Hoseok. She couldn't believe her misfortune when, due to a little mishap, she was forced to work as a maid in a hotel during her precious working vacation. cause the handsome CEO's life to become an unexpected roller coaster ride.

strawberry1d · Celebrities
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10 Chs

Chapter 5

Noèmie pov

Your head was spinning with ideas for your next move. You're not going down without a fight. As much fun as it is to annoy Mr Jung with your antics, you must focus on why you are in Seoul in the first place.

This is the most exquisite collection in your company. You've created a couple of rings and bracelets that will stand out. It was added to the collection "Diamonds are Forever." On four mannequins, the leading designers' creations will take centre stage. He's a well-known up-and-coming designer in desperate need of exposure, so why not be the designer of the exquisite "House of Cartier"?

You were so distracted that you didn't even go to the Gangnam-gu retail shop.

You had to wait half an hour for them to wrap up so you could leave after your incident with Mr Jung. Your feet are tired and achy from sitting on the balcony on the far side. You devised an idea that will almost certainly lead to your dismissal.

You could only sigh in relief when the group exited the meeting room after an hour or so. Before she could depart for her appointment, you and Hyerin had to clean the lobby first. You're a little bummed that she's leaving so early.

You grin widely as you glance at the lovely, sparkling fountain in the reception foyer after packing up the cleaning aids and placing them in the cleaning cart.

With calculating eyes, Hyerin observes your gleaming ones. That expression is suspicious, and it does not appear to be innocent.

"Noèmie., why do you look so smug?" Hyerin asks, furrowing her brows.

You wipe your brow and smile innocently. "Nothing, I'm too hot, and standing on the balcony for over two hours was hurting my feet...and I need to cool down—-" You took off your white sneakers in front of a few stunned and gobsmacked guests at reservations. You unceremoniously placed it in the hands of a shocked Hyerin, you gave her a slight smirk and stepped into the cool,refreshing water of the fountain. Gosh, this feels like heaven, like a free therapeutic spa treatment.

"W...what exactly are you up to...Noèmie.!!!Oh, my goodness! Get the hell out of there!"Hyerin looked around uneasily before whisper-yelling at you.

You chuckle as you stroll around the beautiful illuminated fountain water, making yourself at home. People around you laughed as you splashed around in the water, lifting the sides of your uniform to mid-thigh to enjoy the cold wetness on your weary legs. You stood near the edge of the fountain, not to get accidentally splashed,by the burtsing streams of a water curtain on top of the fountain statue, that is until you noticed some gleaming things buried in the water. You exclaim as your eyes expand.

It's a wishing well, oh my goodness.

Hyerin appeared to be on the verge of collapsing. "Noèmie. come on! You're going to make us lose our jobs!....no...no...do not touch the coins of the people. It's the price they have to pay for their fantasies to come true." She looked around, unsure where she could hide her flushed face.

"Ugh, who says their desires will actually come true, Hyerin? I've thrown a lot of coins into a lot of wishing wells. But did my dreams ever come true...? These wishing wells are nothing more than a ploy to extract money from miserable people. I'm only doing them a favour not to keep hoping for nonsense—'" You moved around, slightly raising the front of your dress to gather up as many coins as you could.

The people in the foyer were mystified as to why this girl behaved so oddly.

Is she trying to take care of the fountain? You calmly greet them with a smile and a wave. They looked surprised and puzzled at the receptionists, who were staring at you with wide eyes. One of them hesitantly takes out her phone to make a call...

"Hi, Hyerin, can you guess what wish was attached to this coin—-"you lift the bronze ten won coin in the air and smirk"—-I guess this one's wish for her obnoxious husband to go drown himself....or he wanted a new car he couldn't afford but pondered how he probably plans on stealing one and needs good luck...or it could be one of the janitors, like that guy with the cocked-eyes, ——— "You chuckle and rant while tracing circles in the water with your toes.

"Oh-oh!" Hyerin gasped as she noticed a figure approaching them.

"What!" You gave her a puzzled expression.

You had to wait for a speechless, wide-eyed Hyerin before you could get an answer. Two muscular arms drew you towards the edge of the fountain, gripping you under your arms and placing you on the dry porcelain floors, which were now wet with puddles from your wet soaking feet. All of the coins you collected found their way back into the fountain due to the abrupt intrusion.

The owner of those arms caught you off guard. He has a smug expression on his face as he looks into your narrowed eyes.

"Oh, demon-driver! What exactly is your problem?! You bloody moron, how dare you touch me like that!!!! —-" You looked at him with obvious annoyance and a few French profanities that spilled out of your mouth.

Arthur stood smugly in front of you, but his face was filled with the displeasure of the pointless interruption of his daily routine, "Ms. Seo,this is a luxury hotel, and we don't tolerate such foolishness; from our staff!..do you know this could result in your immediate dismissal?"

You scoff and and then grin widely when you hear the last bit of his ranting," do I look like I care?... the fountain needed the " scène (scent)of Ms. Seo," you scoff and grin widely. You ignore him and reach out to Hyerin, extending your hand to hand over your sneakers.

"I'm very sorry for her Arthur-Oppa," Hyerin said, looking terrified. "Ms. Seo Noèmie was mesmerized by the wishing fountain! ...she...she..."

"Ugh! Hyerin, shut it! You don't have to explain anything to this demon-driver; he and his master can both go to l'enfer ( the hell)." you bring an end to her ranting and excessive apologizing.

When Arthur saw you wiping your legs with the front of your white apron and hastily putting your footwear on with irritated, pouting lips, he sighed. "Please follow me... Mr. Jung would like to see you in his penthouse office. And believe me when I say he despises those who are late—-"

You make a sharp turn to face a smug Arthur "——Wait, what? No, I don't think so. I'll have indigestion if I have too much Mr. Imbécile in a day...and I already have." You held your hands out to stop Arthur in his tracks when you saw him headed your way "okay, and I'll escort you to your god, Lucifer, demon driver!" When you see Hyerins' eyes sparkle as she tries hard not to giggle or laugh out loud, you sigh deeply. Her fists were in her mouth, and your brows were furrowed as you looked at her.

Some of the staff were confused, while others were intrigued by the commotion. Some people tried hard not to chuckle. They'd never seen a girl work Mr. Jung and the usually calm and quiet Arthur into a tizzy before. The lovely French girl has quite a character. The majority of the staff learned about Ms. Seo's business with their dashing boss.

"Sir Arthur, please let me grab my tote bag first since I know he might let me work till 7 p.m., and I don't want to get my belongings while the locker room is dark and empty. Don't worry, Hyerin will show me the way...don't be so nervous! Where am I going to run?" With a shake of your head, you walk with Hyerin' to the staff lockers.

Hyerin snorts and murmurs gently, "In Lucifer's loving arms."

"Huh!" you say as you stare at her.

"Nothing," she said matter-of-factly as she led the way to the rooms through the hallways.

You've took your totebag out of your locker asyou let out a groan. Hyerin smirked and suggested that you wait till she changed out of her work clothes and into her skinny jeans and t-shirt. She'll be going to university right away.

The elevator was packed with hotel guests heading to their rooms. You and Hyerin did not have the chance to chat. She, on the other hand, was silently giggling and wondering how you'd cope with the boss. Can it be your last day? You just hope so.

Hyerin smiles at you on the top floor. "That's it for now. It's through the right-hand double doors. Good luck to you." Before you could say anything, she hastily shut the elevator doors. She didn't want to be discovered and suffer the same fate.

You sighed and dragged yourself to the main doors. The door opens automatically when you press the doorbell. You walked in and were surprised to find yourself in a beautiful entryway where his executive PA was seated. Two large double doors are on the side.The walls had dark,shiny wood panels, and this hallway speaks of sheer luxury and wealth.

Ms. Saanvi, his Executive PA, greets you with a bow and a big grin. She is a stunning woman, clothed in a tight white dress suit and her dark hair was in a stylish french roll. She has a very warm and welcoming demeanour. Mr. Jung has a knack for selecting the best of the best.You just snort. Typical of powerful, rich CEO's.

You speak politely as you went near her smooth gleaming black glass counter "Er...Mr. Jung wants to see me..."gazing around the office of the executive PA. This lady sure work in a very stylish environment. you notice a massive flower arrangement on a round table near two soft dark leather chairs.

"Mr. Jung is expecting you, Ms. Seo...please step in."she gesture for you to follow her.

She gives you a friendly grin as she opens the door and invites you in. Mr. Jung swung around in his huge black leather chair while talking on the phone with one of his business associates. He raised an eyebrow when his gaze fell on you for the second time. He wastapping his well-manicured fingers softly on the leather section of his table.You merely stood in one place, scrunching up your face and staring about with curiosity. His office had lovely wooden walls paneling and rich dark tones. Expensive art works were on his walls and some sculptures are evident srund his massive office You can sense the wealth in this Ceo-Office, which will make all of his business associates feel so much at at ease.

The couches were padded in a luxurious beige fabric, and the floors were gleaming. You may even use it as a mirror to apply your make-up.

You snicker within, convinced that some people are born with the golden spoon in their mouths. The young CEO had an excess quantity of cash.

Mr. Jung gestured for you to come to his table. You approached it slowly, a little nervous that it might or might not work out in your favor. He was holding a pen between his long, slender fingers and fiddling with it. Your eyes widen as you look at the Cartier wristwatch. It's the most recent collection, which hasn't even made it to the global market yet. Typical.

Mr. Jung scoffs a little, and a smirk creeps into the corner of his mouth, "You are truly something Noèmie.. Why don't you call it a day? I'm not going to let you off the hook. Forget about that. You'll be working for three weeks. Whatever scheme or plan you concoct will fail miserably with me."

"Oh, common Sir..., I must get to work. I need to get some work done while I'm in Seoul. I can't afford to waste my time on menial jobs. I'm not on vacation! "You exasperatedly throw your hands in the air. This is completely absurd. Perhaps you should clench your teeth and pay up. Your savings, on the other hand, have been set aside for a week vacation in the Maldives with Anais after the exhibition, as well as a down payment on a Parisian apartment. Now this unnecessary detour.

"Well, you should've thought that before scratching my prized possession. You can either pay the damages or perform your community service without complaining." He smirks at your inner rage. "You also show blatant contempt for my hotel and its guests by parading in my water feature in the foyer. "He raises an eyebrow and asks, "What were you thinking?"

You pursed your lips, "Look, I'm sorry. Right now, I'm at my wit's end. Mr. Jung, I don't think you're that of a jerk!!"

He slowly got from his desk and walked stealthily like a tiger stalking its prey. Your breath became strangled. Why is he acting in this way? You didn't even call him a jerk. You were merely trying to make your point.

He was virtually in your personal space as he stood just in front of you. As he made a few steps towards you, you took a few steps back. You're going to stand tough and not let him take you as a stupid airhead that falls for the mere look of such a me.Oh no he isn't going to intimidate you like that. With a tiny sense of defiance, you tilt your chin and your licorise eyes were piercing into his narrowed ones.

He peered down at you and stared at you intensely. "You are one of the most obnoxious girls I've ever met, Ms. Seo Noèmie. You're stubborn, have a loudmouth, show disrespect for your elders, and seem to be a spoiled little French princess—- "... You were nervous because he was so close in your personal space.

Your eyes widen, "—hey!!! Please don't make assumptions about me. You have no knowledge who I am and——"

The doors suddenly open behind you, putting an end to the beginning of your argument. As one of the most gracious and well-dressed women enters the CEO's office, you both turn your faces to the door. You and Mr. Jung swiftly step away from each other, both of your faces flushed from being in such tight proximity to each other. Mr. Jung exhaled deeply, and you could feel it. The woman's eyes widen as she notices your furious expressions.

"Hoseok!!! Are you bullying one of your employees once again?" She stood there with her arms folded. Her fingers were encrusted with the most expensive rings as you watched Mr. Hoseok approaching this woman. You breathe loudly and give him a sidelong glance.

"Eomma!" he gasps, "I'm not bullying anyone." He gives her a smirk and embraces her. His mother, oh my. Before his mother could say anything, you smile inwardly.

You suddenly started to sobbed as you fell to your knees on the floor. Mrs. Jungs' eyes widened, and she stared at her son, puzzled. Mr. Jung's eyes widen in surprise as he witnesses your exaggerated performance in front of his mother. What a darn actress you are.

As your lips began to tremble, you said, "Mr. Jung...I'm very sorry...I swear I'll turn up... I swear I'll be here at 4 a.m. the next day. On the other hand, my husband is already angry with me for leaving our newborn so early and returning home after 7 p.m. Please, Mr. Jung, be merciful. Tomorrow I'll work a double shift. He might do something if I don't get home by 6 p.m. today. It's time to feed my baby—-" you quickly glance at his mother's astonished expression as she looked her son down, smacking him on the forearm. He winced and let out a loud shriek. While he stared at you with his eyes narrowed, as you wiped your 'tears' away, your eyes were too teary to catch his gaze.

"Oh, my dear lord!!! That's not how I raised you! How can you treat a woman so poorly? Do you want to cause problems in your employees' personal lives?" She rushes over to you and tries to assist you in getting up where you were kneeling in front of them. Mr. Jung was speechless as his mother scolded him fiercely. You return the smirk.When you try to stand up, you had to leaned on his mothers'arm.

"Come on, dear...time for you to go home!" She helped you stand up while you bowed several times in front of her. Mr. Jung Hoseoks' eyes were filled with daggers as he stared at you, but you avoided looking him in the eyes. It's not even 5 p.m. yet.

"Eomma isn't like that at all." He tried to salvage the situation by saying, "She's —-." Why is his mom so adamant about siding with the stranger? Is it her good looks? or her skill to charm anyone? He lets out a huge sigh.

"No...all the day-shift maids had already left at 4 p.m. No one is allowed to work two shifts at the same time—-come, you'll take her home!" Her tone was harsh as she gazed at him. Your eyes widen in sheer shock. No way! You're not getting in a car with this idiot.

He protestsvehemently, "But Eomma—-" To get her attention, you quickly touch her arm.

"Thank you for your consideration, ma'am! But a man bringing anothers' wife home will not impress my husband. It doesn't sit well. All I have to do now is call a friend or catch the late bus." You speak quickly. You want to escape as soon as possible.

Hoseok takes a deep breath and exhales a sigh of relief.

"Oh...true!I'll take her home, then." she looked at her son and said," You're just going to bully the girl. Come on, miss...grab your belongings!" She motioned with her hand to your tote bag.

You gather your bag and dash towards his mother as she opens the door. Mr. Jung stood in the center of his office, still shaken by what had just happened he gazed at you as you turned at the door and offered him a sultry wink and blew him a kiss.

You met his mother and were able to leave about three hours earlier. Mr. Jung is really not thrilled in the least.

Thank you for all the reading support. Take care.

strawberry1dcreators' thoughts