
Jayden King - Rise of The Reegan

A young charming yet mean student bullies a student to his death and suffers consequences he never imagined he would and triggers a curse now he has a destiny, the only path to redeem himself, and the only way to find peace is to follow the path.

Mayali1512 · Fantasy
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50 Chs

The Jerk Boyfriend

That day Henry Ivy and Jayden became good friends, before that Jayden and Ivy were part of a group of a few mean bullies but now they actually got to know each other including Henry.

Henry disclosed he knows hacking and software development, he learned it from his uncle.

"That is really cool! And I am thinking about joining the DLHS Ballerina program!" Ivy forcefully smirked not knowing how Jayden will react about it.

"Wow! Awesome! I mean….. I am really happy to hear that Ivy!" Jayden patted her on her shoulder "What is it? You don't seem alright about it?" He asked.

"Benji… is not happy about it!" She lowered her eyes and within a second she seemed startled by her own words "Please don't tell him I told you about it!" She begged.

"No, I'd never!" Jayden noticed she seemed nervous "Is he treating you alright?" He asked.

"Of course he is!" She tittered with her eyebrows furrowed.

Jayden was sure she was hiding something but he didn't push her but he needed to let her know she was not alone "Okay…? So if you guys ever want to talk about anything… I am here!" Jayden smiled.

After they parted their ways Jayden had to go to the river pack.

He thought it is time for him to learn whatever he could, if his enemies are silent that is only the silence before a storm.

So he needed to prepare for the storm. His training started that day, Emric was going to prepare him as a fighter, he needed to learn more about defense and he also wanted to master sword and hand-to-hand combat.

"You want me to teach you everything?" Emric sliced an apple and spoke while a big chunk stuck between his teeth.

"Not everything? I didn't ask to swing an axe? Or spear! And there are many other things I didn't ask to learn" Jayden glanced at him innocently.

"I already told you I will teach you! But a weapon is something that chooses its owner, it is not up to you! Not at least for people like us! We are not normal human beings." Emric tossed the apple toward Jayden.

Jayden caught it and bit it.

"Did you bring what I asked for?" Emric asked.

Jayden took out a small pouch from his pocket.

"You don't have any problem with that?" Emric took the pouch from his hand "How are you holding up?" He looked inside the pouch it had Rose's hair inside.

"One of my teachers once said; The thing that belongs to you will return back to you no matter what… even if it is just a rock and you through it across 7 seas if it belongs to you it will come back to you!" Jayden combed his hair with his fingers.

"And what doesn't belong to you… it never stays! No matter how hard you try." Jayden huffed.

"Time is a seed; So leave it on time! Wait and see what it gives you. Flowers or weeds!" Brigid walked in with her fingers tangled together.

"Here it is!" Emric extended his hand holding that pouch.

She took it from his hand and peeked inside, very well I will get to it. She smiled at Jayden, usually the way Lucian treated Cithara made witches hate werewolves, they were enemies.

Witches only supported the children of the river because they share a common enemy, but Jayden proved that every werewolf is not like Lucian.

He was mean and cruel but Jayden was the opposite of Lucian.

But it doesn't mean they supported Hawkbone, everyone knew Hawkbone was consumed by the thirst for vengeance, and they knew if Hawkbone will be able to find a way to break the bond between himself and his father, he will destroy Lucian.

But this wasn't the only problem, if he will destroy Lucian then he would destroy everything that comes in between.

Innocent people will die in this fight between two evils, and this is why Brigid was ready to help Jayden find the alpha, Rose was a leaving proof of it.

"Are you sure you will be able to get the traces of the dead body out of this hair?" Jayden asked.

"Oh, who said I am finding the traces of the dead body?" Brigid got to the door where she entered from, she smiled then she left.

Both Jayden and Emric shrugged with confusion.

"Whatever will I do with that hair" Jayden murmured.

Emric started teaching Jayden how to defend himself and hand-to-hand combat first, and right that evening.

He was a beginner he needed to learn from scratch, but he had potential.

In the beginning, Jayden threw irregular punches at him, not in rhythm.

Emric chuckled "Are you a kid? What are you doing? You look as if I am your mom and I have your favorite cookie and you are trying to get it but you are too short" He was laughing helplessly.

Jayden raised an eyebrow.

"Perhaps you could try one thing!" Emric decided to teach him a different technique first rather than punching.

"Kick me!" He said.

The kick Jayden performed made Emric smash his forehead with his palm.

"Okay listen! I am not a door! Kick me knowing that I can defend, don't give me stomachache break my bones!" Emric got back to show him.

He pulled his knee above his elbow while holding his punches equal to his head "Copy me!"

Jayden did what he told him to do and with a high power, he extended his leg as much as he could.

Emric was right, Jayden was better at Kicks, so this is what Emric decided to teach him first.

Jayden was having fun learning to fight, he spent hours and he didn't realize how fast time flew away, not that he learned everything in a day but he knew it was too late for him and he needed to head back home, but before he'd stop, his phone rang, it was Henry.

His voice was trembling with fear "Jade you need to see this!"

Emric insisted on going with Jayden, and they both ran as fast as they could, Henry called him from near Ivy's home.

When they reached, they peeked from behind a car where Henry was hiding, they found Benjamin abusing Ivy in front of her house. Ivy was shaking, she tried to yell at him but she couldn't stop crying.