
Jaxon Stars, The Nanny Affair

Without a mom or dad, Sam Lopez, a 19-year-old, must maintain and run the huge company after his parent's death, but with his three young siblings Jenna, Steve and Michael. He won't have enough time for them and the business. Falling late on College funds. Anna Smith, a 17-year-old has to find a job to pay for her college fees, but who would hire a teenage girl who doesn't even qualify for a job? Thanks to Caregiver.com, Anna gets a job babysitting Sam's young siblings, but it all changes, when she falls head over heels for him and learns he's getting engaged to her best friend. Will their love for each other keep them apart or draw them closer together and will Jessica rest when she sees the sparks that run between them, including the drama that comes with running a business and a bad playboy who falls for Anna's spell? CONTAINS VIOLENT SCENES, DEATH, TRAUMA AND DARK DRAMA.

Jaxon_Stars · Urban
Not enough ratings
32 Chs

Human Immunodeficiency Virus

As Sam was rushed into the hospital, little did he know that Trevor was right next to him, but in a wheelchair. When he entered the ICU, Anna, Steve and Michael sat outside, crying in their seats. 'Why us, why is life taking everyone away from our family,' cried Steve as Anna hugged him, letting him cry on her shoulder.

Hours have passed by and Anna with the boys have been waiting. Just as she was about to ask, the doctor had been waiting for envelopes, which were carried by a nurse.

When the nurse was close to giving the doctor the envelope, he fell and they flew around.

As the doctor got furious, The nurse then picked up the envelopes and started pasting the stickers that fell onto the envelopes. As the doctor took the one with Sam's name, he decided to talk to Sam and made Anna with the boys wait outside.

Upon entering the room, Sam awaited good news, so did Trevor. When the doctor opened the letter, he was stunned as the results were crazier than he had thought. 'What is it?' asked Sam. 'You... You... You have H.I.V.,' he said as Sam's eyes opened wide and he fell back as he lost consciousness.

As Trevor awaited the answer, the doctors said, 'Don't worry Trevor, you just had a CONCUSSION,' She said as Trevor let out a sigh of relief.

Dalene entered the bar, asking for a glass of vodka as a lady sat right next to her and asked for the same drink. 'Copycat?' 'More like, Monkey see, Monkey do,' she said as they both burst into laughter. 'I'm Dalene, what's your name?' 'It's Janice, you're very cute,' 'This is your first time in a gay bar,' Dalene said as she drank the vodka and took Janice to the dance floor.

Dalene then twisted her around as Janice burst into laughter. They stopped as the DJ played a slow song, as Dalene found herself with her hands on Janice's waist, while she rested her head on Janice's shoulder.


'So, why are you?' asked Dalene. 'I just found out that I might have been kidnapped and the woman who says she is my mother, isn't my mother at all.' 'Damn, I found out that my dead brother is alive and has been kidnapped.' 'Wait, am I your brother?' 'Oh shit,' Dalene said as they both laughed, finding themselves as close as they were.

And just like that, Janice cupped her hands on Dalene's face as they kissed, feeling as if the whole world has turned pink and butterflies were surrounding them. As Janice let go, Dalene took her to the car as they locked the doors and kissed, leading to intimacy.

When she entered the building, Jessica was at a loss for words as she saw chloeè talking to one of the people she just got a deal with. At first, the client smiled, which made Jessica think that she was doing well until the client threw the files he held in his hands to the floor and started shouting, while he was leaving.

'Mr Yoshida, why are you leaving?' 'Because that slut wanted to give head, to me and then charged me for it, Fuck you, Jessica,' he said as he entered his SUV and drove off, throwing a large cup of Wendy's coke.

'Why the fuck did Mr Yoahida cuss me and cancel the deal I made with them?' 'Oh, I charged him money for head,' Chloeè said as she laughed. 'What the actual fuck, that was the only business deal we had and you ruined it, why the fuck did you ruin it,' yelled Jessica. 'Relax, there is plenty of fish in the sea,' said Chloeè as Jessica snapped.

'What the fuck is wrong with you, that deal could've covered up the whole building's rent and the next projects, you are nothing but a dumb bitch who came from prison and become a slut. Yes, you're a freaking fucking whore who I wish died in jail,' said Jessica as Chloeè shed a tear.

After everything Jessica did to Chloeè before she left, Chloeè held her hand and slapped her so hard, it echoed across the building. Everyone was stunned.

Chloeè then wiped her tears as she said,

'You don't know what I went through in prison. I have been beaten, almost killed and raped, all because you and Lance used me to cover up the mess you guys did, I am tired, you can consider yourself free, I'm leaving and I'm never coming back. But before I go, I just wanted to say, You will always be this way Jessica, and one day, Everyone will leave you, everyone you loved and care about, it will just be you ALONE,' Said Chloeè as she wiped her tears and walked out.

Due to the humiliation, Jessica could not let Chloeè live, so she yelled at the employees to get back to finding a new project while she called someone.


"What's up,"

"She's wearing a blue Jean and a pink T-shirt, kill her before noon,"

"Yes, Madam," said the man as he hung up the phone.

'No one talks shit about me and gets away with it,' Jessica said as she left, grinning.

As Anna and the boys entered the room, Sam was worried. What was he going to tell them? That he might die in two weeks or that he has a virus that can not be cured. Sam then got back to his senses as Anna asked

'What did the doctor say,' Sam lay there quiet as he said, 'It was just a concussion, everything is fine now.' 'Oh, Thank God,' said Anna as she hugged Sam but he had a frown, that was filled with sadness and guilt.

As Anna and the boys left, since Sam was to be brought home in an ambulance, a lady with a pink mask entered his room and locked the door.

'She's dead,' the lady said as Sam looked at her with a confused facial expression. 'Who's dead?' he asked. 'The woman who is responsible for your state, the prostitute,' she said as Sam froze. She killed her. Sam then sat upright and asked her, 'Why are you telling me this?' 'Simple, I want you to marry me,' she said as she removed her mask.

'Holy shit, Chloeè, why are you doing this?' 'Simple, Jessica ruined my life and I know the only way to get back at her, is by marrying you,' 'What is wrong with you,' said Sam as he tried to press the button to call the nurse but Chloeè took out a nice as she placed it on his chest. 'I wouldn't do that if I were you, so we're going to my car and I'm taking you to the nearest church,' said Chloeè as she grabbed Sam and took him to her car and she drove to the church.

"She's got someone in the car, I think she's going to report you,"

"Well then, Do what you must get her, I'm on my way," said Jessica as she hung up the phone.

She was driving at fifty kilometres per hour when she went over a bumper and made Sam hit his head against the boot. Soon the henchmen and Jessica began to follow her but at a slow pace.

When she arrived at the church, she took her gun and took Sam inside. While the priest was shivering, Chloeè then held the gun at his head as she took out the bible and made the camera shoot the scene. As he was done reading the verses, Jessica then took out the rings and placed them on Sam's middle finger. When he placed on her fingers, the priest then said, 'Is there anybody in this room who wants to object to the wedding taking place or forever hold your peace,' the room stood silent and he then said, 'By the power in Jesus name, I now name you husband and w-' without finishing, there was a gunshot as blood splat on both Sam and the priest.

When Jessica and her henchmen entered the building, Chloeè then fell as Sam started breathing heavily. 'I should've ended you in prison,' said Jessica as her henchmen took Chloeè's body to the van and drove off.

While one of her henchmen took the camera, Sam then thanked Jessica but was dragged back when she said, 'You don't think I'm not going to waste this perfect opportunity to get the most handsome man in this world,' said Jessica as she dropped her gun and held the camera. 'What are you saying?' asked Sam.

'I'm saying that, I and you are going to the press tomorrow morning and announcing our wedding, or else I'll tell the police that you forced Chloeè to marry you and when she tried to run away, you killed her,' she said as Sam stood there quiet. Why when he finds out that he is H.I.V positive does he go through this?

'I'll let you think about it,' Jessica said as she took the gun and shot the Priest, walking out with his body. Sam just walked over to a cab and drove home, as he looked out the window and began to cry.

As Janice sat down on the other side of the seat, Dalene asked her, 'I think I might be able to help you find out more about yourself.' 'Really, thanks, I'm really sorry about your brother.' 'It's okay, I know Lance is out there somewhere,' said Dalene as she drove Janice to the station.