
Javanese Freislor (Eng Version)

"Wake up, Breckson! You can't live with me! Even though I love you, I know our position is different!" screamed Freislor. "I don't care about that, Freis!" Breckson answered on a high note. Freislor, a female figure with a distinct duty to find the Grendolfin, a Goddess sent to earth to judge a cause. She met the figure Breckson, one of the gadgetz state leaders of Zavrainz, which became the center of world civilization. The meeting began with a tragic turn of events. Where Freislor is one of the exiles from several countries, she fought to give her people asylum in the state of Zavrainz, even though she was insulted and despised by his citizens. A few years later, she went on a mission to defeat Mr. Reos. Ultimately, Breckson, Freislor, and Lord Krapolis travel into the past, future, and death to find Grendolfin. There, they found new knowledge of the Hasta Brata from the Javanese. She also got a new riddle with a game of numbers and times of one, three, and five. That is made clear by a poem by her father. One times one, I ran Two times one, I am spinning Three times two, I quit Hold on. I think, I made a wrong move I turn my steps thirty degrees to the left I have got a long line that leads somewhere Adorned in shining starlight You and I became us On the way, they also got the key to defeating Mr. Reos from the Joyoboyo Fiber manual. Not only that, but Freislor also found herself a leader in a country. Breckson finally got a chance to express his love to Freislor. But that love story changed after meeting Poresa. Add to this, the fact that Freislor's life is strictly a matter of numbers and time. What about their mission, then? Will they succeed in killing Mr. Reos? What about Freislor's love story? Who's she going to pick?

Rainzanov_words · Fantasy
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61 Chs

Sword of Manberth

"Hi, Freislor. I'm fine. You always come on time, I appreciate that," he said with a smile. Freislor immediately rushed to do her job. Freislor did work in a sword making shop. But She was in charge of checking orders and doing administration. She works at the front because she was considered as a person who able to carry out a good conversation.

"I'll check the order ahead. Is there anything else I should do besides that?" asked Freislor as she turned to Mr. Werbour. He paused for a moment. The blazing furnace made sweat dripping down his face. Then, a few moments later, he spoke quietly, "Well, you can do a promotion for one of our newest types of swords, Freis."

"Ah, do we have a new one? I never saw it," said Freis as she put on her uniform in the corner of the room.

"You can take an example on the front. I have prepared it since yesterday afternoon. Oh yes, don't forget to check the transactions for this week. Because I will check it tomorrow. Have a good job, Freis," replied Mr. Welbour. He clenched one of his hands. Intend to encourage the girl.

"Fine. I'll do my best. I'll back at my room now, Mr. Welbour. See you later," replied Freislor softly. The girl walked to the side of the room. There is an entrance in the corner of the room with the words "Sugeng enjing" on the front.

It is a sign that anyone who works there is always dedicated with high morale, and tries to have enough energy like in the morning, even if they work late into the afternoon, or even late at night.

"Hmm, let me see," said Freislor. The girl continued to walk to the side of the room. She saw several square shaped shelves and several hangers consisting of several swords. After that, she turned to the front desk where there were several drawers and a long table.

"Okay, so this is the new sword?" she asked herself. The girl witnessed a poster showing the appearance of a new sword. There, she could see a sword with a world map symbol on it.

"Heum, interesting," she said to herself. After that, she laughed softly. The girl took a sword that was in the corner of the room. Now, she could see a long silver sword.

"Excuse me," said one of the women who was outside her shop. The girl immediately returned the sword to its original place. After that, she turned into a friendly figure.

"Yes, please, come in," Freislor smiled and walked over to the woman. She could see clearly the deep purple eyes. In the middle of her forehead, there was a sword crest that was black combined with white and red. The girl's ears were smaller than the size of an ordinary human's ear.

"Is there a new sword, here? I heard about it yesterday from my brother," said the woman while looking at Freislor. The girl nodded her head with a big smile.

"Heum, I don't even know what the advantages of that sword yet? How can I explain it?" the girl asked to herself on her mind. She was in deep thought at that moment.

"Can you show it to me? I really want to see it," asked the woman who was walking around one of the shelves in the room.

"Okay, wait a moment," Freislor answered with a smile. The girl walked hesitantly. However, she was very good at hiding her doubts in front of that women. After reaching the corner of the room. One of her hands took the sword. She tried to analyze it for a while. Until finally, when she was sure. Freislor walked back and gave it to the woman.

"This is our newest sword, you can see it," she said it with a smile.

"Ah, I think the appearance will be a bit interesting if this emblem is removed," commented the woman.

"I don't think so, Madam. You don't know what the map symbol on the sword means yet, do you?" asked Freislor. She began to carry out her role as a puzzle-solving girl.

"Indeed, what's so good about it?"

"If you pay attention, the map symbol on this sword represents one of the Islands from the area out there that is the center of civilization for this country, right? That's why, we made it. We really hope that the people of this country can appreciate the history. And I think , that's one of the best ways to do it," said Freislor, smiling broadly at the woman.

"Ah, you're right. Can you explain the production of this sword?" asked the woman, she smiled in front of Freislor.

"Okay, here we go. Calm down Freis, you can do it," Freislor thought while exhaling.

"Well, this sword is called the Sword of Manberth. A fusion of swords from the shape of the Mandau and the Ulfberth Sword."

"Judging from its name, this sword is actually formed from a special steel material whose process requires concentration and certain skills in its manufacture. The process itself starts from steel smelting, which will be passed on to the next process, namely dissolving carbon. After dissolving the carbon, the next step is refining and forging the sword."

"Well, I understand. Can you explain what the advantages of this sword are?" the woman asked softly.

"The strength of this sword lies in its resistance to time. The workers here have studied the dynamics of sword resistance combined with the leading magic of the Europe civilization era. They applied it, so that this sword can be hundreds of years old. Besides, this sword is also very unique with Its shape. The shape of this sword is a combination of Mandau and Ulfberth sword. Not only that, the blade of this sword is very sharp. In fact, when we stand still and swing this sword slowly, our hair will automatically be cut off."

"Wow, I didn't think there were so many advantages," she said with a satisfied smile. The woman tried to swing the sword. And sure enough, half of her hair was cut off.