


I am java a simple school student who thinks that life is boring really boring but the thing that changed my life was a stone the white stone. The way it changed my life is explained in this book"JAVA AND THE LEGEND OF SNITCH GOD" you have been wandering. who is this snitch god. its a legend as the story was that The snitch god created all the world and universes but the thing that made snitch god was the god who is omnipotent does not have any shape it is an energy.The snitch god is the perfect creation of god other than humans. as humans cant posses powers but gods can posses powers i will explain all about me and snitch god in this book. i am writing this book in the arora planet . known by the name of "planet of devils in past " but now "planet of gods". if you are interested in my life. How i got powers? and how i became a god that protects the white stone from black stone .it will be continued in 1st chapter that how i got powers and i will explain all things in chapters.