Juane has always been wanting to do his barbarian clan proud. now he can! but to do so he must understand the secret to his soul. his aura is unlocked but that's not all. He needs... something.... someone... someones? Maybe? Follow along as Jaune the Barbarian has to figure out that sometimes. Even the greatest warriors... need a hand from their friends.
Weiss was not having a good day.
She was having a stressful night after such a busy week.
Jaune, Pyrrha and Nora had become the talk of the school after the Manticore slaying event. And they were honored for the kill.
Meanwhile Yang and Ruby were planning dates for Jaune to take them on. And Blake and Velvet were going to joint counseling with Ozpin throughout the week.
Both faunus girls were opening up with them all and Jaune was getting closer to both of them as well.
Jaune loved meeting Velvets team.
Fox respected Jaune and Jaune respected a blind warrior. Coco was licking her lips every minute after meeting Jaune and was stuck between dressing him up in bouncer suits or deciding if he looked better in stripper outfits in her mind. And Yatsuhashi and Jaune were instant muscle buddies as they were similar heights and builds. They even greeted each other by flexing a bit then clasping hands in the bro air hold to show their strength.
Their flexing even ripped their sleeves some to make room for their sheer manliness!
Coco fainted from the muscle and the tearing of such fine clothes.
Velvet had a nosebleed imagining Jaunes arms around her... And other activities they can hold her down for.
But in the end Jaune was welcomed by a fellow skilled bulk built fighter.
Which meant Jaune had a new sparring partner while Ren and Fox were quickly meditation and sparring buddies as well.
Coco got along great with Yang and Ruby while Velvet and Blake became more like sisters as the week went on.
Here Weiss was feeling left out while Nora just fit in everywhere and Pyrrha was right at home with all of CVFY.
Weiss went to bed that night after a five hour hangout and cross team study session for both theoretical theory and combat applications for history and combat skills.
And she was feeling left out as everyone seems to be meshing well together.
While she just awkwardly sits and only talks when addressed.
It felt like she was back at the mansion with her father and his friends busy enjoying each other and she was just the pretty doll her father was proud of to be out on display when he needed her. Then she would only be talked to when the conversation pertained to her specifically or her sister. And then came the stares.
Growing up in atlas she had to deal with a good amount of sleazy business men. But then those men eye her up like a piece of meat? Then she grows concerned.
She is so glad her sister taught her the basics of self defense with her body as a weapon, then the use of her rapier.
But even with her combat skills the men still eyed her for her skill in combat and as a lover in bed. Especially given how her father portrayed her as his next heir for the company, painting a larger target for greedier bastards to eye up. And that she was a beautiful young woman approaching marriage age as she turned 18 shortly before arriving at Beacon. She felt like a prize to be bought and won given how her father showed her off so often.
Soon enough Weiss felt the same feeling again as she was doing the same actions, with her own friends no less! As she fell asleep with that mental image feeling of dismay in mind.
The next day was better but only by a bit. She was allowed to show off in combat class today. And she was going over everything she had learned from Jaunes grandparents as she entered the ring against a new atlas sparring robot that was just released for training academy students of first year through third.
There was a fourth year version that was being tested.
Something about making sure it's "mercy" protocol was working properly.
( Unrelated note ... that testing lab was running out of interns.)
But Weiss readies her rapier and got into her stance to prepare for the fight. She knew it will be tricky. This boy has adaptive fighting technology. Meaning it adapts to its opponents rhythm, combat style, weapons, and even semblance. To push you to the limit.
And if you fail it grades you on how well you hold out.
If you win it will keep your data to make sure it can analyze and learn from you to defeat you next time or help you reach the next level.
She was ready to learn even more using this bot.
Glynda says that 15 elite huntsman from across the kingdoms had submitted their data to give the robot a base of styles, combat strength, and weapons to work off of.
Glynda readies the bell.
Weiss has her aura flowing and ready for use.
The robot analyzes her stance and gets into combat position with its energy percentage serving as it's aura gage on screen.
With it all ready Weiss engages the robot in combat.
Jaune hollers for Weiss to do well and makes her determination soar. She goes into her first step of her initial combo she had planned.
Only for the robots legs to be in her vision before she goes flipping midair from the roundhouse kick that made her see the ceiling and her head to ring from pain.
Everyone gasps and a few tell our in shock.
Weiss is now on her face as she is climbing back to her feet. While seeing her aura has decreased to 87%.
She grits her teeth and launches a barrage of fireballs at the robot.
It dashes side to side avoiding the flames extremely well. It moves so fast it is a blur.
Even Jaune is concerned at Weiss struggling with this robot. Glynda is concerned and checking the settings of it to ensure it is at the proper challenge level.
Weiss goes for an ice wall to defend her and give her some breathing space. Only for the robot to use a sound cannon and shatter her ice immediately. Weiss scrambles for another wall or even using fire instead. But is punched and sent flying with another 10% of her aura gone.
Glynda gasps as she was misinformed as the robot in the ring was actually a 4th year training model instead of of the 1st-3rd year model.
This explained it's strength and speed. Alongside how quickly it forms weapons out of the miniarmory on its back. It has already crafted a quick made spear and stabbed Weiss in her legs causing her to fall to her knees.
Weiss yells out, "Take this!" And summons up the power of using all 6 elements in her dust cartridge like when she fought that arms gigas before coming to beacon.
She dahes quickly using her glyphs to propel her. The robot quickly puts the spear away and forms two half shields that when slammed together forms a large 7ft tall tower shield that it uses to prepare for Weiss's attack.
Her attack hits the shield and an explosion from her dust energy and aura erupts as it hits the energy wall the robot had installed into the tower shield. She ricochets off the shield while seeing she managed 5% damage to the robots energy reserves.
She was in disbelief at that as she sees the robot already in her face with its tower shield suddenly slamming her entire body and electrifying her with energy coursing through it.
She screams out loud as she hears her friends yell out, "Weiss!!"
Glynda gasps as she sees this model is a 4th year challenge bot. She goes to shut it off but sees it have a red light warning saying Manual Override activated to remove safety limiters.
Glynda goes to fight but two more robots charge out from the robot deploy tunnel and attack at her. She begins to fight them off but one of the hunters who donated their data to the robot program were telekinetic like her.
So the robots had developed a resistance program that counters telekinetic energy for the most part. So despite Goodwitch being a skilled fighter her main attack strategy was barely half as effective as it should be as when she goes to fling the robots. They recover midair with boosters they created on their bodies and return to attack her.
She yells out, "Students! These sparring boots are compromised! Fight now! Defend yourselves!"
Weiss was embedded in the wall at this point and her aura was barely holding at 18% left. She weakly looks to the audience seats to see her friends and their classmates are currently fighting off other robots that had charged out of the robot Depot and were pushing them hard.
Pyrrha was fighting hard alongside Nora as the robots had a strong alloy that had ingredients mixed in that make it hard for her to use her magnetism against them. They were pushing her back.
Ren was fighting alongside Yan and Blake as they were teaming up against one bot.
In fact almost every robot was fighting 2 to 3 students. The power discrepancy was clear for the class.
They were all fighting hard but the robots were only losing 1% of power per every 3 regular hits.
Except for Jaune. He was taking hard hits that made the robots carve up his aura and body pretty harshly. But he was returning the damage twofold using his large sword to dent and crush them as much as possible with his overwhelming strength.
He manages to bash the robot he was fighting away with one large swing coated in aura that leaves it with sparks all over its body and a large dent that left it needing to do a self repair mode. But as it does another three students leap on it to to try and finish it off.
The class of forty is all but kept busy by the full shipment of 20 units.
Weiss is struggling to escape her rocky prison as the bot she was fighting approaches her with a large sword forged out of its weapon pack. The claymore rises up and readies to descend through her head.
But right as it does. A large body suddenly jumps in and takes the sword on his large great shield.
Jaune stands there resolute as he fights back. He turns to Weiss and goes, "I've got you snow angel! Recover then rejoin me! I'll need you!"
Weiss tears up a bit while Jaune fights back barely managing to react and deflect the robots sword swings as it prepares to learn his movements and find the weakness in Jaunes buster sword and large shield style.
Jaune manages to fight back while yelling back at Weiss, "I can last for a bit but I'll need your specialty of fighting back by tripping up opponents when you are able to! I can't take this thing on mano eh mano so easily! The only reason I took that last one was thanks to it just landing in front of me and right into my swing! This one has warmed up! I'm being pushed back right- ack!"
Jaune chokes on his spit as the robot manages a clean slash on his chest from his hip to shoulder through a gap in his guard. Jaune recovers and his wounds begin to heal but the robots notices and begins to slash faster and harder than before. Earning more cuts, grazes, and even gashes of varying lengths and depths. Slowly overtaxing Jaunes regeneration ability.
Jaune grunts as he hears a tearful Weiss say to him, "Am I actually that needed?! You guys are so close to each other! You are all good friends! And I'm just the pretty princess doll on the side aren't I?!"
Jaune parry's another cut and glances at Weiss who has a face full of despair on her face. As he realizes how it seems to her in their team hangouts. And how she talked about her father putting her on display in atlas before.
He grunts as another slash nearly takes half his neck with it. And manages to say back, "Then prove us all wrong!"
Weiss snaps her head from the floor she was staring at in despair and weakness. And listens to Jaune.
He takes another cut deeply in his leg but manages to roar and slam his shield to the robot and push it back. He grunts from pain and his body is literally steaming as he slowly recovers from the wounds, "Prove to us that you are more than a doll! Show us the girl we have come to know and train with! You are smart! You are skilled! And you are more than a princess! You are our friend!"
Weiss turns hopeful at his words and begins to work her way out of the imprint in the wall she was stuck in. Right as she escapes she looks to Jaune as he looks at her, "And friends are powerful when they fight together. Right?"
Weiss goes to agree when her face splashes with blood. She is wide eyed and in shock as Jaune is suddenly missing his head. She sees his body fall to the ground as the Robot from before had recovered and took his distraction as the perfect time to behead him.
Weiss falls to her knees in fear and terror as Jaunes Friends all roar in anger and anguish at this.
Weiss cradles Jaunes head while the robot readies its blade above her.
She flashes back to how he supported her, the training they did, her helping him study. How she made real friends thanks to him being the glue for them all. A pillar of strength to rely on.
Then it all snapped and crumbled when she realized she was holding his lifeless head in her arms.
She roars out in anger. Her conduit snowflake glows bright as she focuses her eyes on the robot that took her friend.
She growls as she says, "You robot BASTARD! You took my friend!! You'll pay for this!!!!!"
Weiss suddenly brings her sword up and swings it at the robot. The robot jumps over the anger fueled wild swing but is suddenly encased in ice. While Weiss then roars out and the ice goes Sub-Zero.
She then blasts it with a huge gout of lighting and flame being controlled by a large twister of her wind dust magic. The robot is torn to shreds as she makes sure to hold the twister for a full minute.
The remaining 8 robots that are not defeated turn to her as Weiss turns her glare to them all and with pinpoint accuracy. Freezes them all in Sub-Zero ice cubes! She then yells out, "Shatter them all!"
And her teammates and classmates make sure these bots never repair themselves or return.
After that she falls to the ground as her aura flickers and fades while her snowflake turns back into a regular tattoo. She pants hard and glances over to where Jaunes head is.
Or rather... Where it should be.
She blinks then looks around while everyone else is staring at her. Or rather behind her.
Weiss turns to look and sees Jaunes body is standing up straight. But with his arms currently reattaching his head to his stump of a neck and it fuses back together.
He cracks and pops his neck as he sees everyone looking at him and he shrugs while going, "First, yes I can do that. Second, good job guys! I saw all of that!"
He stands there with a big smile and a thumbs up before his friends all scream in shock at his actions.
Glynda knows this will be a headache and a half in the future. She makes a note for Ozpin to know about his shocking immortality level and the hacking of the robots. But she also questions one thing to herself, How did I get stuck with these kinds of brats for my teaching career?!
Meanwhile as everyone is freaking out about Jaune and asking him if he was okay he noticed an announcement from his system. He grinned at it while his friends were all concerned at him. But he managed to talk them down and explain how far his immortality seal had grown recently and how it got stronger just now as well. But they demanded all details while they were ebing escorted to Ozpin by Goodwitch while Port came to oversee the dismantling of the robots after the class had calmed down.
However one robots eye was still glowing red and active. Feeding a live stream through its own optics to a certain castle.
Unknown to them all, in Salems castle. Salem was watching in interest at the last remaining feed from the hacked robots she had commissioned from Watts. It was interesting to see the target of her affection to be beheaded, she thought he was tougher, then see him pull a move she had done once a long time ago.
She gets giddy and rubs her thighs together as for the first time in a long, looooong time, she had gotten slightly wet. She bit her lip as she felt her lower lips gush a bit at how he nonchalantly reattached his head after being cut asunder. She was ready to push his immortality to the limits to see if she had a potential husband with the power and abilities to stay by her side. And hey! If he wanted to keep those others for breeding wives while she was the main wife?
All the more fun to be had in the bedroom!
But she had some... Personal business to attend to first.
While she planned her next move she made sure she enjoyed herself to the imaginations of what she and he could do to each other in the bedroom to make sure she could feel all of these emotions and sensations she hasn't felt in centuries!
Needless to say... the grimm had a very wet bed to clean up after she was done.
Back in Beacon though Jaune was enjoying his growth at his latest achievements by the system he has and was enjoying how much it boosted him to be better than before.
Congratulations! You have defeated a powerful agent of darkness and have stress tested your immortaliy for the first time! You are also regarded as a living legend by a powerful force! Your soul achievements have been recognized by the world and have grown stronger!
You've unlocked the next soul tier and the next ability!
Jaune Arc.
Str: 510
Agi: 460
End: 490
Mentality: 480
Seventh tier soul seal:
Superhuman Regeneration: enhanced natural healing. Heals seven times as fast as others. Can regenerate limbs and non essential organs.
Tougher bones: your bones are seven times as hard as normal people.
Tough muscles: your muscles are seven times as strong as normal people.
Improved senses: you can hear, smell, and react as well as an evolved animal.
Basic immortality: You can't be killed as long as your brain, heart, lungs, or liver are intact. Can recover as long as one of these important live giving organs are functioning.
Jaune knew he was getting near the limits of what previous users had reached. And he knew he had gotten Salems attention by now from that Grimm fight the other day.
He clenches his fist in eagerness at this right as Weiss holds his other hand. Glancing at her he sees her looking at him with a face full of thankfulness. She speaks softly, "Thanks for your words Jaune. I admit I was feeling like that porcelain doll my dad would show off again. But with your words and how I was able to hold off against those powerful robots... I feel better about myself. And about my abilities as a huntress. Thank you Jaune."
Jaune nods his head and says, "Hey remember... I don't lie. I say what is on my mind and my honest feelings. So to me you are an important friend. One who can fight and one who has her skills in top form. So trust us! We recognize you as our friend. We may not be blunt about it but we like to give you space so you can warm up to us. Right guys?"
Weiss gasps and looks to their friends looking back to her with smiles. Ruby hugs her close while everyone else gives her nods and thumbs ups. Nora joins the hug though.
Weiss squawks at the crushing hug from their two most cuddly friends as they all make her feel warm.
She flashes back to when her sister would hug her close during training. And her mom would hug her close and keep her warm when she was five and younger.
She tears up at those memories and then cries a bit at their companionship towards her hugging them back.
Glynda smiles gently at the group as they all grow closer and make sure they have their time together to forge stronger bonds.
She then loses the smile as she thinks to what the hacked robots mean for them going forward. And what it means for Atlas and their technology.
Ozpin must be warned and they must let all kingdoms know about the coming threat of Salem as she is making bigger and bigger moves now.
All she knows for sure is..m Jaune has a war to prevent. And the leader of all Grimm to defeat.