
Jaune the Barbarian

Juane has always been wanting to do his barbarian clan proud. now he can! but to do so he must understand the secret to his soul. his aura is unlocked but that's not all. He needs... something.... someone... someones? Maybe? Follow along as Jaune the Barbarian has to figure out that sometimes. Even the greatest warriors... need a hand from their friends.

Silverfang · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
17 Chs

The soul bond.

Jaune wakes up in the infirmary to see his friends all filling the other beds around him.

He gets up and sees he is on his stomach while his back is throbbing. But in a good and energetic way? Making him feel invigorated!

He gets up and checks the full body mirror.

He gasps as his back has an intricate circle with 6 smaller circles inside it with many runes and spell like markings across it. And it extended up to his shoulders, down to his hips, and down both arms to mid bicep! He was liking the style but he also felt like he could wrestle a Goliath at this point!

He checks his stats and find a shocking truth.

Congratulations! You've made an oath of the soul with a group of 5 or more people! They will be your clan from now on either through marriage or through oaths! Your sould are now linked and will strengthen each other and help sense when you are all in danger!

You've unlocked the next soul tier and the next ability!

Jaune Arc.


Str: 410

Agi: 360

End: 390

Mentality: 380


Sixth tier soul seal:

Superhuman Regeneration: enhanced natural healing. Heals six times as fast as others. Can regenerate limbs.

Tougher bones: your bones are six times as hard as normal people.

Tough muscles: your muscles are six times as strong as normal people.

Imoroved senses: you can hear, smell, and react as well as an animal.

Basic immortality: You can't be killed as long as your head, heart, and lungs are all intact

Jaune was in shock at his jump in stats. Each of them had improved between 15-5 each this last week. But now?! Dang he could probably wrestle a Goliath. Probably to a stalemate. But he would do well either way.

He felt out with his soul to check the link his announcement mentioned. And he could feel his friends. It was a vague feeling. Like a dull sensation of an internal compass. But he could feel how they were. Healthy. And a general feeling of how far they were from him.

He chuckled excitedly before noticing his tattoo seemed to have been filled in expertly by an artist. But the only people who would know how to do that was.

As he had that thought the infirmary door flew open.

He looked to see an excited and wide smiling Grandpa and Grandma Arc.

Both huge at over 7ft tall. And both happy to see their grandson safe and strong. And both showing their age as they were well into their 60's, approaching 70s.

Auriville Arc and Callista Arc. The elders and grandparents of the Arc clan.

They both hug their grandson who hugs them back gently. They were aging and as such they were less durable then when they were in their prime.

They finish hugging it out before Jaunes grandparents get scary smiles on their faces.

He leans back wondering what they are for before a resounding double slap reverberates across the infirmary.

Jaune is now standing there dazed with twin red cheeks as he stares at his grandparents wondering what the hell that was for.

They both sigh at his expression and motion for him to sit down while all his friends had jolted and began to stir.

Jaune sits down tense and straight backed while his friends all wonder what is going on.

From the doorway Ozpin and Goodwitch stand while Ozpin deploys an anti peeking barrier silently without anyone noticing.

Auriville sighs out harshly, he then breaths in while looking proud and disappointed at the same time at Jaune, "My boy. You need to know. First off we are proud you have a pair of betrothed to your bloodline already. Incredible actually. Especially since they are a Valkyrie and an Amazon."

Jaune nods while Pyrrha blushes and so does Nora.

Callista continues, "But you really pushed the limit with this situation hon. I mean an oath of the soul?! With people you just made teammates for a week?! What were you thinking?! Those should be made with people you know at least for a year before considering it!"

Jaune looks confused at them before looking over his friends. They all seem just as confused. Meanwhile Ozpin is wide eyed while having stopped mid sip. Glynda is confused and glancing between all those involved.

Jaune then asks, "Aaaaand... What is that? Will that hurt my friends? We were just making a pact to be there for each other throughout the school year... Did we do something we shouldn't have?"

Auriville facepalms so hard he falls off his chair while Callista is shivering in sheer disbelief. They both refocus and look at him before his grandfather explains, "It's a pact down to your soul sonny. It is an unbreakable bond! You make it between shield brothers and sisters who vow to support and be there for each other to the death! And it helps share your powers to those involved! And you are all young! You hit headed youngsters did it without the proper ritual! Meaning it is a shaky bond!"

Their eyes all widen and fear overtakes their features.

Callista calms them down next with her explanation, "It technically isn't a bad thing mind you. But... It is a rushed decision. I realize you didn't know we barbarians could do this. Hence we didn't tell you since usually you think things through and let us know when you gain friends or are making plans for something. But this Jaune? You skipped a lot of levels."

Jaune deflates as he sighs out hard.

His grandparents pat his shoulders as his grandfather says, "Well. To mitigate some of the damage done. We rushed here with your grandma's portal ability and helped stabilize it. Your friends should all have a unique soul seal now. But take note. If they should go back on their oaths. Or if their will is broken somehow... The bond breaks. And it can never be remade with that person. That's why we wait until most individuals in an oath like this is a solid 21 or older. When they've matured more or when you know their characters better. Ugh I won't say I don't understand why you did this. But sonny. You'll need to be extra careful with your friends and lovers going forward. We will support you as best we can. But we will need some details and regular updates when possible to help you all keep your bond strong."

Jaune nods while his friends all mull this information over in their heads.

Pyrrha and Nora are fine with it. It allows them to be bonded to their future husband.

Ruby, Yang, and Blake are all hesitant as they were interested in being with Jaune. But this was a huge step in trust that they weren't sure if they were ready to take.

Weiss and Ren were both concerned at how fast their oaths were taken seriously. They didn't realize that they would be bound to it. They were making a proclamation. Not an everlasting promise that bound their souls!!!

All in all turmoil was settling in.

So much so that Jaunes Grandparents saw the tell tale signs of cracks appearing in a rushed soul bond and decided they needed to help early.

With a loud clap Jaunes grandparents gained everyone's attention.

"Alright youngins. You'll need to know what all you can do. So follow us and we will guide you through your changes."

Both elders get up and lead them away. Everyone stumbles up to follow after gathering their shoes and socks before noticing their bodies feel lighter and more powerful over all.

Then came the gasps as they noticed some changes.

Jaunes was already out and about for them to see since he was just in trousers. So they saw how far his tattoo seal had grown.

For Pyrrha they were shocked to see a seal on her back similar to Jaunes but designed like a sword vertically laid over a shield with runes inscribed over them.

Nora had a hammer symbol with symbols on her back.

Weiss's scar had changed to look like a snowflake pattern with some symbols that went into her hairline and towards her ear.

Blake had a tail, longer fangs, her nails were closer to claws, and her hair was thicker now. She also had gained some shoulder tattoos that looked like cat eyes with symbols as the irises.

Ren had bulked up slightly and was now a ripped individual who looked like he could run a marathon twice. But his back had a lotus flower symbol with more runes on each petal.

Yang had her crimson eyes out without them changing and her shoulders had her burning flower symbol on them. Each with a rune that had an eye in the center.

Ruby had a rose on her back that had thorny vines extending to her elbows last her shoulder blades, and down last her butt and reaching the back of her knees.

The girls found all this out when changing to their combat gear in the locker rooms. And Jaune told Ren with a picture to show him in the boys locker room.

Soon they were all at the arena with their weapons and gear ready.

All of it Mithral based.

But they were shocked to see Jaunes Grandparents were there ready for them.

Auriville began, "Alright youngins! We figured the best way to make sure you knew your abilities and how the soul bond affects you. Is to battle. And since robots can't tell you what you've gained. We figured we would be the best teachers!"

Weiss was shocked but also worried as she asks, "But won't we hurt you? You are both older than us and less durable than when you were in your prime!"

Jaune cringes at that as his grandparents get a malicious grin on their faces. His friends all flinch.

Callista grins widely as she brings out a giant double bladed axe, "Well then dearie. Show us how 'old' we are. And draw your blade! You've just volunteered to go first!"

Auriville brings out a large double headed war hammer which looks like an anvil got stuck to a stick. As he then goes, "And don't hold back. We want to make sure we dust off our poor and frail bones as best we can!"

Weiss stammers before looking at Jaune for help, he is shivering as he mutters, "Traumatic training. Traumatic training."

Weiss goes pale as she readies her blade and steps up to the arena.

She sees Auriville jump off leaving it to one on one and he says, "I'll explain your boosts as you fight. That way my wife can focus on teaching you how to use them. While I explain how to activate and channel them. Also one more thing."

Weiss glances at him right as the bell rings to begin.


Weiss glances back to see a crack in the arena where Callista was. She whips her head up to see the large elderly woman yelling a battle cry midair with her axe reared back and ready to cleave her head in.

With a scream from Weiss the match was on.