

80 advanced chapters at Pat-reon. Check it out if you guys are interested




"Are you sure about this Qrow?" Tai asked, looking uncertain about what they were going to do.

"Sure?" he asked and chuckled. Alright, maybe he shouldn't have drunk before this. And he definitely shouldn't have brought Tai with him. But… they were already here. "No. Not really. But you should leave Tai."

"And leave you to die fighting against these Night Walkers? I don't think so."

He sighed "Think of the girls Tai. They'll never forgive me if they learned that I got you killed."

"They'll never forgive me if I left you to die. Hell, I wouldn't forgive myself."

He stayed silent and saw movement in the distance.

He used the binocular and saw that it was a contingent of three Hunter teams being led by Rosa Fisher. He didn't know her but he recognized a Cold-hearted bitch when he saw one.

"They're here." He said, wondering where the hell the Night Walkers were and how they were going to transport so much to this location with only 5 minutes left unless they plan on being fashionably late.

He took another sip from his bottle and offered it to Tai who gave him an unimpressed look and declined it.

They sat in hiding and waited.

"She was a bitch you know." He said, wanting to kill the silence with something.

"Raven?" Tai asked.

"Yes. A colossal cunt through and through. She didn't deserve to be on the same team as Summer. None of us did."

Tai remained silent so he continued airing his grievances "She should have never left you."

Like really, who leaves their newborn daughter to their husband without even saying a proper goodbye and go off into the wild to gallivant as a Bandit.

His fucking sister, that's who.

"It's done Qrow. No point in lamenting about it." Tai said.

He scoffed "Yeah. Isn't that the whole story of our life?"

The silence overtook them once again and he lamented over his dead sister. A sister that he hated more than he loved.

A sister who looked at him and only saw a failure. 'Not that she was wrong.' A part of him said.

But at the end of the day… Raven was his sister. And that meant something to him.

"We never got to avenge Summer." He said into the silence.

"Is that why you're so adamant about avenging Raven. To make up for Summer's death." Tai asked, looking… not disappointed but not happy either.

"I don't know man. I only—" he paused as the trees in the rest of the clearing suddenly vanished, to be replaced by Crates upon crates full of Dust.

How did they… oh

"They were here the whole time." Tai said as he gazes at them through the binocular "Under a large illusion."

He wondered how powerful a semblance must be to be capable of hiding such a large area. Fighting against Illusion makers was a tricky thing at the best of times. Fighting an Illusion maker this powerful… he didn't like his chances.

"You ready Tai?" he asked.

Tai gave a nod and focused on the Black figures in the distance.

Before Tai could react, he punched Tai at the back of his head. Hard.

Tai's head hit the tree trunk and it bounced twice before laying still.

He sighed and propped his unconscious friend against the tree branch before hiding him under a few broken branches filled with leaves.

"Sorry Tai. The girls need you." He said "You don't get to die. Even for me."

Then he changed his sword into a scythe, ready to charge into the suicidal situation when he realized that a fight had already begun.

He frowned and picked up the binoculars before noticing that the Night Walkers were being attacked.

By the three Hunter teams brought here by Rosa Fisher. And… Hazel Rienhart and Tyrian Callow.

"What the fuck is going on here." He whispered to himself as he tried to understand the situation to no avail.