

When a young, skilled hitman, meets a beautiful woman that'll change his entire perspective on the life he has lived, he'll do whatever it takes give up his old life and start a new one with her

Larry_Moore_9883 · Action
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Jason and Rose walk and talk together while eating tacos. The two get to know each other, with Jason opening up a little more than he usually does. He tells her that he was an orphan, how he never met his parents, how he bounced around from city to city, and how he enjoys cooking, reading, music, and movies, while leaving out the part about being a trained killer.

Rose was living in Oklahoma with her mother for awhile, before she passed away, and she has never met her father. She then moved to New York to get a fresh start. She wants to travel and see the world. Rose also loves to paint and draw, but she hasn't felt inspiration to do so in awhile.

The two then stand near the water, under the moonlight and stars. Jason then looks at her and brushes her hair behind her ear.

"You are so beautiful." Jason says with a smile.

Rose smiles back at him and the two share a sweet and gentle kiss.

Later on, Jason walks Rose home.

"Welp, this is me." Rose says with a smile.

Jason smiles back.

"This was quite a date." Jason says.

"Yes it was. I'd love to do it again."

Jason's smile grows even bigger.

"Yeah, me too."

The two stare into each others eyes and Jason wraps his arms around her and they share another kiss.

"Well. Goodnight, Jason."

"Goodnight, Rose."

She then walks into the house, as Jason sighs and stands on the porch for a little while longer. As he goes to walk away, Rose opens the door and the two lock eyes and share a chuckle. Rose then grabs Jason by the shirt and pulls him inside, the two continuing to kiss. Jason takes off his shirt and Rose sees all the scars on his body.

"Jesus." Rose says.

Jason realizes what she's looking at and sighs.

"Yeah. I uh- I've been through a lot- in life."

Rose stares at Jason for a moment, putting her hand on a scar on his chest.

"You can talk about it when you're ready." Rose says with a smile.

Jason smiles back at her and the two start to kiss again. He then picks her up and carries her to the bedroom.

The next morning, Jason wakes up next to a sleeping Rose. He smiles at her and gives her a kiss on her forehead, then gets out of bed and puts on his pants and shirt. He then walks into the kitchen and opens the fridge to make breakfast. At that moment, Jason notices something off for a moment. He closes the refrigerator door and sees a little girl and a teenage girl watching him.

"Hi." The little girl says.

Jason smiles.

"Hi. You guys want breakfast?"

Minutes later, Rose wakes up to the smell of bacon, eggs, and pancakes cooking. She walks into the kitchen and sees Jason cooking while talking to her youngest daughter while the oldest ignores him.

"I have this bestfriend named John, you remind me a lot of him." The youngest girl says.

Jason laughs.

"Well this John guy sounds very cool then." Jason says.

As the two laugh, they all turn around and see Rose walks in.

"Hey sleepy head." Jason says

"Mommy!" The little girl yells running towards her.

Rose picks up her daughter and the two laugh.

"Hey, sweetheart."

The teenage girl then approaches her mom.

"Mom, who is this guy?" She asks.

Rose sighs with a smirk.

"His name is Jason. Jason this is my youngest daughter Emily and my oldest daughter Lauren."

Emily smiles.

"Nice to meet you, Jason." Emily says.

Jason smiles and waves.

"Nice to meet you too, Emily."

Lauren scoffs.

"Yeah, whatever. Come on Em, we're gonna be late."

"But I haven't had breakfast yet."

Lauren picks up Emily and they walk towards the door.

"Bye you guys, I'll pick you guys up today, I love you."

They walk out of the door.

Rose sighs when she doesn't get an I love you back.

"They seem like good kids."Jason says.

Rose smiles, wrapping her arms around him.

"Yeah, they're the best things in my life. I'm sorry I didn't mention them last night."

"It's alright, I get it. You had to make sure I wasn't gonna run off when I found out."

Rose chuckles.

"And that you weren't a serial killer."

As Rose laughs, Jason let's out a light chuckle, considering that he is a hired killer. At that moment, Jason gets an alert on his phone for an appointment today.

"I gotta go too. Work. But I will definitely call you later."

Rose smiles.

"You better."

The two share a kiss and Jason leaves, feeling amazing after last night.

Later, Jason walks into a mysterious and secured building where Frank is waiting for him. Frank soon notices an unusual smile on his face.

"What's up with your face?" Frank asks.

Jason chuckles.

"I have no idea what you're talking about."

Frank scoffs.

"Yeah, ok. You gonna tell me her name now or what?"

Jason's smile gets even bigger.

"Her name is Rose."

Frank smirks.

"That's a very lovely name. She must be special if she has you grinning like this." Frank says.

"She is. Trust me." Jason replies.

"I have no idea what she sees in you then." A voice behind them says.

They both turn around and Sees Jules, another hired assassin and one of Jason's closest friends. Jason let's out a light chuckle.

"Trust me, I don't know either."

The two share a fist bump.

"So, where did you two meet?" Jules asks.

"At a bar, before the Richard Markov job last night."

"And I'm guessing you left out the part about being a hitman, right?" Jules asks.

Jason sighs.

"I might have forgotten to mention that part, but thanks for reminding me." Jason jokingly says.

The three then walk into the elevator, taking it to the top floor. When the elevator stops, they walk into a room where Sebastian, the head of the organization that took in Jason and Jules and trained them to be killers, sits behind his desk in a white suit and his feet up. Sebastian isn't alone, as he is with five other killers who are his main group, Baron( a muscular man, holding an axe), Gomez(a self-proclaimed gun master), Mic and Mac(Brothers who kill targets together) and Mustang(The best contracted killer in the organization).

"Aw, Frank, Jules, Jason. Come on in."

Jason and the others step forward to Sebastian's desk.

"I hope you're coming with good news today."

Both Jules and Jason put down pictures of their dead targets.

"Felix Lopez has been taken care of." Jules says.

"Richard Markov has also been taken care of." Jason says.

"Both messes have been cleaned up, without a trace. Nothing can be linked back to us."

Sebastian smiles while drinking a glass of wine.

"Excellent. Here's your next target for tonight."

He gives them a picture of a man with scars on his neck and face.

"His name is Aaron Castro, he was once one of our hitmen until he went rogue. Now he's a weapons dealer and is doing a deal here in New York. We'll let you know when and where as soon as we find out."

Jason and the others nod and start to walk away, but Sebastian stops Jason.

"Hold on, there Jason. There's one more thing we need to discuss."

Jason stops and turns around.

"What's on your mind?" Jason asks.

"Last night, when you killed Markov, you let a group of women go, right?"

An intense moment of silence passes between them.

"Yeah, I did. They weren't a threat and you know my rule. No killing women or children." Jason responds.

Sebastian chuckles.

"Yes, yes, no killing women or children, a code of honor blah, blah, blah. I get it, but those women could have identified you and exposed us all. You're lucky Baron was able to take care of your little mess."

Jason is visibly upset by this. Baron then chuckles.

"Yep, but don't worry they didn't feel a thing. Or at least I don't think so, I've never been decapitated before." Baron says.

As Baron, Gomez, Mic and Mac laugh, Jason tries to keep calm and not show his emotions.

"Anyway, next time it might not be a bad idea to shove your rules to the side for a minute. Anyway, you are dismissed, goodluck tonight."

Jason and the others leave the room.

"You ok?" Jules asks.

Jason stays silent for a moment.

"Yeah... I'm fine." Jason says.

As they get into the elevator, Jason can't stop thinking about those innocent women being killed and about how Rose would see him if she knew what he was doing, or if she and her kids got involved in this life because of him. One thought then came to his mind.

"I have to get out."