

Jasente just enetered college. He went through hell his entire grade school and high school career. Yet this time it will be different. Maybe, just maybe he could find that special someone. To change his life for the good, or the bad.

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111 Chs

The old Jasente (Chapter 43)

Dave Lambert



Dekion was on his last lap and was coughing and wheezing


Dekion Petal



After about 5 mins of jogging Dekion finally made it and that's when Dave threw a football at him.


Dave Lambert

Let's go kid we are going to do drills now


Dekion Petal



Dave Lambert



Finn went to Dave


Finn Briar

Yo man you can't do that.

He is only a kid give him some time to rest


Dekion got up shaking as he wiped the sweat off his forehead.

He took off his shirt and Daves's eyes shined.

Dekion's body was starting to grow.

He was slowly getting abs and his muscles were starting to show.

Dekion put his hands on his hips trying to get as much air as possible.

Dave smiled


Dave Lambert

Ready kid


Dekion dug his cleats into the ground


Dekion Petal



Finn looked at Dave and thought to himself


Finn Briar (in his head)

I know Dave is doing this just for Holly but I wonder if he actually is enjoying this?


Jasente was asleep in his bed while Kiwi was on top of him.

Holly was in the living room.

She was watching black clover and was enjoying it.


Holly Petal

Why does Asta scream so much?

Whatever it's way too funny


Mia Evans



Holly turned around to see Mia looking at her


Holly Petal

Hey Mia


Mia Evans

Where is bro?


Holly Petal

Kiwi is busy taking him away from me.


Mia sat down next to Holly


Mia Evans

Yeah, whenever Kiwi wants bro there is nothing you can do.


Holly Petal

Tell me about it.

I tried pulling her off but she latched on to him screaming



Mia Evans

Yeah, Kiwi is just sleepy.

She always acts like that whenever she is tired.


Holly Petal

It's pretty cute but I do miss Frato


Mia looked at her


Mia Evans

So how is it dating my brother?


Holly Petal

It's so much fun. He is so cute and adorable and we just click.


Mia looked at the ceiling and sighed


Mia Evans

I swear if you were to tell the old Jasente that he would never believe you


Holly looked at Mia with concern


Holly Petal

I know Frato had a hard time growing up but was it really that bad


Mia Evans


Dave really made it hard for him.

Jasente used to be so carefree.


Holly sat down off the couch criss-cross applesauce and put her arms on her cheeks and elbows on her knees.


Holly Petal

Can you tell me more about the old Frato?


Mia Evans
