
Jar of Fireflies


wayzlnut · Fantasy
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29 Chs

Regain, Forget

Mika is waiting sneakily outside the door of fae's house near the mailbox very early in the morning, a few minutes early than the arrival of the mailman. "Sire! Do you have any mail again today? How come I haven't received any mail yesterday? I told you there's nobody living inside this house, and you must always hand me the mail at my house at curve 3. Am I not giving you enough tokens? " Mika told the postman. " I don't have something for yesterday madam, however, I am sorry but you have to return all of the letters I handed over, please, someone complained this morning that their letters did not deliver. I will lose my job if you don't return it" Dylan was still in fae's house and he heard the commotion outside and peaked on the window and saw Mika talking to the postman. " Rubbish! How can I return them, I don't have them anymore. I threw them already. " Mika was angry and nervous at the same time. " Please, madam, do me a favor? Tell the post and tell them the situation. I won't have anything to provide for my family if I lose this job. " The postman begged her with teary eyes. " Enough, " Dylan went outside" I will tell them and cancel my dispute. I was the one who complained to them this morning. You can go now ahead and mail the rest of the letters. But please, do not do this again. You must confirm to the postal first before handing the letters to strangers" Dylan interrupted their conversation and relieved the postman. "Thank you, sir" The postman left.

"What's wrong with you Mika? You are not like this before? When did you learn to do this kind of thing? Can't you see what you are doing?" Dylan was disappointed with Mika. " It's not me who changed, Dylan. It's you! You are not like this before. Because of this girl, you don't have to spend time with us anymore. And it's like you try to avoid us. This is your fault. You didn't even send us a letter. " Mika was crying " Don't reverse the situation. You stole the letters and Fae never got a word from me. Don't you realize how that would feel?" Dylan was frustrated " I do! That is what I've been feeling ever since you left. You made me feel like crap. I hate that girl" Mika cried and run away.

Fae was standing before the door and heard them. Dylan walked in and almost bumped into Fae. Dylan startled a bit. Fae uttered some words. "Dylan, Let's not worry about the letters anymore. Since the time I saw you. The pain in my heart was relieved. And I felt better again. You are here, and that is what matters. My only regret is that I wish I had read them so that I would Imagine how you spend your time with your family. How is Kevin doing and also your parents and the other stories you want to tell me. It would be nice I read them when you're away. Can you just tell me the words of the letters you wrote to me?" Fae happily told Dylan. " Sure, I will while you eat your breakfast and go back to bed and have a rest. You have to gain your energy so we can go to our place where we can escape, I haven't been there for a long time." Dylan winked.

"Help! Help us!" Fae dreamt again. She was struggling then opened her eyes. I had this strange dream again about some creatures they are crying for help. It keeps bugging me in my dreams lately. I got up and helped Dylan pack somethings to bring since we are planning to go to the garden. I haven't been there for 3 months since Dylan haunted me when he was away. But now, I am ready to go there again.

The doorbell dinged, "Come in, Come in. Oh, nice slippers Fae." Anna said. She noticed Fae wearing something on her feet. " Thank you," Fae said. After I got messed up, I tried to make myself better and started by wearing something on my feet to keep myself clean so that I could forget the messy days behind. I lost myself and changed a little but I am trying to regain myself. These slippers are to remind me that I should not be so attached to the earth. Although to the ground we are when we die, we should just live in it with all our heart but never be so attached to it, everything is temporary in this world and we should let it be. . These slippers stands as the barrier between me and the earth. This mindset will help me forget to keep myself together when I lose something again in the future.

"You wear slippers now, that's good, but You don't need it anyway. You always had me carry you around. " Dylan said and Fae smiled. " Sheez, Not all the time you're there. Silly " Fae rolled her eyes. " Fae, I'm sorry. I promise I won't do that again. I'll always be by your side. Are you still mad? Dylan frowned and asked her. " No, Of course not at all. In fact, I am grateful. You made me realize a few things. " Fae said. " What is it? " Dylan Asked. " Nothing. Don't mind it. It's not that important." Fae said. " so this is how you get back at me? You're not telling me, hu? " Dylan shook his head.

"I didn't know you two will come today, I actually will go with my mother to do fishing later. Do you both want to come and join since you're here? Anna invited them. Dylan and Fae looked at each other. " Uhh, we just went here to keep up with you, and maybe some coffee?" Dylan said and Fae nodded. " That's so sweet. Yeah sure, come in. Actually I needed Granty Caly to have some sun. So we will bring her down to join us, and also my mom and grandma. "

"Dylan, My daughter liked you for a long time and she is not interested in any other man. She is not getting any younger too, so a partner even an acquaintance would be a nice step to move forward. But I know she is only fond of you. I am just saying this so that you are aware. And maybe you will think about being with her?" Mrs. Anita Weinberg, the mother of anna told Dylan." Our Anna, She is stubborn and has a foul mouth sometimes. " Mrs. Romelia said. "Grandma..." Anna interrupted. " But she is kindhearted and can cook delicious food and will be a great wife." Mrs. Romelia smilingly added. Anna sighed and Dylan smiled. Fae looked down on the ground. "I'm sorry. Mrs. Romelia and Mrs. Anita... but Anna... shes is dearly but she is just like a sister to me. I am sorry if I turn you down." Dylan answered. Fae looked at him. Anna stared at Dylan and rolled her eyes. " Y..y...y... you. H..hh..h..ave. t..t..t...o t..ake c..care of hherr.. " Mrs. Caly added and stuttered. Everyone was confused. " l..oo..c..ket.. ladd.y.." with shaky voice and hands, she added. " I think Mrs. Caly Is saying that you have to take care of Anna. See? Even Mrs. Caly agrees. " Mrs. Anita said. " Okay mom, we need to head out and catch some fish. " Anna with high spirits cut the conversation after drinking the coffee. " Dylan, help me bring up Granty Caly. " Anna told Dylan. " Sure" Dylan answered but he caught the words in his mind what Mrs Caly said and kept thinking about it. " Locket Lady?" Dylan said to himself.

"Anna, I have to pick up my backpack in your back. I keep on forgetting my staff in your backlot. I just remembered I have some important stuff in there. " Dylan said to anna. " Seriously, Dylan? It's been months since you were here. What stuff is in there anyway? " Anna added. " I have survival stuff in there. It would be handy in the future. " Dylan said. " You're so weird, and funny Dyl. Why would you bring those in my garden? Our backlot isn't that dangerous. It is mazy but I don't think there will be a time that you need to survive in there. Sheez. " Anna said. " Well you know, just in case something happens. Better be safe than sorry. " Dylan added. " Ok. Good luck finding that thing. I hope it's still there. I'll go out with my mom okay? you know what to do.

Fae and Dylan raced to the garden and ran excitedly towards the dial. Fae used her locket and the code. And one magical moment they are inside the Hidden Garden again. Fae was struck again by the beauty of the hidden garden that was almost forgotten. She was in awe. " Woahh, I almost forgot how amazing this garden is. My eyes could gaze all day. " Fae was amazed again. " Stay here I'll pick up my backpack. " Dylan hurriedly ran to the tree where he hangs his bag. He looked inside and saw the Jar of Et Fireflies He caught Months ago. The ET Fireflies were like crying for help. " Wh.. They are still alive? How many days do these creatures survive without any food? They are truly magical. " He ran and grabbed some fruit shreds and fed them inside the jar. He put it inside his back went back to Fae.

It was dark. They sat again on their favorite spot on the mattress-like field. They watched the dancing colors in the sky. " Your wife will be so lucky Dylan. You have the ability to make someone so happy without doing anything. Your kind words can ease someone whose heart is a rage. Your charm can calm the scheming eyes. And when you do things, it makes you perfect in my eyes. Your love is most precious. " Fae emotionally told Dylan. " Silly girl. Who could possibly my wife be, if not the person beside me? Dylan held her hand and Fae smiled. "Uh. I just realize that today. Someday you'll get married, and when I thought about that I become too sad, what if it isn't going to be me? " Fae was worried. "Hey, what's up? Here eat this, maybe you're just hungry... I'm yours all the way... My love doesn't flicker just like the city lights. I can remind you of that all the time if you're bothered. Promise me you will tell me everything. " Dylan said. " Can you promise not to take away and tell anyone about this garden? I don't want to lose you. I don't want you to be happy with someone in this garden. Especially Anna... I don't want Anna to know. She already has everything a man could ask for and compared to me I have nothing to offer, this garden is all I have which is partially hers since it's located in her lot. I can't afford to lose you... again..." Dylan grabbed her other hand and kissed her. " Then marry me.. " Dylan said. Fae admired her even more.